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Apples Planned Obsolescence

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posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Merinda
Wait, at some point your apps will update and then you can not use them anymore? Cant you just use the last OS and the last version of the app that works for you?

But yeah I dont get the point of using apple. If you look at things like the iMac, yeah they are stylish, but you have no costumisation, so you buy a machine that is way more powerfull than what you need, or not powerful enough. It would be luck if you spend all that money in a way that is just right for you. And if you want customisation with a power mac you pay through the nose for it.

But its easy. Instead of configuring all the right machines for the arts department and setting them up, you just buy an Imac and put it on the desk. Its not your money anyway, its the shareholders.
edit on 7-2-2013 by Merinda because: (no reason given)

Macs are for people who don't want or need customisation. Those that DO need customisation and powerful machines but use Macs anyway are a certified pain in my arse. I work in the film industry and just about all postproduction is done on Macs. Film industry types are the worst for being Apple Fanbois - off screen and on. I refused to use a Mac and discovered to my horror that I couldn't download and view rushes because they are invariably spat out in AIC - the Apple Intermediate Codec.

AIC is another way that Apple tries to box you in and force you to work within their ecosystem. Can't view or work with AIC-encoded media unless you're on a Mac with the codec installed. Screw Apple. I rough cut on a Windows i7 machine with lots of RAM and lots of storage running Avid - thankfully Avid is the other industry standard. And I piss a lot of people off by insisting that the files they deliver to me are compatible with Avid for Windows, even if they are crunched on a Mac running Final Cut Pro. This adds an extra step to my Apple-addicted associates' respective workflows and some nights the cries and moans can be heard all over Sydney's Northern Suburbs.

I use iPhone 5, iPod 4G and iPad mini myself - iPhone is my um.. phone. iPod slots into a dock in my car and is therefore my audio system, and the iPad Mini is used for (textual) content creation on the go. It all started when I turned up at a production meeting with a very well known Australian producer/director and a very well known editor to talk turkey about a TV series. I pulled out my $99 Woolworths Android pre-paid phone to enter a contact and the other two literally laughed at me - I couldn't believe it. Next day I went and bought me an iPhone 4 - that an industry is so shallow that they will judge you on what phone you bring to a production meeting is laughable in itself, but hey, I need the money, so for the time being IOS it is - for "aesthetic" reasons. When I'm big and powerful enough in this industry, I'll laught at some scruffy writer who pulls out an iPhone 6 or whatever and do my bit to turn them all to Android or whatever - anything but Apple.
edit on 7-2-2013 by nottelling because: The word "s n i g g e r" was being autocorrected to "sn-word" so I changed it to "laughed" and all is now right with the world.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Sunglower

That's the way I feel most of the time on the computer. I have a Mac and a PC. Planned obsolescence happens in just about all electronics these days. Apple certainly is not alone.

I prefer my Mac, but it suits my needs as a user. I still use both. It's 5 years old, and still doing what I need it to do with the software updates. Never had a problem. Never loaded utilities, never had a virus, and never had to wipe my hard drive every so often. And, no pop ups.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by ibiubu


I have had my Dell with XP for about the same 5 years (a couple months longer). In that time I have never had a virus, never had to wipe it clean, i have no pop ups.....and i did it for at least half the price of a mac.

Typing on it now, i notice that the keys are worn shiney, and some of them have the characters worn off completely.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:18 AM
Microsoft, mad over the Corporate Keyed Windows XP that was bootlegged around the world.....crawled in bed with Phoenix Bios in 2003.

They created a BIOS system where they could disable hardware (the motherboard) by switching it off if they wanted. This was their plan to deal with the Windows XP Corporate Key leak that everyone around the world was using.

Why did HP out of the blue declare they were getting out of the PC Business? Somebody figured out why every HP laptop died after the warranty expired....

They were being SWITCHED OFF.

