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New World Order Exposed by Australian Politician in Parliament.

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posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Darkphoenix77

Originally posted by chrome413
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

I don't see how you could possibly read what I wrote and come to your conclusion. I think you may not even be reading them. Being blinded by your own preconceived notions. Open your mind and Deny Ignorance.

I read what you wrote I just think it is complete BS.

You want my solution to overpopulation? Put money into space exploration, we could also develop parts of the world that are underdeveloped and/or untouched. If the population becomes too large I have no fear that mother nature will take care of the problem for us.

Placing a forced limit on human reproduction is immoral and unfeasible. I think anyone that desires control over others should be dragged into the street and beat senseless personally. It is not your place nor mine nor anyone elses to impose limits. That is where common sense should come into play, people who try and enforce a mandate have none and people that become baby making factories having a dozen kids they can't care for have none either. But that is their problem......not mine.

I think it is the reptillians that want population control more so than humans. I have read from 66% to 95%. The georgia guidestones talks about this. Personally I like population control but not the surrpetitious type were the ptb murder folks with untreatable diseases, starvation, freak weather generated storms, man-made earthquakes disguised as natural phenomena, nuclear pollution from radioactive waste such as powerplant meltdowns or nuke testings underground, etc.

if we are going to have population control it should be via incentives and out in the open. It should not be sudden and draconian either. For example the less children you have then the less taxes you pay, rather than the reverse of that we have today. People despise backstabbing more than anything else. I give props to china for having plans and sticking to them come rain or shine in the open. The western governments are run by banker scums who plot in dark rooms after cocktail parties. Big difference! One breeds trust while the other breeds hate.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 01:05 AM

I think it is the reptillians that want population control more so than humans. I have read from 66% to 95%. The georgia guidestones talks about this. Personally I like population control but not the surrpetitious type were
the ptb murder folks with untreatable diseases,

proof of this happening is where?


I guess you mean on purpose, and if so, once again, can you show proof of this please?

freak weather generated storms, man-made earthquakes disguised as natural phenomena,

and again

nuclear pollution from radioactive waste such as powerplant meltdowns or nuke testings underground, etc.

again, are you saying this is set up on purpose?

People despise backstabbing more than anything else.

probably almost as much as people inflating a situation with no real, substantial proof

The western governments are run by banker scums who plot in dark rooms after cocktail parties.

so many on here make these types of claims but are pretty thin on evidence

Big difference! One breeds trust while the other breeds hate.

so are you talking about trust of people on here who make claims but haven't shown the proof?

and please, don't play the "there's plenty if you look" card. If that's true can you list the proof of your accusations please.I would like once and for all for somebody to put up so that it is all out in the open what these invisible power brokers are actually doing
edit on 9-2-2013 by greatfriendbadfoe because: spelling

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:01 AM
She was horribly boring and not easy to follow. It's not that I have a short attention span or must be entertained constantly, but she really is not a captivating or engaging speaker AT ALL. She should probably work on that if she wants people to get her message..

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:03 AM
Good Speech from Ann which contains some salient points of view on which we need to be vigilant to ensure our World does not become Orwellian.
Global warming is an example where the views of a small but influencial group have hijacked our way of life in Australia by introducing a Carbon Tax that has weakened our Economy and actually reduced Government expenditure on the Environment (due to deficit reduction).
My concerns with Anne's point of view is that she doesn't offer any alternatives to the current situation so in reality is part of the problem that we must overcome. That being criticism without solution will divide the community and not lead to any positive change.
I would also like to point out to ATS readers that "In August 2006, she announced a proposed bill to State Parliament (not Federal) which, if passed, would enforce random twice-annual drug tests of every South Australian school student from year 8 to year 12". Sounds very Orwellian to me.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:24 AM
I was assaulted and arrested by the Western Australian Police Force by a corrupt officer, iam now facing a mandatory jail term for assault, something I will be pleading not guilty to, as I never laid a hand on him. The reason I was arrested was for mentioning AGENDA 21. . If it was already easy for Police to get away with unwarranted and unjust treatment of citizens – in particular violent handling of people – it’s about to become even easier. If you consider the recently introduced law of instant six month jail term for assaulting a cop, it’s a powerful deterrent from even attempting to defend yourself from Police violence. In effect they can treat you however they want to, and unless you have a friend there with a camcorder recording the incident, you dare not fight back or defend yourself unless you’re prepared to go to jail for the privilege. The reality is that we are losing our basic rights to liberty and justice at an alarming rate, and for doubters out there I’ve got three words for you; Kennedy Royal Commission. No one can stop corruption, and no commission or inquiry will ever end it. So what can we do? Not much I’m afraid! I liken dodgy Police to illegal methylamphetimine labs – you get rid of one, and there’s always another to take its place. You’ll never eliminate them.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:30 AM
The innocent have nothing to fear.....

