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The Storm Gathers

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posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

Hey Jay, I have a question.... I was just starting my trucking career when the Native Americans had their BIG protests over the Cigarette takes in the mid 90's with threats to destroy the high tension power lines crossing their land and into the rest of the state. They were also threatening to shut down of I-90 between the PA line and up toward Buffalo. All over cigarette taxes which would look trivial by today's standards of normal. I can't forget the level of power they showed they COULD wield, if they chose to as a people.

Where are they coming down on all this? The media never even mentions the Tribes up there? Are they silent for the Casino money and desire to keep that flowing without rocking the boat.....or are they as pissed as everyone else?

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Too funny you ask this question. Here is a recent article from the local news. Sorry video clip watch the volume.

This is gonna be huge, seems old Andy just can't keep from pissing people off these days, I really don't understand who he thinks he is. I was debating on starting a thread about it to bring it to the attention of the community here as breaking a treaty seems to be the happening thing in this state at least.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Yeah, I get the feeling this is what February 1861 felt like - or maybe late 1860.

I hope we're wrong, too - the very end of the "Gimme Shelter" video had a big fat placard that said "give peace a chance". I hope they will, but I fear they won't. everything is getting too polarized, and tense. I hear things from people now that I never thought I'd hear from them. Understand that I've always run with a fairly radical crowd, way further to the right than is healthy. I'm just to the right of Atilla the Hun. I know that, and I compensate and make allowances for it. The scary thing to me is I'm hearing a lot more people agree with me, and it's people I never would have suspected. Insisting that the government respect your rights is not a left or right thing... we can both find common ground on that issue.

It's neither the right nor the left that are the danger here. Neither of us is egging this on or hoping for it. oddly, the danger is coming from the center in a way - the center as in too much power is getting centralized and concentrated away from Both sides of the political divide, paradoxically enough forcing us both onto the same side against the statists and the globalists, the people who are taking our power for themselves, and along with that our rights.

This is shaping up to be a wild ride unless someone backs down, and we can't, because they've already got us backed up to the cliff - there's no more backing away possible.

Even my own mother, who is in her seventies, is just about ready to go to war. Ready or not, she feels it coming.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Spookycolt

If both sides cite it, then it must have decided something. I'll leave it to you to determine for yourself what it decided, since I'm sure you are capable of reading, too.

It certainly decided something for Layton. Not so much for Miller, since he died of some gruesome lead poisoning before the decision was handed down.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

It's really more than just a matter of know-how. Even if the urban people knew how to make their bread or where to get the ingredients, they don't have the space for it. There just isn't enough arable land in an urban environment to grow the stuff needed to feed the people there.

They are dependent upon the rural folks, probably a lot more than they realize, and certainly too much to be attempting to dictate terms to them. Urban populations are in a precarious position, specifically BECAUSE of their concentration and dependence on outside sources.

Their utilities and water can be cut off at will,and most don't even realize that. Everything they get, everything they need to live and maintain their lives, comes from somewhere else. It's a bad business to be pissing on the heads of the very people you depend upon. They'll get tired of it eventually. I think a lot of them don't even realize how vulnerable they are. Certainly the inner city folks are unaware of it. There are a lot of folks there who think that Uncle Sugar is always going to supply everything they need. Food stamps may be great, and Uncle Sugar may hand them out like candy at Christmas to buy votes, but what is anyone going to buy with them if there is nothing on the shelves to buy? What good is government assistance when there is nothing to draw on? You can eat the script, but there isn't much there and it isn't very filling.

A lot of folks ought to re-think this business of concentrating and centralizing everything. It creates way too many vulnerabilities, and far too many to be dictating to folks who aren't as vulnerable. The Federal government would be wise to look into the dangers of centralizing, but they won't. Their stock in trade is the centralization of power, and that is just as vulnerable to the pitfalls of centralization as anything else is.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

Thanks! It's good to get a confirmation from the trenches that I'm reading this right!

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

That Dodge commercial that ran during the Super Bowl comes to mind. But to many city folk just don't get it, do they?

They think anyone who lives in the country is a hill-jack.

I hope that the storm does not come to pass, but if it does, the city folk will be it's first victims.
edit on 4-2-2013 by TDawgRex because: I need more coffee or a nap.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I'm from Detroit. What strict gun control laws? I took an eight hour class to get my CPL (Concealed Pistol License), and Michigan is an open carry state (kinda,no law for no law against). I bought five new firearms in the last month.

I bought my guns legally because I wanted to have "actual value" and not worry about problems down the road. Every gun I have I could have bought at half the price off the street.

Our police station closes five o'clock and some areas will not send EMS (yes I have been told to meet them at X location for assistance). Gangs are in control of large portions of the city, not the government.

