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Pastor to waitress: I GIVE GOD 10% WHY SHOULD I GIVE YOU 18%?

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posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by lupodigubbio

1 , wow what a Dbag

2 nice that he's carrying a card when you give up life of luxury heh? Did he peel out in his bimmer too? rofl

3 this dumbass does realize that she doesn't set the tip amount when its printed on a receipt its the companies?

4 hope he doesn't ever leave the country where some countries 20% is the norm/law

5 if your going to devote whole life to a cause, shouldn't he be giving 110% to god? lol

6 and what a total piece of $%^& that even though he didn't agree with the 18% he didn't leave any tip at all and most waitress/waiters only make 2 dollars -6 bucs if lucky per hour and tips make up the rest.

7 and then just to prove to the whole world he was the biggest dbag of the day, call and request them being fired because you thought it would be cute to put someone down for the day and left evidence. Piece of $%&*

welcome to religion.....where Its own leaders can't follow the book heh. Well that's pretty much every religion ive come across and all the wonderful ambassadors ive met from them heh.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:05 PM
Someone might have already said this, but they should have him come back and sit a table and tell him god will provide for him and bring his order to him. Let him see how long he has to wait for that for his 10%...

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by camaro68ss

I just don’t understand why you give 10% because someone is doing the job they are paid for.

Makes no sense to me.

Because here in Nebraska they only have to pay $3.25 an hour for these people to wait on you. If they didn't get tips they couldn't afford to wait on you. Its not their fault and at least they are trying to make a living and trying to stay out of the unemployment lines. So be a sweet heart and tip.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Tuttle
Why does he only give 10% to the Christian god?, being a pastor and all you think he wouldnt be so stingy with his faith.

Anyway I do not believe in paying gratuity tax. I do not see why, we the actual paying customers need to make up for a companies crappy wages.

Star for your second paragraph.
Idk if someone already pointed out why he gives only 10% of his money to God, but I'm assuming someone has already, if not, and if you actually do care to know, I wouldn't mind digging that scripture up for you, it's easy really.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Kllyblvn

If you'd read a bit further you would see that the poster is from the UK where waiters are paid a lot more and tipping is not the fact there are pages and pages of responses to this one post and the poster and others in the UK have clarified their point.

And to the two previous posters THE PASTOR IS A WOMAN, why does just about everyone refer to this person as a man...just because a person is a pastor, does not automatically mean they are a man...and okay in the balance of fairness to US waiting staff who are paid a pittance from employers, just because a pastor is supposedly an agent of God, clearly it doesn't extend to ensuring a fair wage for the people that served her.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:53 PM

Pastor to waitress: I GIVE GOD 10% WHY SHOULD I GIVE YOU 18%?

Because god is a figment of the fretful, mortality conscious imagination and a waitress actually needs the money.

/retarded thread for selfish, cheapskate godtards

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by XLR8R

This is what happens to teenagers who tip poorly.
edit on 3-2-2013 by kabfighter because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Kllyblvn

Ok guys seriously I am getting totally fed up of this.

I am from the United Kingdom of Great Brittan

And our waitresses earn almost $10 an hour.

Culturally we generally don’t tip.

Please actually take the time to remember that America makes up a very small proportion of the world. I know it’s shocking right!

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I don’t see why you are getting so upset the article is clearly about the US and not the UK you are the one who stepped in it when you applied your cultural thinking to another culture.

You should have taken then time to read the article and realize what goes on in the UK does not apply to the US.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
I have never really understood tipping waitresses or taxi drivers, they are doing a job and providing a service and they get paid to do so, why should I pay them any more if they are already being paid.

I don’t tip.

My excuse “you’re getting paid regardless”.

I mean really 18%!!!!

What a cheek to ask for it, you go to a restaurant pay for a nice meal and they ask you for another 18% for giving you a smile and a bit of customer service, that should be free.

Hey genius, did you know that waiting tables is a tougher job than it looks. Most restaurants don't pay full minimum wage because they include the servers tips as part of the wage. Same usually for a cab driver as well, but I guess you just don't think of the details do you. Its important to tip I believe, for one, the waitress is in control of your food, so she, and the kitchen staff should get a little extra. And the cab driver gets you to your destination safely right? They deserve a little extra too. Personally, I think you're a very cheap f(snip) and don't appreciate what people go through or do just to give you excellent service. Wouldn't it feel good also to know that the few bucks a waitress made off of giving you great service is going to helping her life out. All I'm saying is look at it from the other side, and don't be such a d(snip) bag about it

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by gunshooter

again please see above....

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

What does that matter?

What so because its thread based on a event that happens in the US I should not be allowed to give my perspective as British citizen.

That is all I have done, if it were a case that in the UK a waitress only earned £1.50 I would be giving tips, but its not so I don’t.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

You mean to say that you are shocked that you invoke such a reaction from people when you apply your logic to a different culture like you did? I am shocked that you are shocked. Do you find that shocking?

Of course you are free to speak your mind please don’t play the pity card and play victim no one said you couldn’t participate but you can’t seem to understand that your post was either ill-informed or written poorly. Maybe if you had said something in your post about your culture first instead you came off as pretty rude and now you don’t like how people are reacting to it. You shouldn’t be shocked about that.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by ~widowmaker~
reply to post by lupodigubbio

1 , wow what a Dbag

2 nice that he's carrying a card when you give up life of luxury heh? Did he peel out in his bimmer too? rofl

3 this dumbass does realize that she doesn't set the tip amount when its printed on a receipt its the companies?