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by DrFeelgoodXXX
The innocent have nothing to fear.....
Iam innocent, I just hope that the corrupt testimony of these officers is exposed. I already have found holes in their stories, and they have made numerous mistakes in their paperwork, including differing times and dates as to when I was arrested. Surely this is ample to have it dismissed.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
Agenda 21 is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to impose a global centrally planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations. Under Agenda 21 all central government and local authority signatories are required to conform strictly to a common prescribed standard and hence this is just communism resurrected in a new guise. Now that Agenda 21 has gained a stranglehold on global regulatory and planning processes Maurice Strong and his Club of Rome colleagues have moved on to the next phase of the Global Green Agenda.

Kewl. Kinda like the Star Trek version of Earth?

OK, I'll go along with it, but I want an Orion slave girl or I'll take it out of the Federat... I mean... the United Nations' collective hide. You'll be sorry when my band of merry genetically-enhanced supermen... meh, forget it.

We'll end up under a United Earth government sooner or later, but I don't trust ANY ONE of these scum in power who are trying to set the wheels into motion now. They do NOT have their constituents' best interests at heart. Not the sort of folks you want leading us into a brave new future. In fact, we should be embarrassed if they do.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by greatfriendbadfoe

First of all ATS is not a court of law and second what kind of "proof" are you looking for? How much "proof" do you need to see the obvious...hidden in plain sight? There is tons of circumstantial evidence floating on the internet but why should I bother giving it to you? Just so you can deny it and ask for more?

You are not fooling anyone with such boring replies!

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Yeah, I guess you're right. My replies are boring. I have asked for definite proof instead of playing in your sandbox of hysteria and panic. I guess asking for truth and proof is boring compared to outlandish claims. so at the risk of being boring, where is your bl00dy proof scare monger?

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:06 AM
In hindsight I am tad confused with the purpose of the thread. Was it posted to be pro or anti the Agenda 21?
There have already been plenty of posters in the thread being pro by agreeing with population reduction.
One wonders what the agenda of these posters is? Surely nothing good could come from this kind of agenda.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by omega man

Originally posted by DrFeelgoodXXX
The innocent have nothing to fear.....
Iam innocent, I just hope that the corrupt testimony of these officers is exposed. I already have found holes in their stories, and they have made numerous mistakes in their paperwork, including differing times and dates as to when I was arrested. Surely this is ample to have it dismissed.

do not tell them about their inconsistency till the due court date.

I had a police officer muck up my rego number and he wondered why I was taking it to court. He come to my house and asked me why. then asked for the infringement notice and corrected it, then I looked like a idiot in court.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:48 AM

... also getting Senator Scott Ludlam...

In regards to the vid in the OP, if this politician is on tour with Monkton then she IS part of the proble, not the solotion.

Sen Scotty fully supported our Monkton protest. But this site is global, not local. Nobody knows or cares.

Alysha for Willeton!!

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by omega man
I was assaulted and arrested by the Western Australian Police Force by a corrupt officer, iam now facing a mandatory jail term for assault, something I will be pleading not guilty to, as I never laid a hand on him. The reason I was arrested was for mentioning AGENDA 21. . If it was already easy for Police to get away with unwarranted and unjust treatment of citizens – in particular violent handling of people – it’s about to become even easier. If you consider the recently introduced law of instant six month jail term for assaulting a cop, it’s a powerful deterrent from even attempting to defend yourself from Police violence. In effect they can treat you however they want to, and unless you have a friend there with a camcorder recording the incident, you dare not fight back or defend yourself unless you’re prepared to go to jail for the privilege. The reality is that we are losing our basic rights to liberty and justice at an alarming rate, and for doubters out there I’ve got three words for you; Kennedy Royal Commission. No one can stop corruption, and no commission or inquiry will ever end it. So what can we do? Not much I’m afraid! I liken dodgy Police to illegal methylamphetimine labs – you get rid of one, and there’s always another to take its place. You’ll never eliminate them.

LOL you. Harden up princess.

Ive been fighting WAPOL for too fkn long, wont gloat or mention anything that will ID me, but seriously if your concerned about mandatory sentencing then do something about it--we have an election in March...

we also have a court system ill-incline to follow any legaslative directorate on sentencing, maybe they didnt teach you that in law school??

