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What One KEY Issue Would Spark an American Civil War?

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posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by NJoyZ

I'll answer your question with this statement/rhetorical question...

If you grew up in a family that taught you that your were descended from God and that you had domain over those lesser than you; and that these "leeser-thans" of society where cassed as such because of their lack of wealth, their health, their ideologies, etc. etc. etc.

Wouldn't it be safe to say that they would start to look upon these people as property or assets that could be purchased?

In reply to jimmiec....

I live in the FOOT HILLS of Southwestern Virginia. And I am very aware of how the North dismantled and blew up sections of our railway systems. I am very aware that for many of your "secessionists"... (i.e. My Ascendents) were reduced to EATING THEIR and THEIR NEIGHBOR'S pets!!! How they had to go WEEKS without food... fighting weather and disease.

They needed a reason to bankrupt the colonies and to force them into the One World Chess Game.

They weren't fighting because some wealthy White Man owned a Black Man. They were fighting because they were driven to that point.

Just how many people along these southern states do you think come from Native American lineage? How many "Indians" do you think where FREE vs. Enslaved?

I will say it again, WHY would ANYONE fight for another man to keep Slaves? Especially when many of them could not find work, had little to no resources, and were forcefully being starved to death.

We are being prepped for another civil war.

How many of you will be lead to believe it is over GUNS????

Any fool can go and Google or Bing a summary of a Past-Event... but understand you are using only TWO tools. How about the individuals who lived through it and passed along that knowledge to their children and their children and their children's children.

"Knowledge is POWER!!!!!" and he who controls the "knowledge"... controls the "POWER"!!!!

Just because someone writes something down and it gets repeated 1,000 times, does NOT make it a fact.

Just wait until we here in THIS TIME are below poverty and kept from food... wouldn't you fight when they come knocking on your door?

I swear, most of you are probably only interested in this subject because it distracts you from the problems in your own lives. Well guess what...

... I can still feel the reverberations from the Last civil War and I can tell you first hand... it is the same families... the same agenda... and the same distraction tactics. Look in yourself... our society is trained on a daily bases as to what "reality" is. Open your eyes and put yourself into the minds of those that LIVED though this... and not in what some book or wiki-page [written after the fact] tells you.

Keep arguing about this... I am sure your knowledge of what "actually happened" will help you when you are put through the same trials.

edit on 31-1-2013 by Areveli because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2013 by Areveli because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:21 PM

Interesting theorey, but fiction all the same. It is disputed by not just exhaustive history outlining the cause of the civil war and a reluctant Lincoln, but also the simple fact that the north had ENORMOUS labor resources at the time in the form of European immigrants. There were near perpetual waves of immigration from Germany, Ireland and swedes and many others to fill the labor demand.
reply to post by Indigo5

The immigrants you speak of had to deal with harsher work environments than most if not the majority of all Slaves owned in the south.

I highly doubt they would have the energy to be concerned with the politics of the time.

Then again... one could look at this very conversation and point out the same thing.

We are all slaves to the system. They own you... they own your land, your house, your car, your children...

....your mind!!!

Second ACT same as the first ACT!!!

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:40 PM
1. Ban trucks and force truck owners to drive priuses


2. the government will take over all land, ending private ownership, and resettling all homeowners into public housing (with lots of minorities).


3. Outlaw christianity

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:05 AM
The pursuit and punishment of those men and women involved in the coup de tat that took JFKs life and violated Americas future forever would most surely depose an entire government and catalyse a civil state of unrest.

Solve the JFK murder and you expose a coup de tat the entire world knows happened and you by proxy allow America to rip open and excise that old festering wound. The coup de tst must be answered to by the American people with all of their hearts, energies and patriotism.

The truth of that coup de tat will never be erased from history, give Obama a chance to create change as he personally may not even know he has been supported as was his political opposition by the core members of this coup de tat, they have been playing ALL sides of the political fence, this is how they have avoided being ousted, they are involved in every level of American and global life, this chance needs to be given so Obama can voluntarily disenfranchise the government and hold another election to clear America of the coup de tat factions power once they have been outed on all fronts in all political parties and industries.
This is an old battle that was never finished, the future holds the winners fate.America or the coup de tat faction, which one of the tow will survive this epic and terminal engagment.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by NJoyZ
If you were trying to start an American civil war, what one issue would you choose to divide the people by?

I just realized I never answered the OP question. My answer is a very simple one consisting of one word... take it however you want. If you wanted to start a real civil war in the USA and needed to divide the people from their leaders all you need to do is instill:

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

The topic of why did the civil war begin is one that we could argue about forever.Was it slavery,or States Rights,or Southern independence? It was probably a little bit of all three,and then some.Truth of the matter is none of us today were there.All we have to go by is what the History books say. We all know that History is written by the winner,and I for one,being from the South do not,and never will trust,absolutely, anything put forth by the corrupt,elitist,government of D.C.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 07:25 AM
Civil war?

Do you mean revolution?