4 hope he doesn't ever leave the country where some countries 20% is the norm/law

5 if your going to devote whole life to a cause, shouldn't he be giving 110% to god? lol

6 and what a total piece of $%^& that even though he didn't agree with the 18% he didn't leave any tip at all and most waitress/waiters only make 2 dollars -6 bucs if lucky per hour and tips make up the rest.

7 and then just to prove to the whole world he was the biggest dbag of the day, call and request them being fired because you thought it would be cute to put someone down for the day and left evidence. Piece of $%&*

welcome to religion.....where Its own leaders can't follow the book heh. Well that's pretty much every religion ive come across and all the wonderful ambassadors ive met from them heh.

Destination Now needs to start drinking and she can start here with 8 right off the top...drink up baby.... So we already said it was a black female pastor.....what is it about that so many do not understand?

Originally posted by destination now
reply to post by skoalman88

Well I don't know about your imaginary male pastor and HIS flock, but this pastor is a woman as stated so many times in this thread now that I may in fact devise my own drinking game, whereby I have a shot every time someone else refers to the pastor as a man...should be drunk in about 20 mins...

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 01:06 AM
I don’t understand why people from the non-tipping 15% countries have a problem with the way we do things? I have seen it quite a few times now on ATS. Threads chit-chatting about an incident at an Applebee’s and in comes the Brits telling us we’re doing it wrong…

Why do you care?

You argue “Why not tip everyone!”

Going to the grocery store is a chore, the cashiers are nice enough making wages at or above minimum. They don’t normally get tips.

I guess Americans over the years have decided that when they go out to eat food, they are willing to pay a little bit more for the dining experience. We figured out a way that makes everyone happy and is fair. Sorry, American’s do like to be pampered and checked on. They don’t want to have to look for their servers, and a lot of them do like to chat and smile with their restaurant servers. They like knowing they have control over most of the server’s wage and feel good about deciding, on their own, if and what they’d like to tip.

Enough of them did for the 15% tip to become the norm for a good experience. Enough of them even for the legal low wages to be acceptable, and the irs taxing the sale regardless of the actual tip.

Why does it bother you?
Do American tourists tip their servers well in your countries?

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:26 AM
Don't f$ck with the waitress! This is how it works...waitress tells the cook that your a total douche and guess what? Your order gets the SPECIAL SAUCE! Though being a sky pilot, he'd probably savour the flavor.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE


I know of many experiences first hand where customers have done everything from hit a waiter to insulting them on every level.

You dont do that. You maintain professionalism and just do damage control.

I once had an Italian guy who was the pretend sort of mafioso that wasnt mob or anything close to it. He just liked pretending while saying "oooh, and fo-get-ta-boutit"...and the typical AMERICAN guido terminology and fake nonsense. A real idiot.

So anyways, he is eating desert after busting my balls the whole afternoon. His kid was on some baseball team and the guy was treating the team to a victory meal. This was a really nice restaurant, but hey, a kids baseball team can eat problem. They were dressed nice.

So the guy is making audiable comments about every person on the staff. Very racist and derogatory jokes...

Then I over hear him saying he was going to teach them how to eat out the wise way..."wise guy"...get it...Put hair on the desert and get a comp or two.

So he takes a hair from his kids head and places it on his ice cream cup.

I have really good hearing. I also pick up on many little details without even giving away I am focused on you intently. So I knew what he was up to and saw him do it.

I told the manager the deal and walked over with the bill. He started to go off about the service and blah blah blah....and he got to the desert.

I stopped him and said for him to wait, I had something I wanted to say to him in front of the manager. HE was curious and asked what it was. I told him that we have cameras and wanted to ask the manager to prepare the office for his visit so he could see AND hear what transpired between him placing the desert order and the point when I walked over with the bill. (we didnt)

He was out and exposed. Turned red and forgot about it all. I didnt need to remember his face and spit on anything. That is just the worst possible thing you can do as a server. Pride in your work is important. It is also childish to do that to a customer. It makes you a vile server after doing that.

What you do is cover your ass. You also make it so a bad customer does not return. Many establishments dont understand that you have to CHOOSE your customer as much as he chooses the restaurant. Some are just better off not even being welcomed through the door. They are out to lay as much of the bill on you.

You NEVER mess with the food. Most of the times that you are pissed off at a customer for crossing a line that you want him to know you are confronting him. You want to make revenge sweet and very public, not conniving and private. You also try and make it so they NEVER come back while keeping a other customers relaxed and unaware. It is a rarity but it does happen.

It is not like the movies. I have NEVER seen anything like that. Messing with food is just insane. NEVER. You may just skimp on quality or portion size, or selection, but never would you serve something nasty. I would never allow it under any circumstance at least.

edit on 4-2-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Neither would I! Great post!

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 07:23 AM
In this instance I'm going to comment that the waitress was presumptuous in automatically giving herself a tip. She angered the customer who reacted as one would expect.

I have no sympathy for the waitress. She was greedy and paid the price for it.

In reading the responses to this thread I've noted that the pastor is being labeled as less than Christian and many feel he should suffer some form of retribution. What does that say about those who make these statements?

As for the waitress and the wages she made not covering her labor, she had the choice to seek alternative employment.

As before, I side with the pastor.
edit on 2/4/2013 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Creep Thumper

You said you read the thread yet you missed where several people stated that 18% is automatically added to parties of 6 or more this isn’t the waitress it is the computer second the waitress that served her didn’t post the receipt online nor did she get fired it was another girl there that read the presumptuous message. You are 0 for 2 now on facts but I can believe you would side with the pastor many religious self-righteous people will.

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