posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:37 PM
Claims being made with no reason, OK that type of thread.
Asteroids are actually elephant feces frozen through a process used where a combination of chemtrails interact with a strange energy source from
triangle holes on the sun that teleport to the feces freezing factories via super secret technology dug up in Iraq. Then once frozen gets catapulted
into orbit via an 18th century catapult used by the French , once in orbit is pick up by secret naval space command and via captured Annunaki tech,
control the feces, I mean asteroid to its selected path for earthly observations.
I have proof through the channeling of Darth Vader.
At least I offered proof of my claims,
Sorry OP,
Many times has this come up, How many said Elenin was a craft or had craft following it.
Almost every comet or asteroid that gets brought up in the conspiracy community will make some type of claim as this, yet every time the space rocks
pass the claim jumps to the next rock due,Hmmmmmm is someone playing games with the gullible, it looks as that's the case, I have fallen for others
claims too many times to know when the water is shallow(claims lack reasoning or explanation), so are their claims, when its deep(Show the how and
why), well then there is a lot discover.