What the heck is going on with the Navy lately? They are looking at possibly over $1B in unscheduled repairs due to mishaps and accidents, and $850M
of that is for four ships. I know the Navy has accidents, just like the Air Force and every other service. The only thing with Navy accidents is
that they tend to cost a lot more to fix them.
The biggest was the fire aboard the USS Miami. That's potentially $450M in repairs.
There's another huge bill for the USS Porter, damaged in a collision in the Gulf. They paid $2M for cosmetic repairs to a foreign shipyard, but it
still faces up to $125M for complete repairs.
USS Montpelier was damaged in a collision with the USS San Jacinto, and faces at least $41M in repairs, with another $10M to the San Jacinto.
USS Essex was damaged in a collision with the oiler Yukon.
USS Kearsarge, $10M for a new rudder.
USS Jacksonville surfaced under a merchant ship in the Arabian Gulf and destroyed her periscope.
Sort of scheduled repairs that have gone over or were moved up:
USS Eisenhower is undergoing an emergency resurfacing of the flight deck, and her redeployment pushes a scheduled year long drydock overhaul back.
USS Nimitz is unavailable for deployment due to a faulty reactor pump.
USS Roosevelt needed $128M in supplemental work, pushing her redelivery from last December until June 2013, with that being in jeopardy.
The big thing with all these repairs is that there's no budget for them. They've having to take money from wherever they can get it to pay for the
repairs, or go hat in hand to Congress and ask for more money for them.
USN Mishaps and