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Geez... is this what we're paying for?

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posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Listen to this: An unemployed Brit calling into a UK radio show complaining how hard it is to find work in this economy. Well, he says, he DID get offered a job a few days ago, but couldn't take it because of the harsh working conditions... (I'm being facetious here -- you HAVE to listen to it to believe this.)

Love how the radio host freaks out on him, and rightfully so.

Website with audio link

(Mods, I'm not sure this is in the right forum, so please move the thread at your discretion.)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:33 AM
well that made me laugh turns down a job because he has to be at work for 8 am , unemployed for 7 years , what a loser. sadly I think there are far to many people out there like this guy .

Still laughing about the brutal working conditions lol wish I could say try standing on top of asphalt for 14 hours in + 30 degree weather

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:39 AM
Easy to knock but in some respects he has a point. If you are unemployed in the UK they offer you full time jobs. Why the heck dont they give people part time jobs instead. It would get more people employed to start with. We live in an automated age. We should be working less. Instead people are trying to cram more into there work period and are expected to work longer and harder. The system is messed up. It should be centered around people not money..
Money is not a god. Take a break from knocking unemployed people they are not the spongers. The spongers are those that are milking trillions and stashing it in offshore bank accounts..

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:39 AM
Humanity doom itself when it decided its cure for the stupid and the lazy was to protect and cater to them.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:40 AM
This is proof that most of the unemployed are that way by choice.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:49 AM
This is a perfect example of the apathy that has plagued our society; it is a symptom of the lethargy and selfishness that people just don’t work because they are lazy and rely on government hand outs.

The responsibility should lie with the individual to get a job, this guy is clearly lazy, he is a parasite on society who manipulates the system to feed of hard working individuals like a leech. The government should also be rebalancing our system of welfare, there should be greater emphasis on making people work for their benefits rather than turning up a couple of times a month to a job centre to get some cash. We should be punishing these parasites not giving them more of my money to feed off.

That link has made be really quite angry.

Yes times are hard, you can’t just quit one job and walk into another anymore but there is work, it might not be well paid and it might not be glamorous but it contributes to society.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by sylvie

So did he have any real reasons besides just not wanting to get up that early? Because some people like mysef have a medical condition that screws up the circadin rhythm so that your sleep rhythm is pretty much opposite of a normal person. In my case no matter what I do i wont ever be able to have a normal sleep rhythm and waking up early will cause me to feel a zombie for most of the day and even then I will be unable to fall asleep at normal times.

But I agree completely if he has no medical condition.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:57 AM
Well If he cant do the job whats the point of taking it.
I couldve gotten a job anytime on a drilling rig down here in S Texas but I probably wouldnt have been physically capable of doing that kind of work 12 hours a day in the Texas heat, so theres no point in even taking the job.
I am working now and its in the oil industry, just not on a rig.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
Easy to knock but in some respects he has a point. If you are unemployed in the UK they offer you full time jobs. Why the heck dont they give people part time jobs instead. It would get more people employed to start with. We live in an automated age. We should be working less. Instead people are trying to cram more into there work period and are expected to work longer and harder. The system is messed up. It should be centered around people not money..
Money is not a god. Take a break from knocking unemployed people they are not the spongers. The spongers are those that are milking trillions and stashing it in offshore bank accounts..

I'm sorry, but that's a typical reply of a person who doesn't quite get where the money is coming from. As a spiritually inclined person, I agree that I'd rather have a world that's not ruled by money. However, as long as our society works the way it works, lazy welfare kings and queens are mooching off MY hard-earned money, and that pisses me off. Here in the US, there are whole generations of families making a "career" of being on welfare -- no one in the family has ever worked, but they sure know every loophole to milk the system, aka the taxpayers.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by GmoS719
This is proof that most of the unemployed are that way by choice.

emmm, one guy on a radio show is proof that most of the unemployed are that way by choice? And how do you work out that gross generalisation and statistic?

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:17 PM
ha at least it isn't an American...
Proof it is not an American problem alone, however if I don't get breaks, I am sure not to take a position. Call me entitled but whatever people need to fuel (means they need to eat) to continue to be productive.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

This is a perfect example of the apathy that has plagued our society; it is a symptom of the lethargy and selfishness that people just don’t work because they are lazy and rely on government hand outs.

That apathy is created by a system that is rotten thru and thru. We could have had lesser work day and more people could work instead of fewer. Why are some people having to work so insanely much and being efficient like what three people normally is able to do and at the same time having a lot of preassure to educate themselves in their field in the spare time for a salary that is not that much more than a common worker in a factory (I have also been that).

You go to university but there is no jobs even when the market say we have a need. Yes you have a need to keep the wages down. Then you take a low wage job outside the technical field you studied for and work your way up and try to come to a point where you someday can earn some more to pay for all the time wasted in university so you get some kind of pension (That the Politician keep steeling from). And the house market seem to be booming to extreme highs because a monopolic building market makes it more profitable not to build much but take out outrages prices for what you produce. And after a while you notice working a job is not the way to make money. Being a banker or speculator (Politician) gets you money from those who are doing the real work (those are the real parasites).