There are no partisan issues today that could start a civil war--abortion, gun rights, privacy, etc.,
are equally distributed with no boundaries. There is no "front" for a war on any of these issues.

If you mean revolution...there is only one spark...a high enough body count. The government
must impose its will and by doing so create dead citizens that are seen to be innocent...Then and
only then could there be a revolution

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 08:08 AM
I am not sayin'.....cause you might tell em'

Jus' Sayin'....well in this case....i'm not!


posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 09:10 AM
The only key issue that would spark a civil war in America would be Famine. It won't be famine, however, because cheap food is cheap here, and even the impoverished can manage to feed themselves.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 09:17 AM
Logically thinking, it will start once the Fed gov tries to enforce the laws in a state that is giving the Der Fuhrer the finger on his gun grab. Once a state starts fighting and holding Fed agents in custody that is when it will escalate very fast to the next revolution.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 09:23 AM
Grandchildren, With 21.5 million veterans in America, it would be unwise to do anything that remotely looks like it would result in bodily harm to their grandchildren. Sounds silly? I know a man that takes his grandchildren to school everyday. He lives in the county and they go to a small school there. He noticed that there were no county cops there to keep an eye out for speeding cars. (20mph speed limit) So, he drops them off and heads to town to run some errands. He see's a county cop sitting near a city school. He pulls up behind him and asks him "what the hell are you doing here when my childs school is completely unprotected?" "It is the city police dept's job to patrol here!! " You may think that older people are useless and afraid. You would be woefully wrong.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 09:27 AM
Well on the lighter side of things..... Here in the U. S. of A. The lines were drawn and civillian's divided when they took "Twinkies" off the shelves.... True event~ Now we get off brand, off brand unhealthy goodness....

On a serious note.

Honestly, I think the Forum Moderator hit the nail on the head with: AWARENESS~

One word that solves many problems. If you are "Aware" you are not blind to the facts and find like minded individuals who are searching for the same answers.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Areveli

Interesting theorey, but fiction all the same. It is disputed by not just exhaustive history outlining the cause of the civil war and a reluctant Lincoln, but also the simple fact that the north had ENORMOUS labor resources at the time in the form of European immigrants. There were near perpetual waves of immigration from Germany, Ireland and swedes and many others to fill the labor demand.
reply to post by Indigo5

The immigrants you speak of had to deal with harsher work environments than most if not the majority of all Slaves owned in the south.

I highly doubt they would have the energy to be concerned with the politics of the time.

No doubt that the immigrant waves of the 19th scentury had it tough in the USA, but the claim I was responding to was the claim that the Northern states lacked a sufficient labor force to grow thier economy and thus "stole" the souths labor force by civil war by freeing the salves.

Having read books/articles written before, during and after the civil war....and books whose topic simply discussed European immigration (non civil war "agenda" related) for genealogical purposes. Having collected books about immigration and life at that time and prior to the civil war...In order to adopt the theorey that the North has re-written and invented immigration waves that staffeed thier factories and then some...and did so retro-actively...articles and texts written before the civil war...and did so for texts unrelated to politics, but rather immigration and genealogy...the claim doesn't hold water to me.

The immigrants you speak of had to deal with harsher work environments than most if not the majority of all Slaves owned in the south.

Hard circumstances by anyones measure, but better than the wars and persecution the fled fled in Europe.

And to eqaute the hardship of the immigrant worker to the slaves of the south is just ridiculous.

At a minimum the immigration labor in the north was recognized by the government as "people" and were able to advance in the society and economy, were subject to torture or murder without consequence. Their families were not broken up and sold as property etc. etc. I find the that false equivelance a factual fail and morally offensive.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Good answer, but I wasn't so much thinking about dividing the people from their leaders, as dividing them between two different sets of leaders. But I guess your answer is what worked for all the Arab-springs, so why not? Sure, Awareness it is.
And since that is obviously not happening, (even if Anonymous drops their "info nuke" the MSM will never pick it up so most people will never know) than I guess we don't have anything to worry about..
(other than a minority of people suffering via the legislation of an oppressive corporate state - but that's no civil war).

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 01:32 AM
What would cause Americans to go to civil war - the installation and legitimization of Muslim Sharia Law over Democracy - freedom of and from religious oppression along with starvation from GMO foods.

Sharia Law is a step back into the First century BC or as currently termed BCE. Sharia believers are racists and the race they hate is white. Many blacks fit this category - racists against whites. Jews are white-like but not actually Caucasians.

It explains why some say "All this for a damned flag?"

America was formed to escape religious intolerance in Europe.

Under which flag would you enjoy the lucrative ability of freedom from male domination - none except the American Flag gives that sort of beginning protection. Give us another 100 years and demand for equality will be an idea seldom used since it will be a reality.

The ability to live the life of whom or what you are or what you want to do or what you would like to do and or with whom you want to do that is paramount to the feeling of freedom.