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:09 AM
This ever increasingly damaged planet of ours we call home at least whilst we are still breathing has a massive problem that both impacts and is impacted by everything and that is its ability to sustain an ever increasing population! The planet cannot cope now with a population of 7B so how the hell is it ever going to cope with 10 or 14B? Its not and will never be able to sustain such numbers!!! When the planets population was 3B that was enough but as the population has increased the threat to our and the planets survival has and will continue to increase due to numerous factors.

If you put the same number of rats in a shrinking cage what happens!!

Something has to be done and the COR etc have no doubt about this! Do you!

edit on 10-2-2013 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 08:59 AM
HOUSEHOLDS across Perth will soon be drinking recycled waste water.

WA will be the first state to drink recycled water when up to 35 billion litres of treated sewage is pumped into our underground supply each year under a plan to be ticked off by the Barnett Government.

The Sunday Times can reveal the Water Corporation will recommend within weeks that treated waste from showers, washing machines and toilets be re-used to drought-proof the state.

Treated sewage has been quietly injected into Perth's aquifers during a trial that ended in December. WaterCorp will advise the Government the testing was a success with just one emergency shutdown.

However, the state Government will refuse West Australians a say in the proposal, after a public revolt stopped a similar plan in Queensland.WaterCorp manager for water source planning Nick Turner said a large-scale project could be up and running within two years that could help drought-proof the state.

The authority's recommendation will come as part of a final report into a three-year trial in which about 2.5 billion litres of wastewater from a Craigie treatment plant was treated to Australian drinking standards and then injected into an isolated aquifer in Leederville.

Despite the trial finishing in December, the plant has continued to recharge the aquifer with treated sewage.

Under the Water Corporation plan, the same technology would be used to treat 25 per cent of wastewater from the Beenyup Wastewater Treatment plant that would then be injected into the aquifer and eventually end up in Perth homes.
Currently, water from Beenyup is discharged into the ocean.

"The results are all good, we've demonstrated that it's sustainable, that we can operate it, the regulations are in place and the public are supportive," Mr Turner said.

"We do not anticipate needing to do any more trialling.

"Our recommendation will be to proceed with expansion, but it's their call."

WaterCorp has previously said recycled water could supply 35 billion litres a year, enough for 140,000 households.
In comparison, the Kwinana desalination plant produces about 45 billion litres a year.

Mr Turner said the report was yet to receive input from the Health Department and Department of Environment and Conservation, but it was expected to be ready to go to the Government within weeks.

He said there could be no 100 per cent guarantee, but he said the plant was designed to shut off immediately if water purity was compromised.

A statement released by the corporation on March 30 last year revealed water that did not meet drinking standards was recharged into the aquifer during a "minor hiccup".

The statement said 300kL of water with a pH value of between 8.5 and 9 was allowed through, despite a guideline for the trial of 8.5.

Citizens Against Drinking Sewage spokeswoman Rosemary Morley, who successfully lobbied against a plan to introduce treated water into dams in the Queensland town of Toowoomba in 2006, said there were no guarantees.

But Ms Morley said the WA plan was different to one voted down in Queensland by a

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:16 PM
Hi guys, have just been messaging Ann Bressington who exposed AGENDA 21 who you promoted the video of, on this site. I told her I had a video interview with Senator Scott Ludlam of the Australian Greens Party. During the interview he made several admissions they are as follows.

1. He supports Anonymous, and owns a mask.
2. He supports Julian Assange and Wickileaks.
3. Acknowledges that the Genocide of Australian Aboriginals is still happening under Labour.
4. Talks about Agenda 21.
5. Acknowledges TRAPWIRE.
6. Acknowledges HAARP.
7. Admits that the Greens and Labour are working to hand over our Australian Sovereignty to a foreign
UN Government Power.

Beneath is the transcript I had with Ann Bressington, who does not seem to want to act on these admissions. Can you give this video a bump so we can get it out to the Australian Public.



Mavendetta Firstmonkey
Can I ask you a question that is worrying me Ann?

Ann Bressington
Of course

Mavendetta Firstmonkey
Iam not sure if you are aware that the Western Australia Chemtrail Protest Group had officers from the State Security Investigation Group.(videos on youtube) The reference to Falun Gong was disconcerting. The question I pose, after reading the constitutional changes to the Oath of Allegiance by removing the crown and inserting state.(Both links are on your wall) Is the OPPT a UN Py-OP intended to ensnare the truth movement? They know we cannot be stopped and our numbers will continue to grow, so by people exiting the system via courtesy notices, be a ploy to tear up the Australian Constitution and implement a Global UN Charter? Additionally what can you tell me about the SSIG with regards to their powers, can you provide me with a link? Thanks Ann.

