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School To Hold 'Active Shooting Drill': Firing Blanks in the Hallways

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posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
On another note.. why do people think gun manufacturers have so much power? I think people confuse them (which are usually fairly small businesses) with the military industrial complex.

Ignorance, nothing more. If you attach the word "lobbyist" to the end of anything you can make it sound like it has some sort of power, like those poodle lobbyists who push all this anti-cat legislation

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:29 PM
Being that I live in Chicago, let me bring this to the table.

We practice Earthquake drills, Fire Drills, Emergency Evacuations Drills. I ask Why not?

You think this will traumatize the students of the murder capital in the US?

More like we hear a gun shot and we hit the groud, then return fire.

I personally think it would be of value, and what better place to start than Chicago? Our children live in a world that is more sinister than when we (Anyone 30+yrs old) grew up, and are experiancing more shootings and killings than when I grew up in public schooling.

Equip the youth so when SHTF they have a fighting chance as well.

And don't think I don't take into account the children that can't handle this type of mental stress, I blame the parents in that instance. Don't raise a sissy. And take responsibility for the way your children are raised.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by sulaw
Being that I live in Chicago, let me bring this to the table.

We practice Earthquake drills, Fire Drills, Emergency Evacuations Drills. I ask Why not?

During a fire drill do they set the school on fire? Do firemen run through the halls in full gear grabbing and carrying kids out? Do they blast the building with their hoses?

During an earthquake drill do they shake the building? Pile up debris in the halls? Send cadaver dogs through?

Having virtual shootouts in the halls is over the top and uncalled for.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I understand where your going with what I said. And my initial response is not perfect. Nor do they set off Mock Earth quakes during those evacuations (though they do have places that will simulate an Earthquake)

I do as a child remember going through fire drills, where the local Fire Dept. brought a a trailer that mimic'd a Fire scenerio w/ Smoke and all. Was that too extreme? Got the point through my head to get to the lowest point possible to breathe clean air.

So is firing blank rounds a good idea to simulate a school shooting? Meh... I can see the unhealthy in that. But the world our Children are living in.... I can't say this is a bad idea either...

Note: Brandon Lee was taken out by a Live round that was loaded in a magazine full of blanks.... "The Crow"

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

During a fire drill do they set the school on fire?

Are they actually shooting anything?

Do firemen run through the halls in full gear grabbing and carrying kids out? Do they blast the building with their hoses?

Are cops running in shooting anyone?

During an earthquake drill do they shake the building? Pile up debris in the halls? Send cadaver dogs through?

Is anyone actually shooting anything?
Your arguments are poor and are not analogous. Every single example you gave is not a fictional recreation of the event but the actual event. Setting a building on fire and shaking a building are both very dangerous where as blanks are harmless

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by RandyBragg

Are cops running in shooting anyone?

Arent they? If not then what's the point of the blanks? I'm assuming they're going to treat it like a shoot house scenario and actually send cops after the "active shooter."

If they're just firing off blanks willy-nilly in the halls what's th point of that? To acclimate the kids to gunfire? I can think of plenty of better ways to accomplish that goal.

Setting a building on fire and shaking a building are both very dangerous where as blanks are harmless

Granted, but sending in cadaver dogs and firemen is not.

Blanks are harmless? Would you be willing to stand in front a gun firing blanks? If so how far back would you have to be before you felt comfortable?
edit on 31-1-2013 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

We won't know until and evacution drill for a school shooting is demonstrated and practice will we?

What's wrong with Firemen running into a building... If you were in a burning building and I knew I could save you. I would come for you.

Clown's shoot each other with blanks all the time. Same as in the movies. What is life except Art come to life? It's all in how it is orcastrated and delivered.

7p's Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Notifying all parents and nearby Police Dept's of the "Mock Drill" would notably relax people in Chicago. Unlike most other places in the US.... A bystander was shot in Chicago by a stray bullet while I was writting this.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Arent they? If not then what's the point of the blanks? I'm assuming they're going to treat it like a shoot house scenario and actually send cops after the "active shooter."

If you are going to just assume, you should make up something better.
They are just shooting a few blanks off in the hallway.

Granted, but sending in cadaver dogs and firemen is not.

They don't send cadaver dogs in right after an earthquake like that and some schools do use firemen in their drills.

Blanks are harmless? Would you be willing to stand in front a gun firing blanks? If so how far back would you have to be before you felt comfortable?

Now you are just being ridiculous, they are shooting it in the hallway while kids are in class. They are not shooting at kids with blanks.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by sulaw

Yes it will. We already have shooter drills. We had them in my highschool, but we didn't have people dressed the part firing blanks. It will scare some students (especially if they somehow don't know what's going on). AND it creates the potential for something to go wrong. God forbid someone shoots the actor, or a shooting occurs simultaneously.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by RandyBragg

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
The gun manufactures want every one to carry guns like Hitler had in Germany.
Insensitivity to guns is what they want. They are also holding back the 1915
peace plan of Tesla's that would observe troops and munitions buildups and
explode gun shells remotely and unobserved. Lets see that was before Communist
takeover of Russia and the Nazi plan to eliminate Communism in Russia.
Well job well done it seems, just to let you know we can't escape weapon
manufactures. Enjoy their plans to keep us informed on the alien front and
and other anti Tesla rhetoric.