There are millions of Islamic people in America who feel most comfortable where clerics tell you what you can and cannot do and if you don't obey them you pay with your life.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
reply to post by NJoyZ

my one key issue would be that the government wanted to divide us and make us fight so as to break up the union. They thinking (ignorantly and disconnectedly) that the reunification would grant to them greater centralized powers like after the first civil war.....this is not the 1800´s and Obama is not Lincoln....also we are not illiterate grunts on a whole anymore.

*Decentralization of the Federal government rallied behind the threat of government trying to divide us as a people so as to give the Federal government a more advantageous position of power over the people when the union is inevitably reasserted.


Originally posted by garygnu
What would cause Americans to go to civil war - the installation and legitimization of Muslim Sharia Law over Democracy - freedom of and from religious oppression along with starvation from GMO foods.

Sharia Law is a step back into the First century BC or as currently termed BCE. Sharia believers are racists and the race they hate is white. Many blacks fit this category - racists against whites. Jews are white-like but not actually Caucasians.

It explains why some say "All this for a damned flag?"

America was formed to escape religious intolerance in Europe.

Under which flag would you enjoy the lucrative ability of freedom from male domination - none except the American Flag gives that sort of beginning protection. Give us another 100 years and demand for equality will be an idea seldom used since it will be a reality.

The ability to live the life of whom or what you are or what you want to do or what you would like to do and or with whom you want to do that is paramount to the feeling of freedom.

There are millions of Islamic people in America who feel most comfortable where clerics tell you what you can and cannot do and if you don't obey them you pay with your life.

this would do it for me, couldn't say it better, and I am to tired to type anymore tonite.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by NJoyZ
reply to posts by burdman30ott6 and Areveli

OK, I like your explanations and especially that you provided information to back them up.
I''ll go with that.
so far so good cause they are correct ... slaves were not freed until the North was losing and it was a last ditch effort to regain a winning momentum.

Second of all, To those of you who mentioned that slaves were for 6% of the population and only for rich people.
while this is true ... guess who some of the the 'slave barrons' of the south were ???
hint ... they weren't caucasion men.
(links available but if you really wanna get some facts ... start here ... lots of good info and plenty of resources.

ok, rather engage the remainder of your commentary, i'm just gonna state that you've been taught ONE side of a many-sided event.

yes, some of what you learned is correct ... like swiss cheese.
looks good, palatable, but it sure is full of holes.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Honor93 because: (no reason given)

oooops, almost forgot ... NESARA being legitimate and enforceable.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Honor93 because: add txt

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:06 AM
I agree that our collective history has many holes in it. Things get lost, buried, or destroyed. This is a given in any time period. But I still find it surprising how emotionally conditioned this whole subject is.

When there are more Black males in the prison system in America RIGHT NOW, than there were slaves during the civil war... and very little is being done to fix this... It just turns my stomach.

To bring a point back to the OP; we are already engaged in a Civil War. Except instead of bullets flying... it is a Scientific War, lead by a Scientific Dictatorship.

Look around...

Psychological warfare... Dems vs. Libs, Straights vs. Gays, Blacks vs. Whites vs. Hispanics...
Economic Warfare... Anyone look at the cost of FOOD lately? How far can YOU stretch YOUR "earnings"?
Chemical Warfare.... How about that fluoride? GMO? Cancer? For that matter our damned cell phones!

(before I get flamed for that last one... try sending a "microwave" through a Human Brain and see what chemicals you can induce!!!)

TPTB desperately need the civilians of this country to rise up and act out. How else do you expect them to finish this wonderful Police State that is growing around us? Wake Up!!!!

(talk about a conditioned term!!! Most of the people that think they are awake... child you still in your pajamas!!!)

The trigger for civil unrest WILL NOT BE ONE THING!!!!!!!! IT WILL BE MANY!!!!!!!!!!

It will more than likely be weather/natural disaster induced, complicated by a destroyed economy and dollar, people starving... lack of a "comfort zone"... will be a string of events that will be fodder for the 24 hour NEWS junkies...
...they [the media junkies] will be the ones that inadvertently 'trip the wire" ...sort of speak.

To throw something out there... that I have been hesitant about, but what the hey... I am already in this far.

All of the people that think the government is going to strip away your rights to free speech and take your armory... you've got another thing coming.

These people are using the most basic of all Archetypal analogies against you.

Thesis vs. Antithesis - Good vs. Evil

As long as you continue to play in their dualistic Chess Game... I am sorry, but you have already lost.

The last thing we need is a WAR!!!!!!! The last thing you should EVER want is VIOLENCE!!!!

We need to be collectively smart enough to dissolve their gimmicks and mind tricks. And to get away from their perpetual arguing tactics like "SLAVERY sparked the CIVIL WAR"... "Democrats are Nazis"...

"Republicans EAT BABIES... AWmerGAWD!!!!"

There is a greater power in this Universe my friends... it is called ENTROPY!!! And they know this... they are using it against you!!!

# rant off #
edit on 2-2-2013 by Areveli because: (no reason given)

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