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Why Vaccines Are Great

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posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by SpearMint

Sadly all these percentages are noverifiable and misrepresented to begin with. Here is one example of how these trumped up percentages come to be.
I dont vaccinate, my doctor believes in vaccines 100% My children came down with whooping cough two years ago and my doctor would not dignose or even test for it because to his mind it was impossible as northern ireland hadn't seen a case in so many years. He referenced a bad cough that was going around which obviously couln't be whooping cough as those he has seen were vaccinated against it.
Two years on and there is a brief panic because of huge outbreak going on amongst primarily vaccinated people in the UK. Thousands of cases of whooping cough amongst a vaccinated population will never be taken into account because this 'notifiable' disease was not diagnosed.
This happens ALL the time. There are non biased percantage graphs which show cases of any given disease in a given population and they show the slow fall in cases of the diseases over time. Then near the end of the graph you can see the point at which vaccines where put into practice. The pre-vaccine era shows the disease already in a steady state of decline long before the vaccine was developed in ALL cases. The chart you show is loosely valid but the percentages are out of context when you consider that this fact.
Think of it like the 2nd world war, the Allies fought for four years long and hard, the war was almost won and The last minute America joins in to help and Yay we win. We were already winning.
Before anyone loses their heads I'm not downplaying americas efforts during the war, the overly simplified analogy is just to illustrate the point i'm making.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:02 AM
How many people have died or had adverse side effects as a result of vaccines? What are the long term effects? On their unborn children? On their children? Those are the facts I would like to see before I decide on vaccines. It seems like either way, there is a risk.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by SpearMint

Too bad there is no poster showing how many children vaccines have brain damaged. Also, just plain old CLEANLINESS has reduced these diseases. I'm not disputing the 'theory' of vaccines anyhow, just the industry. I imagine if we had virtuous people commanding the manufacturing, we would have come along ways in using vaccines appropriately. There are many herbs that are capable of preventing most of the sicknesses too.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:59 AM
A healthy, nutritious diet, coupled with good hygiene, exercise, and safe practices will, more often than not, keep you from getting sick. While the number of people getting sick in the pre-vaccine era was much greater, vaccines likely were not the only factor in the reduction and disappearance of these illnesses. Many people operated in unclean areas; many jobs and workplace conditions allowed for the spread of diseases, and unprotected sex, coupled with poor hygiene, lead to the spread of STD's.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 10:37 AM
Op wanted some links, auraelium provided them on page 2. that wasnt enough for her.

sounds like Op just got some shots and wanted to fell better about it by bashing people who dont agree.

thats what i see going on here.


posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by SpearMint

I know but ever since Hillary Clinton mentioned the existance of a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY
that was attacking her husband at the time, everyone has been looking for that conspiracy group. People have become "conspiracy happy" naming, inventing and seeing conspiracies, even where there are none. Some people are claiming "all government" is out to get them when government is the only thing that can protect them in so many instances. Others claim the moon landing was a hoax, climate change due to industry polluters was a hoax, birthers and some more rally around the idea the government is trying to do something sinister with the vaccines that save people from disease. This is one conspiracy that will kill more than it cures...but sometimes I think that is what "they" want. Population control. Culling the stupid people who believe such rumors. It is the same reasons drugs were brought to Harlem.

Meanwhile the actual "right wing conspiracy/ government trespassers and usurpers, cleverly diverts attention away from THEMSELVES by fueling conspiracy hoax after conspiracy hoax just to throw red herrings in the mix and keep people barking up wrong trees.

Now people cling just to their conspiracies just for the conspiracies sake. It makes a better and more exciting tale then the boring truth. No one is out to get you but industry and finance giants who are trying to de-regulate their own industries and subjugate their employees.

WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. We can streamline and cut fat but we do not eliminate government without eliminating OUR OWN POWER. And this is the intent of these industry driven laws that strip PEOPLE of their own rights and turn them over to their bosses. It is behind the push to rid the country of UNIONS, and even prevents the Board of Labor Relations to operate and speak for the worker. There are some groups who are so devious they can only push their agendas through in climates of extreme fear so they make things up. Unabashedly - think of Beck and his chalk board. LOL I can laugh but it is scary and this is where (or how) all these conspiracy theories, even the one about vaccines originated.

Some of the VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACIES drivers are so IN YOUR FACE and transparent, I just don't get how some people can't see the REAL dehumanizing and people killing agenda seeping into the walls and halls of D.C..

edit on 3-2-2013 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by SpearMint

You bring up a very different viewpoint than most; and one worth looking into.

