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UN Report: Israel Must Withdraw All Settlers o Face The ICC

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posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

They do have quite a backlog of abuses to prosecute.

Once they got to us,they'd have to indict Bush and Cheney for Iraq and Gitmo, and Obama for Pakistan, and who's going to enforce that?

Those other crimes need to be addressed, but frankly, China and Tibet don't have the potential to touch off WW3. Israel and its enemies do.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:34 AM
Israel should still be Palestine just as the British had originally promised.
Would the US give Washington back to the Indians because they were there first?
Talk about screwed over, I will always have a soft spot for Palestine.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 03:11 AM
Nothing will change. Israel is nothing more than a state of the US, and as we all know, the US is free to unleash suffering against all people at will, whilst other nations are required to cowtow to the US controlled NATO and UN when they wish to defend themselves.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

Right now, ANYTHING can spark off WW3. NKorean, Japan Rearmament,Iran Belligerances, Radical Jihadist demons rampaging in North Africa and world soon, China's domestic economic woes with its angry citizens, etc, not just Israel Palestine issue, IF saner and pragmatic heads do not prevail.

A short history on UNHRC:-

It was started off as UNCHR as a subsidiary of the UN general assembly. Unfortunately, back then, members who were voted into that subsidiary is ad hoc and whomever who was present, with no oversight and worse, without any credibility, as vote buying was rampant to secure a voice on the international stage by smaller but agenda driven petrol wealthy states in support by those whom need that oil such as China and Russia, and those states whom needed weath such as tiny corrupted african states - with a sole and single aim directed at Israel, while neglecting other human right abuses elsewhere in the world.

By 2006, reforms took place to evolve into UNHRC, with criterias set that only responsible and Human Rights observing committed nations would be allowed to be elected to the 47 seat council out of 193 nations, with term limits, along with supposed better regulatory and oversight framework.

Many more human right abusing nations were called to tasked, but its ineffective president - Remigiusz Henczel, lacks charisma and organizational ability, easily ridden with its members pooping on his head, and so far had played only reactive roles - when abuses happen, than to conduct risk assesment proactively.

Worse still was his support for the Special Rapporteur Richard Falk as the top man for Disputed terroritories. Falk is a legal expert and written many books, but he a well known and incorrigble anti-semite, whom prefers to fault find nit pick on Israel, rather than focusing on the WHOLE issue of both sides being responsible.

Even though a reformed UNHRC, corruption still rules, as bloc voting by oil wealthy smaller states and their dependents is COMMON.

And thus, UN's funds are used up mainly to attack Israel, while other human right abusing nations gets neglected or off focused.

What is the solution, if seemingly adult boys treat UN and UNHRC as schoolyard playgrounds?

Even though I am an insignificant nobody, but I still must respect my society's agreed upon laws and be held accountable fo my actions, even here as I must respect ATS T&C,being a member, and be held fully alone responsible for my written content and posts.

Point is - No human must be allowed to be held UNaccountable, for we are all onlyl mortals with flaws, and CANNOT be allowed to left unchecked, to do as we please without consideration for others sharing our space.

The UN, WHO, UNHRC is not some quasi political theocracy, whereby the officers are gods who dictate to mankind.

Thus each and every member nation of UN, WHO, UNHRC and other subsidiaries, as well as every office holder there MUST EQUALLY be held responsible for their recommendations and decisions made, to be praised if what they had done had achieved good results, or to be imprisoned if they had committed atrocities, or their works resulted in mass chaos and slaughter.

UNHRC watches over human rights, but who watches over them? The answer is ALL Mankind, and not just a special interest agenda filled group.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:25 AM
This is effing brilliant if true, about damn time I say.

One question though.... When has Israel ever listened to the UN?