Buy yourself ALLLL the computers you can find that are PRE-2000. Those computers have locked BIOS's and will continue to work forever. The NEW Bios's have an operating system running in them now allowing someone to switch OFF your motherboard.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Pervius

I wouldnt hold much stock in that.

Corporate firewalls and such would make it difficult for a kill command to get in, let alone attack the bios.
And Windows XP was the most basic system to activate, with or without a key.

All you had to do was phone up, and tell them lightning struck your PC. You replaced your motherboard and your ram. They would hand over the activation key.
Why? XP activation worked in mac/serial codes on your hardware. If you changed enough hardware windows would flag it and ask for activation. a lightning strike can curropt hardware, and its enough for microsoft to give you a free pass.

Windows 7 is even easier. Google is your friend.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:52 AM
You need to complain to the App developer if the apps aren't being supported. I don't know what kind of apps you have but all of mine update regularly to be used with the latest iOS I'm currently running. Check for updates at the app store. or delete the app and reinstall. They should be in your purchased list in iTunes.

You should also be updating the ipad software to the latest apple iOS updates.

I don't fully understand your complaint. If the apps you bought were made for your original iPad and you've never updated any of them, then they should work.

Personally I'm very satisfied with my iPad. I got it for free, so I can't really complain. It runs better than my PC ever has, which costs much more. Depends on what your needs are I guess.

I don't feel the need to get the latest. I will buy another when this one dies.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 02:46 AM
Apple is a joke.

They fired Steve Jobs because they thought they would do fine without him, they ended up failing, and having to hire him back.

Now, they're running out of ideas again since his passing and need to resort to bonehead tactics like this to squeeze every penny from their customers they can get their greedy hands on, while holding tight to what little product they're capable of innovating.

Those pennies will go on to feed the slave children making their products though.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 04:37 AM


posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:30 AM
After reading some of the comments on Apple I had to reply, as one of those Apple fans.

I have used Apple since I was a kid in school, it's what our schools had. I don't download anything and I am not a gamer. I don't use any other programs or Apps. I pretty much just go online and read. The only thing I guess I download would be my pictures I edit and books I save in PDF format to read later.

I had a PC for a year and it drove me to insanity. I had to restore it 3 times due to problems I got. I only bought it because I was told my courses required a PC and wouldnt' run on Mac. I found out later this to be very untrue so I was stuck with a PC but it had all the programs I needed for school so I chose to use it. I wish I hadn't! That thing had so many problems and I didn't it find it very user friendly. Remember I have always used Mac so to me the PC was foreign. After about 6 months the battery died, never got a new one like promised with my warranty. Another 7 months later while overseas in Italy the motherboard went. I had that computer about 13months and it never functioned properly for me. I had many melt downs in chat due to that laptop
. Oddly enough it was the only place i could get any help! (Thanks guys/gals) Anyway, I paid about $500 for the laptop and was told it was a good brand and model. Remember I don't know about PCs so to me I thought it was good. I don't dislike PC but it's not for me. I know it offers a lot more but in the end of me it comes to personal preference and what i use it for. A Mac is more beneficial to me. I have never had a program problem on any Mac I've had nor any of the various iPhones or iPods I have or have had. I have never had a tablet because I don't see spending that much money on something when I can get a computer (refurbished) for the same price. I don't look down on those who do buy them either, it's again personal preference.

My laptop is a refurbished 15in Macbook Pro, we paid half of what it would cost and it has worked just fine for almost 2yrs. I wanted a refurbished one because I have never had a problem with any used Mac I've had and they are a heck of a lot cheaper that way. I bought one new Mac yrs ago and it cost me almost $3000 bucks. It lasted 6yrs til it met a tile floor and even then it lasted another year til the screen was unreadable. If it didn't break I'd probably be on it right now with no software issues. I also have an original Bondi Blue front load Imac desktop. I have all the discs to restore it. Am I expecting to run current systems on it? Heck no! I can run Tiger on it and that is it. For me though it would serve it's purpose but i bought more for nostalgia.

