posted on May, 8 2003 @ 02:37 AM
Anarchy can never work, because anarchy is a lack of control, and humans need control to feel better and more fucntional. If anarchy is instated,
power, abhoring the vaccum, eventually someone will strong arm themselves into power, because all you need is one human with ambition to take over and
a couple of men beneath him to follow his plan.
Communism operates on the ideal of equality, another pipe dream. Nature herself does not practice equality. Some animals in nature get larger
terroritories, more mates, and better food than others, because that is how nature works. To have communism work, everyone must put aside thier
personal ambition and desire to imrpove and get ahead and settle for conformity and uniformity, and everyone having the same share. To have this kind
of society, someone above them all must be there to enforce it, and to counter basic human insticts, it requires agressive brute force to do. It might
work in small communities of people, like the kibutz in Israel, where everyone is there by choice and desire, but the rest of humanity wont buy it.
Those enforcing the communist principles will be above others, thus, negating equality, and because they have to use resources to enforce conformity
and equality, will get the lions share themselves.
The masses as a whole are incapable of independant thought. Only true individuals are. To truly be an indepednant thinker requires the courage to
question ones own existance deeply, examine the depths of darkness and the heights of glory, and truly ponder ones own place in it. few people have
the courage to venture beyond simple life, and like cattle, pondering anything beyond chewing thier cud will cause them distress. Humans have always
dubbed throught history, the thinkers and individuals as debiants, demon possed, or crazy. Try talking about deeper philosphies with the jackass at
work. they either think, man, youre a wierdo, or they will shut u out "yeah, i dont care". they wan to remain in the realm of safety, of
contemplating dinner tonite, whose gonan win the ballgame, can i afford that new tv, ect. They cant handle the realms of higher reasoning and
thinking, of self examination beyond, gee, im getting a beer gut, wonder about that new miracle diet pill on tv..........
It is because of the sheepish nature of humanity that there will aloways be those who are more aware of this behavior, and will exploit it for thier
own purposes. It is because of this human weakness we shall always have overlords. Only those of us aware of these things can truly see the sick joke
in it all...........