Ann Bressington
Well first of all OPPT does not appear to be a trap to me. Some quite recent developments have occurred and the end of this system seems to be almost upon us. This is not about "one world government" by any stretch - exact opposite in fact. they are using the term NEW WORLD ORDER because they refer to the structure that has been in place as the OLD WORLD ORDER - slavery system. CN's are being distributed to the heads of government departments, heads of police departments and are being used as an educational tool along with another document explaining what it all means. Many have been received with very positive attitudes. The truth is that a lot of hierarchy KNOW what has happened. Indonesian royal family who holds 90% fo world's wealth have agreed to enforce arrest warrants issued and release wealth being held to create bridging money to tide us over for final trust access. I am not sure what SSIG is?

Mavendetta Firstmonkey
State Security Investigation Group

Ann Bressington
I know nothing of them.
quite frankly none of this worries me anymore MF. I am speaking personally and not as an MP but I do have a good feeling about this and have been cautious along the way.
have you been following OPPT?
If you get time have a listen to this.

Mavendetta Firstmonkey
Its the Old World Order coming back in, I have alot of information on the LI Family as well. When and what awakened your mind? I note that you stated in your video that you heard of Agenda 21 back in 2008. Why so long to join the Movement? We have to ask these questions Ann, its nothing personal. I have looked into it, but my intuition is guiding my judgment. Further more do you think you could raise the admissions Senator Scott Ludlam made when I interviewed him back in January, maybe you can expose him in question time. He made many admissions, suprised he gave the interview. The main one that he makes is that the Greens and Labour are working towards handing over our sovereignty to a foreign power. I have him on video. That is an admission of Treason. Can you bring this up in the Legislative Assembly? SSIG are a division of the secret police monitoring domestic terrorism.

Ann Bressington
First MF it did not take me "this long" to put it altogether. I was talking about Agenda 21 in parliament hoping it would get picked up by livestream media. Not a murmur. I am a firm believer in "timing" and when I made my speech the Time WAS RIGHT. I had been having meetings with farmers for a long time trying to get them to understand what was driving the environmental movement and the laws being implemented that was driving them off their farms. I was doing my best to expose this for a long time without any cooperation from lamestream media. I got a few interviews on our local radio station and then it got too hot to handle. The # that has reigned down on me since that speech has been unbelievable, but I have laughed it off and kept it up. Had to close my FB page because it was hacked. Media has hammered me in SA as a conspiracy theorist blah blah. I am not in the legislative Assembly - I am an Independent in the Legislative Council for South Australia - no jurisdiction over federal politics. I don't mind being asked questions to clear things up. I do not agree that it is the old world order coming back in probos martials have been instructed to bring in powers that were. It is NOT THE LI family it is the SINO family of Indonesia - oldest dynasty of Indonesia.

Mavendetta Firstmonkey
MF you have not answered the question I asked. I have an admission from a Senator that they are handing over our sovereignty to a foreign power, will you raise the issue within your circles. Tavistock trained responses to your opportunity to expose this, will silence them. Its an admission of Treason that will expose the truth. I will send you documents through TOR to verify that the LI family received trillions of dollars, signed by George W Bush just before leaving office in 2008 during the bank bailouts.

Ann Bressington
I will be more than happy to raise any issues in my circles if I get the documents you speak of. MF I was not dodging a question I thought you were confused with where I was and in what capacity. I do not dispute the trillions that the LI family got from GWB I was talking about SWISSINDO and the deal that has apparently been struck

Mavendetta Firstmonkey
You raise the admission from Ludlam and you get them and much more.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:32 AM
A question to the Right wing Libertarians in Australia! Do you support population reduction or oppose it?
Once i have a simple answer to this question i will be able to understand this thread and present I am tad confused who supports or opposes what?

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Murgatroid

Indeed, I bury my head in the sand by visiting ATS.

Then stop visiting ATS.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by omega man
Hi guys, have just been messaging Ann Bressington who exposed AGENDA 21 who you promoted the video of, on this site. I told her I had a video interview with Senator Scott Ludlam of the Australian Greens Party. During the interview he made several admissions they are as follows.

1. He supports Anonymous, and owns a mask.

Oh fu**. Anonymous IS the NWO's weapon. They are its weapon to destroy current order (governments) with a new order (arnacho-primitivism). Sorry mate. It was a nice find nevertheless... But I think the NWO intended us to stumble on this. Which means it's a disinformation tactic.

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