I do know how Apple is with the whole "you must buy that here for it to work" scheme. Yes I am well aware of it but it doesn't bother me. So many other companies do similar things and I choose to deal with it since it's very minimal to me. I haven't used Apples service in all the years I have had them for a computer but with an iPhone I called them quite often with my 3g.

So to me it's just personal preference.

Do I think an item that is $1000 dollars should be in working order in 3 yrs? Yes of course I do, but times are changing and nothing lasts like it use to. Everything lasts a lot shorter than it use to not just your iPad that hasn't really been around all that long to begin with. Buy any kitchen appliances lately? They don't last much longer than your iPad now a days where back 20 yrs ago they'd last 20yrs or more. These companies know there will always be people ready to jump on the next useless item. They know that once it stops working the way you want you will just go buy a new one.

I like Apple and prefer Apple. I get a lot of crap for my love of Apple computers but for me they are what I need. I got the same crap for wanting a Wii over a Playstation or XBox, again it's all personal preference!

I think both computers offer a lot it just depends on the person who is using it and what they want and prefer.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Very logical and intelligent approach to the issue. I just hate the fact that I can drive around the streets in a car made in the 50's but now I am starting to not be able to use my Apple tablet made in 2010. Yet, my spouses android is still being supported and not a single app has stopped working, which it was purchased December 2010.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by violet
I don't fully understand your complaint. If the apps you bought were made for your original iPad and you've never updated any of them, then they should work.

Apps usually do not work like an application you would install on the computer (Usually, there are exceptions and those would have no issues). Part of the programming and framework resides in the app that is downloaded to your iPad. The other part of what makes the App work is that it connects to a server for the "remaining" code/programming/graphics, etc. Basically everything that is required for your application to work.

If the developer only supports the latest iOS, and they say updated code on the server that had unexpected results with the App they would need to deploy a fix to your iPad. If you cannot download the latest app because it is only compatible with iOS6, you are now SOL.

This started with the free apps, and I said oh well they were free even though I loved them. But now my paid apps are starting to go, that is not ok! I have lost apps I used for business and personal reasons and it is upsetting because I paid a lot of money for my iPad and on the apps.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

I have had my Dell with XP for about the same 5 years (a couple months longer). In that time I have never had a virus, never had to wipe it clean, i have no pop ups.....and i did it for at least half the price of a mac.

I have a decade old Toshiba with XP that still works...its slow and I don't use it anymore, but it can still do everything that I needed it to do when I bought it!

Email, Word, Excel, and Internet....

My Xbox is 6 years old and it is now streaming Netflix, HBO, and Hulu as well now I can search the internet on IE (Internet Explorer). When I purchased it, all I can do is play online content, download movies from xbox and download add-ons. I have never had any hardware changes or fixes either.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:57 AM
All I know is that my apple laptop does not support flash anymore. I can't update it because the flash only works with the newer mac OS. My laptop won't support the newer mac OS. My computer is a few years old macbook. I'm pissed. No more being able to watch any videos posted up here on ATS. SO now when I join a thread here unless there are pictures, I can only imagine what the posters are discussing about since I can't see the video. I can't even watch youtube now.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
After Windows XP I just quit giving a crap about updating anything. Maybe I'm just getting old, but planned obselscence isn't some far out conspiracy theory, it's a business model. I'll worry about updating my stuff when a gallon of gas becomes affordable again. The consumer market is strapped, utterly.

Enjoy leaving your system unprotected and riddled with malware due to not updating/upgrading software.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
All I know is that my apple laptop does not support flash anymore. I can't update it because the flash only works with the newer mac OS. My laptop won't support the newer mac OS. My computer is a few years old macbook. I'm pissed. No more being able to watch any videos posted up here on ATS. SO now when I join a thread here unless there are pictures, I can only imagine what the posters are discussing about since I can't see the video. I can't even watch youtube now.

