posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 05:28 PM
"Actually, we do not believe it necessary to go that far. It would merely be a matter of internationalizing celestial peoples and creating an
international treaty instrument preventing exploitation of all nations belonging to the United Nations.
Occupation by states here on earth, which has lost all interest for international law, since there were no more res nullius territories, is beginning
to regain all its importance in cosmic international law.
Occupation consist in the appropriation by a state of res nullius.
Until the last century, occupation was the normal means of acquiring sovereignty over territories, when explorations made possible the discovery of
new regions, either inhabited or in an elementary state of civilization.
The imperialist expansion of the states came to an end with the end of regions capable of being occupied, which have now been drained from the earth
and exist only in interplanetary space where the celestial states present new problems.
Editors note:
Res nullius is something that belongs to nobody such as the moon. In international law a celestial body is not subject to the sovereignty of any state
is considered res nullius. If it could be established that a celestial body within our solar system such as our moon was, or is occupied by another
celestial race, there could be no claim of res nullius by any state on earth (if that state should decide in the future to send explorers to lay claim
to it). It would exist as res communis that is that all celestial states have the same rights over it.
And now to the final question of whether the presence of celestial astroplanes in our atmosphere is a direct result of our testing atomic weapons?
The presence of unidentified space craft flying in our atmosphere (and possibly maintaining orbits about our planet) is now, however, accepted as
defacto by our military.
On every question of whether the United States will continue testing of fission bombs and develop fusion devices (hydrogen bombs), or reach an
agreement to disarm and the exclusion of weapons that are too destructive, with the exception of chemical warfare, on which, by some miracle we cannot
explain, an agreement has been reached, the lamentations of philosophers, the efforts of politicians, and the conferences of diplomats have been
doomed to failure and have accomplished nothing.
The use of the atomic bomb combined with space vehicles poses a threat on a scale which makes it absolutely necessary to come to an agreement in this
area. With the appearance of unidentified space vehicles (opinions are sharply divided as to their origin) over the skies of Europe and the United
States has sustained an ineradicably fear, an anxiety about security, that is driving the great powers to make an effort to find a solution to the
Military strategists foresee the use of space craft with nuclear warheads as the ultimate weapon of war. Even the deployment of artificial satellites
for intelligence gathering and target selection is not far off. The military importance of space vehicles, satellites as well as rockets is
indisputable, since they project war from the horizontal plane to the vertical plane in its fullest sense. Attack no longer comes from an exclusive
direction, nor from a determined country, but from the sky, with the practical impossibility of determining who the aggressor is, how to intercept the
attack, or how to effect immediate reprisals. These problems are compounded further by identification. How does the air defense radar operator
identify, or more precisely, classify his target?
At present, we can breath a little easier knowing that slow moving bombers are the mode of delivery of atomic bombs that can be detected by long-range
early warning radar. But what do we do in, lets say ten years from now? When artificial satellites and missiles find their plane in space, we must
consider the potential threat that unidentified spacecraft pose. One must consider the fact that misidentification of these space craft for a
intercontinental missile in a re-entry phase of flight could lead to accidental nuclear war with horrible consequences.
Lastly, we should consider the possibility that our atmospheric tests of late could have influenced the arrival of celestial scrutiny. They could have
been, curious or even alarmed by such activity (and rightly so, for the Russians would make every effort to observe and record such tests).
In conclusion, it is our professional opinion based on submitted data that this situation is extremely perilous, and measures must be taken to rectify
a very serious problem are very apparent,
Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer
Director of Advanced Studies
Princeton, New Jersey
Professor Albert Einstein
Princeton, New Jersey
[note at the end of the original document]
Myself and Marshall have read this and I must admit there is some logic. But I have think, the President will consider it for the obvious reasons. I
understand Oppenheimer approached Marshall while they attended ceremony at.....
As I understand it, Marshall rebuffed the idea of Oppenheimer discussing this with the President. I Talked to Gordon, and he agreed."
Editors note: the signature to the end note appears to be by Vannevar Bush
Just weeks after this the The National Security Act was put in place.
Signed by Truman on July 26, 1947, it reorganized the U.S. Armed Forces, foreign policy, and Intelligence Community. James Forrestal was the first
Secretary of Defense. The amendment to the act in 1949, created the Department of Defense.
The Act also started the National Security Council in 1947. Which created the CIA.
According to The Encyclopedia of American foreign policy, the National Security Council "was created because policymakers felt that the diplomacy of
the State Department was no longer adequate to contain the USSR in light of the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States."
Or was that just a smokescreen?
Could All this really be due to the discovery at Roswell, which overnight changed everything about national security?