OT - I had decided to sell everything. I was talked out of it by a family member. I have no faith in our society, but I do have a resposibility to my family.

Keep your powder dry and your heads on a swivel boys. It has the potential to get ugly fast.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by 200Plus

I've never in my life heard of a police station that closes. That's wild.

I am semi-familiar with MI laws, I know that MI residents can get a CCW, just like in all the other cities I listed, though Chicago is a toughie. But it is possible.

Stay safe and keep your loved ones close and safe as well.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

When I was in the city, there was a study done on school kids, and it was discovered that they thought steak came from a grocery store - not just that you bought it there, but that it originated there. They had no idea what a cow was, or what you do with one. They didn't have to, though - there was a farmer somewhere fixing that problem for them, and making sure they still had their steak... and corn... and beans... and tomatoes, - and a lot of other stuff. They ate, and didn't have to worry about all the gruesome details of where it all came from - it came from the grocery store!

Now, personally, I AM a hillbilly - and not a particularly bright one. There are people out here who can think rings around me when it comes to innovation and getting things done... or undone. I'm a hillbilly, a redneck, a hick, and all the other uncharitable epithets that sophisticated urban progressives want to heap on me. Guilty as charged - that's me.

But you know what? They STILL wouldn't win a war of wits, and I'm just average out here in the sticks. I can guarantee they won't win a war of attrition. Better for everyone if they just keep their progressive notions confined within their city walls, and leave us hicks alone to do what we do best. What they think is great there isn't going to fly out here at all.

Everybody gets to eat and live their lives as they see fit, all the way to old age that way.

Any farm boy that can blow a stump out of the ground can bring a bridge feeding a city down too.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by nenothtu

Your assuming that the second amendment prevents regulation of firearms.

It does not, just that they cannot all be taken away.

"The right to bear arms" is quite different then "The right to bear any and all arms."

Any you are quite wrong. The 2nd Am does not grant anything at all. It is a restriction on the government that they have NO authority what so ever to infringe ("to transgress", "to violate", "to encroach upon") THE right to keep & bear arms. The 2A explicitly states the gov cannot regulate arms, period.

The Founders were adamant that the people maintain the ability to fight a tyrannical government. If the gov had arms far superior to the people, they wouldn't stand much of a chance. The gun control acts of 1934, 1698, etc are all unconstitutional, but they are 'law' because the collectivists felt they were 'reasonable' & the people caved in.

Private citizens had in their possession field artillery (cannons), mass stores of arms, powder, etc. Private citizens, particularly in Penn had arms (rifled muskets aka The Pennsylvania Long Rifle) superior to what the British army was fielding (smooth bore muskets) with double to triple the effective range. These arms made a significant difference in the Revolutionary War (see Timothy Murphy for just 1 example).

Cannons were quite expensive so towns typically taxed themselves to purchase these if there wasn't someone wealthy enough to purchase them on their own. They were often kept by the town militia's CO, or whoever had room for them (see Col Barret who kept 2 re-purposed ship cannons in his mill).

I'd suggest you read some history & the Founders' own writings before you spout on about something you apparently know nothing about.

My apologies for the personal nature of this reply, but it is infuriating that people feel free to offer their opinions, but feel no obligation to educate themselves about the issues before doing so.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

STOP! You're making me homesick. And I haven't been home in decades.

I'm sure you have read various threads and posts here where you can confirm the ignorance of city folk when it comes to how they get their goods.

The " I work on the top floor and make big money" type of posts. What good are rednecks, hillbillies, etc, type of posts. (Many think that we are racists because we like to live in the country)

They just don't know. And they probably would not even care to find out that there are others who live a different lifestyle.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 09:57 AM
your OP poses the question

...If you keep those 117 million under control and happy, who'se left to whip the countryside into shape? If you instead send troops to whip the countryside into shape, whose left to control just those 20 cities? ...


thats the reason to build out the Drone fleets... sources estimate that the initial Drone Programe (a'la SkyNet of terminator fame) here in the 'homeland will start with just 30,000 UAVs equipped with face recognition and other surveilllance functions... a killer/assassination drone will be dispatched by authorized DHS personnel

besides... the scarcity of resources and nourishment will make neighbors into spies and snitches... that will cover the inadequacies a future american gestapo might have in deploying agents/resources to both city & rural environments.... thus having ALL bases covered !

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by mal1970

Speaking of privately owned cannons, the "hicks" on Boonesboro built their own out of a hollow log, reinforced with iron bands. Blasted thing blew up on them, because they over-loaded it for a wooden cannon, BUT it got the attention of their opponents!

Never underestimate the ingenuity of a man you've backed into a corner. We have PVC and potassium chlorate - or a few other things that will answer for it - these days to reach out, reach out and touch someone. Cannon balls have been replace with rocket motors, but the idea is the same.

