posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Shema
Every person with the necessary intelligence and skills for living can recognize the likelihood that creation and evolution go hand in
Really, creation is a "likelihood" (bolding mine), it is "likely" to go hand in hand with evolution? If you don't see that you lack intelligence?
I would say one is a certainty (evolution), while the other is an, as yet, completely unsupported possibility. One that seems to become less and less
likely as knowledge grows.
Why are they always promoted as opposites?
Because one is so overwhelmingly supported as a scientific theory that it is now considered a common fact (evolution). The other is completely
unsupported at this stage. The abiogenisis studies might soon wipe even this possibility out. The creation goalposts seem to be forever moving in
edit on 24-4-2013 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.