Originally posted by Boon_Dog
When i was younger I used to write a comic. It was the about the Grumble Bunnies.
The Grumble Bunnies where an under ground movement of rabbits that got sick and tired of mankind ruining their habitat. So they swore vengance.
Now i suppose I could call it terrorist activity but then (when i was younger) it was war. They would Cut/Knaw through power cables, place nails on
roads, basically everything that goes wrong in the world on a day to day basis was master-minded by the grumble bunnies. to rid the world of humans.
Even the most trivial of things. like when your in the shower and some down stairs turns the tap on and makes the water scolding hot. Thats the
grumble bunnies. Realy!
"Grumble Bunnies". Haha, that's cool.
Most of you will not be aware of the ATS Random Reply Post Generator. The ATS RRPG system can be accessed via a secret invisible link in a tiny corner
on an obscure page of the ATS website. Search through the seldom-visited pages on the site and just keep waving your mouse around. When you see the
cursor change to a hand in an area where there doesn't appear to be a link, click on it and you're there!
I put your Grumble Bunny post through the RRPG and here's some results it came up with:
1. Yeah, nice theory, but do you happen to have any EVIDENCE to back up your claim of the existence of these creatures? Like maybe links to
other websites that provide links to other websites as evidence? Please think before posting theories that cannot be backed up with a link to some
crackpot website. If you have a link, I will believe you. You say God exists? Where's the link that proves that? Don't you morons know that nothing
can ever be true unless we already have EVIDENCE to prove it? Jeez, it's like you idiots believe in free thought or something.
2. Dude, you like, totally ripped that off from Gremlins.
3. So where do you think the Grumble Bunnies came from? Do you think it was the Greys that planted them here as messengers to us to tell us
that our dependence on static technology is futile? Or were they placed here to destroy our technology and keep us from reaching a stage where we
could get off the Earth and travel to other planets.
4. I couldn't think what to say so I'm just gonna post a few links.
5. Grumble Bunnies actually evolved from the Mutter Hamster, or
Mumblus Rabbitus, which itself evolved from the little known
Chewcarrotosaurus from the Triassic period.
6. Grumble Bunnies are non-corporeal guides that can move between the spirit-world and ours at will. They are here to guide us and teach us.
Why do you think the rabbit foot is a sign of good luck? The Native Americans have worshipped bunnies for thousands of years. If you only open your
mind, you will understand the ancient wisdom that these benign rodents are trying to reawaken in our souls.
7. I think I saw a Grumble Bunny last night in the woods outside my house.
8.. Wake up, people! Grumble Bunnies are instituting a plan to
enslave the human race. They control the
media and everything
else. Remember Donnie Darko? The
giant rabbit in the film is the activation code for Grumble Bunny sleeper cells. Warner Brothers Studios,
which was a subsidiary company of Cute, White & Fluffy Holdings Ltd., set the plans in motion in the 50's. You'll never watch Bugs Bunny the same
way again.
9. Grumble Bunnies are escaped specimens from a top secret government genetic engineering project code-named GB-51, otherwise known as the
"Angry Rodent Project". Some GB-51's were also indoctrinated into the MK-BUKTOOTH Project. It was actually a Grumble Bunny on the grassy knoll, and
I have proof! Look carefully at this photo and you might be able to make out the vague shape of a rabbit-like figure in the background.
10. Hi, just a friendly word from your favorite Mod. There are many other threads on ATS dealing with the subject of Grumble Bunnies. Please
feel free to use the seacrh function before posting! This thread is now locked.