Technology - gotta love it, but never worship it!

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Been awhile since I read up on it but I believe it didn't solve anything because the defense never showed up to argue it. I believe the Court just offered up their opinion so no precedent was set.

Might read through it again today.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by nenothtu

STOP! You're making me homesick. And I haven't been home in decades.

I'm sure you have read various threads and posts here where you can confirm the ignorance of city folk when it comes to how they get their goods.

The " I work on the top floor and make big money" type of posts. What good are rednecks, hillbillies, etc, type of posts. (Many think that we are racists because we like to live in the country)

They just don't know. And they probably would not even care to find out that there are others who live a different lifestyle.

Well, I'm fine with those types - their opinion of me has never mattered much, and I can't say that I much care how they run their cities, either. I'm a live and let live kind of guy, as long as they let me do the same. The problem is, they seem to think they know what is best for ME, because they think it's best for THEM. When push comes to shove, they can sit on that top floor and eat those greenbacks if they can't leave us alone to live our lives and raise their cows.

They'll quickly find it takes a lot of those dollars to fill a stomach when you have to put them all in a bowl and pour on some ranch dressing.

No, wait - ranch dressing has country by-products in it, too. They'd better learn to eat the greenbacks raw if that's the tack they want to take.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by St Udio

I'll leave you to worry about the drones and all the other techie stuff. 30,000 is a lot of them. That means at least 30,000 guys with 30,000 joysticks to operate them, too. On top of that, there is refueling to consider, and maintenance and weaponry loadouts and such to consider, requiring 5-8 times the workforce of just the joystick pilots. That's a lot of people doing not much of anything but flying the friendly skies vicariously.

How much fuel do you suppose it would take to keep 30,000 of those beasts airborne? Where do you reckon it would come from, and how do you suppose it would get there?

There are vulnerabilities in everything, and all of those vulnerabilities run through... the countryside.

Another problem - they can't hit what they can't see. In order for facial recognition to work, it has to lock on to... a face! Think deeply on that before you throw in the towel without even giving a fuss. Fear is their main tool - if they can scare you into immobility, they win, without ever really doing a damned thing.

make 'em work up a sweat if they're going to take your rights away from you. Don't just hand them over with an "oh well!"

As for the collaborators, spies, and snitches, that's all been done before, and dealt with as well. 'Nuff said about that. They have to GET the food before they can use it to bribe anyone. Vercingetorix had a system that made life hard on the Romans in that regard.

There are vulnerabilities everywhere. Protect your own, exploit the opposition's.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Spookycolt

That's right - the defense lawyer never showed up, Miller was dead, and Layton took the fall. The Court handed down an opinion, however, and it HAS been used as precedent since then.

Pro-tip: register your sawed off shotguns if you're scared of the government... or just leave the sawed-off at home. Wouldn't want to get in legal trouble prosecuting a war, now would we? Assault rifles do a much better job for general use, anyhow, unless you're breaching a door or sweeping a room. The trick is to GET the assault rifles to begin with. Can't just go to a gun shop and pick one up on the way home from work. There's a whole lot of paperwork to go through to get one legally these days - they're class III. battlefield pickups are always a viable alternative. Every battlefield has them, and there's no paperwork involved... just grab-n-go.

An even better idea - just skip the war and learn to leave people alone to live their lives! We all go home happy every night that way! DO what works for you, and let me figure out what works for me on my own. Added bonus: if you don't create a battlefield, there are no battlefield pickups for me!

In other words, if the gummint don't start no crap, ain't gonna BE no crap! All they have to do is back the hell down and remember who they work for, and what their jobs are. Leave my rights alone, and I'll leave their assault rifles alone.

edit on 2013/2/4 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 11:08 AM
IMO The gun grab has nothing to do with mass shootings it is a ploy or our politicians are not endowed with much sense. As I see it the criminals are criminals because, they do not follow laws- correct?
So logical thought would lead one to deduce that more laws will not hinder criminals- correct?
7 rounds instead of ten only equals seven dead instead of ten- completely illogical thinking- unless this is not about criminals, this is not about prevention this my friends is about law abiding, free thinking, patriotic Americans that's the guns they want and that should scare the heck out of everyone city folk, country folk, soldiers, men, and women.

Our freedoms have been slowly removed look around this is the last of them.Will you let go of the last right you have the right to defend your family, property, and towns.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by byGRACE

I'm fine with city folks deciding they don't mind being eaten by gangsters. After all, it's their city, they can run it as they see fit, I am NOT ok with them taking the ability to make that decision for myself away from me, when I live in a whole different set of circumstances.

What works for them is not going to work for me.

edit on 2013/2/4 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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