What makes them think they will listen now?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Good Post! The only part I disagree with is the part about Richard Falk being an Anti semite.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by Hijinx

At some point Israel will have to listen as they are becoming increasingly isolated.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by FreedomEntered

It won't go in their favor and that's a good thing. What terrorism are you speaking of? Israel's terrorism if the civilians in Palestine?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by gem_man

I am glad to see this. Israel have acted with so much immunity. I mean right now they are flying war planes over others (Lebanon) borders and dropping bombs on Syria without provocation. They are constantly violating Palestinian civil rights and have been punishing them further for the UN's decision to allow Palestine in as an observing member.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Richard Falk as the top man for Disputed terroritories. Falk is a legal expert and written many books, but he a well known and incorrigble anti-semite, whom prefers to fault find nit pick on Israel,

Is he actually an antisemite? What has he said to cause him to be labeled that? Nit picking and faulting Israel does not make one an antisemite. I can name endless faults of theirs, and nit pick them all day long. Has nothing to do with the religion of the majority of their people.. has to do with their current actions on the world stage. It seems every mistake Israel makes is automatically covered by antisemitism these days.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Is he actually an antisemite

I saw a brilliant quote the other day that I thought was bang on......

'Antisemite' used to mean someone who hates Jews. Now it means someone whom the Jews hate. --LA Rollins

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:02 AM
Israel Must Withdraw All Settlers o Face The ICC

This will never happen unless the UN or ICC want to experiance its own destruction.

Israel is supported by the US and UK. The US is a world power which have the UK as a pet dog, that jumps if it is told to. If the US and UK dont care much for what the UN demands. Nothing will ever happen.

The US is above any law that is sanctioned by the UN. No nation is capable of sanctioning the US by force.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by gem_man

This is finally "it". About 40 years late but better late then never. The UNHRC has detemined Israel is in violation of International Law by allowing and assisting settlers in the settlement of the West Bank. Israel has been ordered to begin the process of removing all settlers from Palestinian land.and cease building new settlements. Read the link for all the legal authority. This is going to get very interesting as sanctions against Israel are likely if they refuse as we all know they will. Israel has now lost their chance for a negotiated peace with the new Palestinian State. Palestine no longer is forced to negotiate as they can just wait the Israelis out. Since Israel will most certainly refuse and label the report pure anti semitisn, we can expect the US to come to Israels defense with some sort of comprimise plan. Seems to me that the die is cast and Israel will either comply or be labeled a "rogue state" If anyone has the time or inclination to research the crimes Israel has perpetrated against the Palestinians they will wonder how the world could let this go on for so long without meaningful objection.

I applaud the UNHRC report.
............You didn't just say the UNHRC did you?.......And the ICC?........
Which one of those fascist dictatorships has the leadership of the UNHRC this go-round, Iran?.................I hope all you drooling racists realize that Isreal gave in to international pressure twice the Golan heights and in the Gaza strip It aint going to happen a third time........look how both of those situations turned out Hez booya and Ham ass and rockets..............but you racists just LOVE the smell of dead Isreali's in the morning...dontcha. You cheer and party everytime another bus blows up or another rocket lands in a school yard............Everyone of you make me sick...Not ONE of you seem to be able to realize that if Ham ass and Hez booya chose to change their charter and opted for co-existance then it would be problem solved......but you just love the idea that these idiots openly state that their intent is to wipe out Isreal.......Thats what your all for and your nothing but racists and it's a sick, perverted, accepted form of racism.......may karma land on all of your ignorant heads like a load of bricks...Your all played so damned easily and can't even feel the strings...


posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:28 AM
Last I checked America and Israel took over the Middle East.

Who's going to force Israel to comply with a UN Report?