To add to the discussion I will provide links to the list of ingredients in many vaccines. (this firs link tells more; than some would like us to know) (this 2nd source is from the CDC and of course doesn't tell as much)

Seriously folks; do you really want to put those ingredients into your bodies and those of your children?

I was thinking back to when I was a child and my parents made sure I got the vaccines...(they had good intentions) and every single illness I got vaccinated for (measles, mumps, chicken pox) I soon became ill with after getting the vaccinations and I suffered much.

edit on 3-2-2013 by caladonea because: add more

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by SpearMint

Make sure to tell the 47,500 Indian children who are now paralyzed because of Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine. I'm sure your research will comfort them.


Or how about the whooping cough outbreak victims, of which 90% had been vaccinated against whooping cough.


How about the CDC admitting that the flu vaccine DOESN'T work


etc, etc, etc....

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by Ghost375

I'll drink while I respond I guess...

First off, they inject dead and weakened viruses. The weakened viruses may be alive, but it is unable to reproduce.

Prove that is 100% fact, if not, then your info is as good as the source, which may be corrupted.
HERE. Viruses are either attenuated(since you probably don't know that word, it means weakened) or completely dead. This is established fact by immunologists across the globe.

Some, such as the oral polio vaccine (OPV), are live, “attenuated” vaccines which means the virus has been weakened so that it stimulates antibody production, but does not cause the disease. Others such as the “whole-cell” pertussis vaccine use an inactivated, or killed, virus that still triggers an immune response. Tetanus toxoid (TT), the vaccine that protects mothers and newborns from tetanus, is a detoxified version of the toxin (poison) that causes the disease. A fourth variety of vaccine, such as that for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), uses only the components of the virus or bacteria that provoke an immune response.

source first source I found. It's something I learned in an advanced immunology course.

and yes, the best time to expose people is when they are young, and their immune system is developing. It's the time the body learns the quickest.

Why aren't moms giving their 3 week old babies the chicken pox then? By your logic, they should kick those out of their systems in a few days, tops. Does it really make sense to bombard a newborn's immune system, really??
you just obviously don't get this or immunology in general. Their immune system isn't great at this age, BUT what I said was it's developing. That means anything it's exposed to it will develop antibodies quickly. You don't "bombard" their system with vaccines either. The way vaccines work is that they aren't active and can't cause the diseases they are associated with.

It's tough to discuss this topic who have no idea about anything immunology related. People need to learn how the immune system and vaccines actually work before trying to accuse people of vast majorities. How are you going to try to argue things that you obviously have no idea about? Don't try to tell me you know how the immune system works, it's beyond obvious you don't.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by SpearMint

Make sure to tell the 47,500 Indian children who are now paralyzed because of Bill Gates' Polio Vaccine. I'm sure your research will comfort them.

There's no hiding 47,000 paralyzed kids. I'm calling BS on that claim.
This source says that 100 kids per year develop the paralysis. here
and out of more than 2 million vaccinations given that number is statistically insignifcant. The vaccine probably isn't causing it, or maybe some of the vaccines weren't prepared right, and that's why some kids develop it.

Or how about the whooping cough outbreak victims, of which 90% had been vaccinated against whooping cough.

Bacteria and viruses evolve resistance rather rapidly. Then there's the possibility that the lot of vaccines produced weren't effective. I think it's highly unlkely that the vaccine caused the outbreak like people are trying to play it off as.

How about the CDC admitting that the flu vaccine DOESN'T work

WOW! That's just so ignorant I'm not going to waste my time explaining.

You really shouldn't use natural news as a source. It's terrible. Again, I'm not using that as a reason why what the things you posted are wrong. It's just being said in addition to reasons why they are manipulating facts, or leaving things out.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:48 PM
Still yet to see anything that is reliable against vaccines, this thread has made me realise how many stubborn people on ATS will blindly argue their unproven point due to their own paranoia, gullibility and lack of knowledge on the subject whilst displaying a complete ignorance for the evidence against their opinion.

So my conclusion, since I have been shown nothing that proves otherwise, is that vaccines are safe.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by jazzguy
Op wanted some links, auraelium provided them on page 2. that wasnt enough for her.

sounds like Op just got some shots and wanted to fell better about it by bashing people who dont agree.

thats what i see going on here.


I didn't ask for dodgy links, I wanted something reliable. You shouldn't believe everything you read, because people like you write things without sourcing them.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by SpearMint
Still yet to see anything that is reliable against vaccines, this thread has made me realise how many stubborn people on ATS will blindly argue their unproven point due to their own paranoia, gullibility and lack of knowledge on the subject whilst displaying a complete ignorance for the evidence against their opinion.

So my conclusion, since I have been shown nothing that proves otherwise, is that vaccines are safe.