What in the world are you talking about?

Que? What is your problem?

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Huh? That is some crazy non sense. You must be from another time line..

On another note.. why do people think gun manufacturers have so much power? I think people confuse them (which are usually fairly small businesses) with the military industrial complex.

The profit takers do unless the international bankers is just a myth.
The Titanic took away many Tesla investors but the plans they were up to were not lost
or happily sunk with the Titanic.
Guns are backed by as much money as oil and energy and both lose power if anything
is developed to overthrow them and that is why some people do have the power to run
the Tesla ship and technology as a show of power over the internet or mass media.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by sulaw

As a firefighter, the 'smoke' they pumped in that trailer wasn't real. It wasn't filled with the various different chemicals you would get when a building is burning. It was from a fog machine.

So your point of 'Well that happened why not this' is extremely invalid. Bringing guns into schools to start up fake shootings is not a way to prepare a child. This isn't a war zone, it's only going to strengthen the ideals that 'guns should be super banned to oblivion and all that'.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Transitarian
reply to post by sulaw

As a firefighter, the 'smoke' they pumped in that trailer wasn't real. It wasn't filled with the various different chemicals you would get when a building is burning. It was from a fog machine.

So your point of 'Well that happened why not this' is extremely invalid. Bringing guns into schools to start up fake shootings is not a way to prepare a child. This isn't a war zone, it's only going to strengthen the ideals that 'guns should be super banned to oblivion and all that'.

So fake smoke prepares for fire but gun sounds just strengthen ideas about gun control? That makes ZERO sense. How is the sound of a gun promote the idea that they should be banned?

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:58 PM
I say it's a stupid idea to be shooting off blanks in the hallway. Do these idiots realize how Fing load a pistol is when it goes off. What are they going to make all the kids put in ear plugs before the drill starts? The kids might think a bomb is going off not a gun. Guns are really damned load. Who knows if it won't traumitize the kids or not. I'm thinking it will. I say its a dumb idea.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Transitarian

You're wrong.

Kids brought up under this will think it's completely normal. And people bringing up the idea of removing these drills wil be thought of as people today would if they tried to remove fire drills.

When I was growing up we did earthquake/fire drills.

This is just the way things are. Everything is tightening up. Population is growing. Etc. More threats, more things to know, more information, etc. It just keeps going and going.
edit on 1-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 05:45 AM
It's just more crisis to put the kids through. We had tornado drills but at least we just heard the drill sirens. It did get boring after a while, but really fake shootings????? I question the moral veracity of this.
Maybe the nuke drills during the Cuban Missile Crisis was more scary...but I think this is just unnecessary. With the NEA running things, who is surprised?
edit on 1-2-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Is it possible that you are obsessed with Tesla? Not everything is connected to Tesla you know?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Is it possible that you are obsessed with Tesla? Not everything is connected to Tesla you know?

You think Tesla does not rule your world.
From the 60 cycle lighting and heating and industrial use from US to China
under control of international money hiding his 1915 invention from the world
and giving us insane reasons for alien technology and not Tesla's.
Sure there is nothing Tesla ruling over you just the GE's and bankers and
liars doing their bidding to avoid saying they rule over you via Tesla.
Shooting blanks to real shells was a determined Tesla's plan to eliminate war.
I think Tesla should be reconsidered as connected.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Deliberately spamming every thread you come across with stupid made up Tesla "fakts" and other non sequitur tesla crap is annoying.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Superhans

Originally posted by Transitarian
reply to post by sulaw

As a firefighter, the 'smoke' they pumped in that trailer wasn't real. It wasn't filled with the various different chemicals you would get when a building is burning. It was from a fog machine.

So your point of 'Well that happened why not this' is extremely invalid. Bringing guns into schools to start up fake shootings is not a way to prepare a child. This isn't a war zone, it's only going to strengthen the ideals that 'guns should be super banned to oblivion and all that'.

So fake smoke prepares for fire but gun sounds just strengthen ideas about gun control? That makes ZERO sense. How is the sound of a gun promote the idea that they should be banned?

Thank you, to proceed further. This is not a warzone but we also don't live in a world where this is not a Daily if not Weekly if not Monthly occurance. The point is to create Awareness. In that case how many Civillians have actually heard the sound of a real gun? Something louder than a fire cracker .22cal??? I'm talkin .44 or .45? Do you stand up and say Who What Where? Not in Chicago. Hit the ground and seek cover. And like I stated before we won't know until a plan is made. 7P's Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. That's why you notify the local PD you notify the Parents. And it's the Parents choice if their child does not participate, stay home from school that day. Or should we just keep sending our Kids to school and telling them there "Safe" when it's obvious there not. Do we keep pounding this Fantasy world into our Childrens heads that they live in America and this kind of situation never happens?

Note: I am Pro Gun~ So don't go twisting words. Be Aware of your surroundings. Be Prepared~

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