Nobody. Muslims fighters all got killed.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by YouSir

My, My, aren't you a hateful one! Have you even bothered to read the UNHRC report? Of course not because IF you had you would know, as the majority of posters know, that the report is absolutely factual. There is no hatred of Isreal in it, Just facts. Israel is in violation of the Geneva accords and International Law. The ICC? Oh you mean the court that procsecutes war crimes? Does Rawanda or Serbia ring a bell? Perhaps we will one day see Israelis brought to justice because as Simon Weisenthal says, war crimes do not have a statute of limitations and are always procsecutable. As far as "racist" goes, Israel is by far the most racist country on earth. Enjoy your day.
edit on 2-2-2013 by gem_man because: additional thought

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by gem_man
reply to post by YouSir

My, My, aren't you a hateful one! Have you even bothered to read the UNHRC report? Of course not because IF you had you would know, as the majority of posters know, that the report is absolutely factual. There is no hatred of Isreal in it, Just facts. Israel is in violation of the Geneva accords and International Law. The ICC? Oh you mean the court that procsecutes war crimes? Does Rawanda or Serbia ring a bell? Perhaps we will one day see Israelis brought to justice because as Simon Weisenthal says, war crimes do not have a statute of limitations and are always procsecutable. As far as "racist" goes, Israel is by far the most racist country on earth. Enjoy your day.
edit on 2-2-2013 by gem_man because: additional thought
Ummmmm..........No, not hateful in the least...just disgusted with the whole lot of you. If you cant seem to wrap your head around that concept then at least claim your racism and OWN it. Like I stated, your politically correct racism that seems to be in vogue, especially here on shameful.....It's the same lot of you that whine racism everytime someone farts in Odogma's direction that love to hate the Jewish people. Your all so pathetically transparent, and like I stated, your willful puppets with heads full of fluff. friend...I managed to state all of that without even an inkling of hatred....I wont bother to waste that much energy on disgust me, plain and simple..........UNHRC...give me a freaking break, EVERYONE knows what a laughing stock agency that is.

edit on 2-2-2013 by YouSir because: I dont really know...why

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 11:54 AM
I will tell everyone where part of the problem lies. The fact that Israel has no separation of church and state allows them to misdirect any political objections from other nations by claiming them to be against their religion, or against them for their religion. It is quite old. A "Jew" is a person who subscribes to the religion of Judaism. The people in Israel need to differentiate between "Israeli" and "Jew" in the political arena, because not doing so only allows them the same lame defense.

Any time anyone disagrees with a complaint against Israel, it is "Jew bashing." How does that logic work? If one was bashing Judaism, then it would be "Jew bashing," but otherwise it is all political, and all political complaints are against the Israeli government, not Judaism or Jews. Some people need to grow up.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by gem_man

This is finally "it". About 40 years late but better late then never. The UNHRC has detemined Israel is in violation of International Law by allowing and assisting settlers in the settlement of the West Bank. Israel has been ordered to begin the process of removing all settlers from Palestinian land.and cease building new settlements. Read the link for all the legal authority. This is going to get very interesting as sanctions against Israel are likely if they refuse as we all know they will.

Israel has been ordered to remove the settlements on Palestinian land at least two times before that I can remember. Nothing will happen. Sanctions will not happen. USA has a veto on those things. Even if everyone voted for, USA will veto it. Because USA always does it. USA protects Israel even against its own interests.

Originally posted by YouAreLiedTo
Here's my question:

How do you threaten a crazy religion-driven government that owns nukes? You don't want to back them into a corner, they are itching to push the button and start WW3...

Same way USA did with the Russians. You point a nuke at them, touch the red button and tell them "I dare you."

Originally posted by Soloprotocol
for me the only way israel with capitulate is when America tells them to.....other than that it's status quo...nothing will change until Israel gets the message..."they are on their own"...

edit on 31-1-2013 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

It won't happen because orders go the other way around.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Hijinx

That means it is time for the ICC. Where they belong. What kind of teeth does the ICC have? I know the US is not a signatory.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by gem_man
So the U.N. - the mouthpiece of the NWO, comes out against Israel...there's a shocker. The demonically inspired globalists will not stop until they have wiped the Jews from the face of the Earth.

My position is simple. In the Last Days the armies of the Antichrist will be easy to recognize... they will be the ones fighting AGAINST Israel. Be careful you don't get caught on the wrong side of the end of history.

edit on 2-2-2013 by Thurifer because: clarification

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