This lecture is very interesting. The history part about how some vaccines were developed is quite eye opening and one of the things it shows is how dangerous the first polio vaccines were and how the government covered it up.

Dr.Tent - The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - It's not autoimmune, you have viruses.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:15 PM
I want to believe in the idea that vaccines could be optimal just like gmo's should be but sadly, that's not their purpose anymore.

The whole health care system is rigged towards profits when it should be an expense . The profit of having a healthy society out weights the benefit of profits made from sick people.

It's obvious they have much more cures out there than what they let the general population know so why, why now should we blind-fully trust them on vaccines when their ultimate way of gathering money is making us sick?

I fear we've been too far in the wrong direction.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by SpearMint
So my conclusion, since I have been shown nothing that proves otherwise, is that vaccines are safe.

Nothing that you accept that is... just like some many totally dismiss your information.

It's just like a creationist/evolutionist debate where no one really knows if their information is valuable and true when clearly, we don't have the tools/knowledge to say which side is the truth in the first place.

As for my child, I'm prepared to deal with the probability of rare diseases than having 1/3 chances of cursing him with autism...that doesn't mean I'm right, it's just what I believe in for now.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by theMediator

Originally posted by SpearMint
So my conclusion, since I have been shown nothing that proves otherwise, is that vaccines are safe.

Nothing that you accept that is... just like some many totally dismiss your information.

It's just like a creationist/evolutionist debate where no one really knows if their information is valuable and true when clearly, we don't have the tools/knowledge to say which side is the truth in the first place.

As for my child, I'm prepared to deal with the probability of rare diseases than having 1/3 chances of cursing him with autism...that doesn't mean I'm right, it's just what I believe in for now.

I'm not going to accept stories on sites like natural news, no one should.

Evolution, a great example. We know for an undeniable fact that evolution happens, but people ignore it in favour of their beliefs.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by CityFarmer

The western world consumes about 100 mg of polysorbate 80 every day. Vaccines contain about 25 μg (0.025 MG) of it. This thread is just proving more and more that people will believe anything.

edit on 2-2-2013 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

I've already shown why the polysorbate 80 and mercury in vaccines doesn't matter, I don't need to watch a video on it.

No you've just assumed it without providing any link actually. All I find about this is a wiki page.

But mercury is in our food. There's quite a bit in fish, and that's a more dangerous version than what's in vaccines (ethyl mercury) which leaves your body a lot faster. The mercury in vaccines is not a problem unless you're shooting up every day.

Again where is you link? And then why do you blame people with your..

And you still provided absolutely nothing...

..if you don't do better than bringing up a single gouvernemental source and then bash other people sources pretending you're well enough informed to need to dig theses?

I've got a honest question for you, three actually, perhaps you've got an enlightning link for me.

1. How is it they haven't found any better conservative than Thimerosal since the 30's? (I mean look at our tech)
2. How is it that mercury a well known neurotoxic element has not been questioned until the 90's?(60y gap!)
3. How is that it took 16 more years to give a verdict on that matter? And a positive one on top of that.

(Thimerosal is the 49% mercury component)

My opinion is that it's not because something doesn't kill you straight away that it should be considered safe. Especially mercury (not even talking about aluminium shots) which is BTW described as a no safe dose component by the WHO itself on its website.

Diesel particles don't take you down in a minute but you wouldn't put your nose and breathe in an exhaust pipe though, would you?


edit on 3-2-2013 by CityFarmer because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-2-2013 by CityFarmer because: (no reason given)

Answer OP plz

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by JibbyJedi

I could post 500 links in this thread

How about you just post the best one?

I've looked at many articles. Every single one is complete junk. Show me a good one. I want to be proven wrong on this issue.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

For myself, I am through posting links for anyone on these vaccine threads for the reasons the other poster stated. But I will say this: from my logical deduction, the way it looks to me is exactly like this: there is plenty of proof that that almost all vaccines are useless, but I see almost no proof, no truly scientific verifiable proof that they work. To me, it's amazing that intelligent people still fight so hard to believe in them. And I understand why - it's a paradigm that they grew up with, that's been handed down for generations, that makes them feel safe. I just don't see one shred or proof for it.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by SpearMint
reply to post by auraelium

Here we go, a good source against this: here

The measles graph you provided is very different from the one here, which makes me think your graphs are incorrect, probably created by people against vaccines. I can't find any information to support your graphs.
edit on 2-2-2013 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

Well your info is not particularly great itself, considering it comes from the CDC, which if you didn't already know have an incredible tie to the vaccine makers.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 12:22 AM
I think they are great too.

Then when they finally have your trust, slip that extra gene in to making you and your kids a sexless paralyzed drone,

ill clap

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