Buy a Windows laptop, if you just need a really basic one you can get one thats around $350.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Pervius
Microsoft, mad over the Corporate Keyed Windows XP that was bootlegged around the world.....crawled in bed with Phoenix Bios in 2003.

They created a BIOS system where they could disable hardware (the motherboard) by switching it off if they wanted. This was their plan to deal with the Windows XP Corporate Key leak that everyone around the world was using.

Why did HP out of the blue declare they were getting out of the PC Business? Somebody figured out why every HP laptop died after the warranty expired....

They were being SWITCHED OFF.

Buy yourself ALLLL the computers you can find that are PRE-2000. Those computers have locked BIOS's and will continue to work forever. The NEW Bios's have an operating system running in them now allowing someone to switch OFF your motherboard.

This is ridiculous if that was the case there would be a class action lawsuit against HP and they would be shut down. Products of every stripe and color are designed to fail outside of warranty so the companies don't have to use money and resources to fix it for free.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Djayed
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Very logical and intelligent approach to the issue. I just hate the fact that I can drive around the streets in a car made in the 50's but now I am starting to not be able to use my Apple tablet made in 2010. Yet, my spouses android is still being supported and not a single app has stopped working, which it was purchased December 2010.

Oh I completely agree and see what you are saying. I was an avid iPhone user til it no longer supported what i did with my phone. I use my phone like my laptop a lot and the iPhone had me limited and I paid more. I winded up switching to a Droid that is JUST like my iPhones only better with what I use my phone for. I wish the iPhone would do those upgrades but they will do it over time because they know people will buy each model produced every year. I like Apple and I prefer their items BUT if it doesn't meet my needs I find something that does. I wouldn't mind an iPad but mostly for music and photos but with the cost I don't see the point in buying one plus I'm limited in many ways. I'd rather buy a small laptop and carry that around. I get the appeal of "tablets" but for me they are not something useful to me in the long run. I do see why people like them though.

One day a tablet might be something I need but right now it's not something I'd really use.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Djayed

My 360 is about 3 years old (warranty replacement on a prior 1.5 year old one, which replaced one before it).

I live in a part of the world where technology arrives slowly. So xbox repair from reputable people is not really available. Otherwise i would just pay for repairs.

I am a "drive it till the wheels fall off" kind of guy.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
reply to post by Pervius

I wouldnt hold much stock in that.

Corporate firewalls and such would make it difficult for a kill command to get in, let alone attack the bios.
And Windows XP was the most basic system to activate, with or without a key.

Intel vPro and Intel Insider can get through ANY corporate firewall.

APPLE's chip for their products is made in Texas, they won't even let the asian boys build those. Likely because Apple's got similiar capabilies inside their chips.

Get any new laptop. Install any brand of Linux. Use VirtualBox and try installing the "bootlegged corporate key XP". Watch what happens. IT sets the kill switch and disables the motherboard.

How? With the new kill switch in the BIOS.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:39 PM
Flagged because more people need to be made aware of "planned obsolescence"

There's actually a decent documentary on this, which I saw a couple years back. I'll have to see if I can find it. One of the major cases they examined was actually something much older and more common than an apple device-- The Lightbulb. Apparently it is easily possible to make lightbulbs which last way longer than most of us are used to, or realize. And apparently the original lightbulbs did last longer, until they realized planned obsolescence could net them much greater profits.

This documentary also pointed out that Apple has already faced a class action lawsuit over the Ipod.

So apparently Apple loves this completely unethical business model.

That's probably part of the reason that I not only own a PC, but also would likely never buy a Mac. Not that I think microsoft is necessarily a ton better.... to be honest I trust few, if any large companies.... but with some of the stuff I've heard about Apple... no way would I spend upwards of even $100 on something I know was planned to be obsolete in a year or two.

edit on 8-2-2013 by iwilliam because: (no reason given)

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