One of these day I am also gonna tell everybody to go to hell. Why should I work when the system is so insane and unfair to the real producers and problem/creative solvers for parasitic leaches who just go to meetings and talk a lot of crap to manipulate the masses to give them their money.
edit on 30-1-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by sylvie

Originally posted by purplemer
Easy to knock but in some respects he has a point. If you are unemployed in the UK they offer you full time jobs. Why the heck dont they give people part time jobs instead. It would get more people employed to start with. We live in an automated age. We should be working less. Instead people are trying to cram more into there work period and are expected to work longer and harder. The system is messed up. It should be centered around people not money..
Money is not a god. Take a break from knocking unemployed people they are not the spongers. The spongers are those that are milking trillions and stashing it in offshore bank accounts..

I'm sorry, but that's a typical reply of a person who doesn't quite get where the money is coming from. As a spiritually inclined person, I agree that I'd rather have a world that's not ruled by money. However, as long as our society works the way it works, lazy welfare kings and queens are mooching off MY hard-earned money, and that pisses me off. Here in the US, there are whole generations of families making a "career" of being on welfare -- no one in the family has ever worked, but they sure know every loophole to milk the system, aka the taxpayers.

So how do you have time to post on here, Oh let me guess from work? Robbing your company of money and time because you're on ATS But they will hire scum like that and not someone like me that actually wouldn't rob the company of time, ie has a good work ethic, so, some people are just very lucky while others have to "settle". What a load of crap!

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by CthulhuMythos

Originally posted by GmoS719
This is proof that most of the unemployed are that way by choice.

emmm, one guy on a radio show is proof that most of the unemployed are that way by choice? And how do you work out that gross generalisation and statistic?

I don't think MOST of the unemployed or people on welfare are moochers. I have a stark-contrast example right in my social circle. A really good friend of mine has been a hard-working woman and politically active person her entire life, until her multiple sclerosis didn't allow her to work anymore; now she's on disability, but the pittance she gets is barely enough to scrape by.

In contrast, her daughter, who in her teenage years somehow drifted off the right path and became a drug addict, is a perfect example for one of these good-for-nothing people. Finally got into rehab (allegedly successfully, but I'm not so sure), married a total loser, got pregnant, divorced the guy a year after the wedding, raised her kid, who's 4 now... all on welfare. Then she hooked up for a week or so with her loser-ex and got pregnant AGAIN. The baby is now about six months old. She stole money from her mother's bank account a year or so ago, even though she's well aware that my friend already doesn't have two pennies to rub together. Now she gets double the welfare, I'm sure, due to the second kid.

I always pride myself in being a live-and-let-live person, but in cases like these, forced contraception and forced labor for welfare recipients starts looking really good...

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by sylvie

Originally posted by purplemer
Easy to knock but in some respects he has a point. If you are unemployed in the UK they offer you full time jobs. Why the heck dont they give people part time jobs instead. It would get more people employed to start with. We live in an automated age. We should be working less. Instead people are trying to cram more into there work period and are expected to work longer and harder. The system is messed up. It should be centered around people not money..
Money is not a god. Take a break from knocking unemployed people they are not the spongers. The spongers are those that are milking trillions and stashing it in offshore bank accounts..

I'm sorry, but that's a typical reply of a person who doesn't quite get where the money is coming from. As a spiritually inclined person, I agree that I'd rather have a world that's not ruled by money. However, as long as our society works the way it works, lazy welfare kings and queens are mooching off MY hard-earned money, and that pisses me off. Here in the US, there are whole generations of families making a "career" of being on welfare -- no one in the family has ever worked, but they sure know every loophole to milk the system, aka the taxpayers.

So how do you have time to post on here, Oh let me guess from work? Robbing your company of money and time because you're on ATS But they will hire scum like that and not someone like me that actually wouldn't rob the company of time, ie has a good work ethic, so, some people are just very lucky while others have to "settle". What a load of crap!

Don't worry about me and the company I work for, little mudslinger. I've been making them oodles of money for years and years, and I'm being paid by the hour, so I mark down work breaks as unpaid time. I'm sure if you worried as much about yourself as about me, you'd have a job already.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by sylvie

I work doing three people's jobs I am on lunch break.
I don't even get paidf I am working to keep the place I'm in (I work for the place where I live). My Husband has three jobs to try to make up for food and clothing etc neccessities. You probably don't work half as hard as we do, and we have nothing to show for it, why am I so defensive? Well because I have a friend who busted her butt as did her husband for years he got injured and she is disabled both on SSDI and he got shafted out of workman's comp and she can't get help and SSDI has not been increased for FIVE years, she can't even get help from the state because of people with your mentality.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

It can be a time difference or maybe she works odd hours.
Where I am at it is evening now.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by LittleByLittle
reply to post by ldyserenity

It can be a time difference or maybe she works odd hours.
Where I am at it is evening now.

Those who judge have to remember someone is sitting in Judgement over them whether it be God or fate or the Universe, Karma is a B***.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by sylvie

I work doing three people's jobs I am on lunch break.
I don't even get paidf I am working to keep the place I'm in (I work for the place where I live). My Husband has three jobs to try to make up for food and clothing etc neccessities. You probably don't work half as hard as we do, and we have nothing to show for it, why am I so defensive? Well because I have a friend who busted her butt as did her husband for years he got injured and she is disabled both on SSDI and he got shafted out of workman's comp and she can't get help and SSDI has not been increased for FIVE years, she can't even get help from the state because of people with your mentality.

I already said that not all unemployed people and those on disability/welfare are moochers. My MS-stricken friend, for example, is mad at the moochers too, because thanks to them milking the system for all it's worth, she has to live on a shoe string while some of them are livin' it up.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:54 PM

edit on 30-1-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Nevermind

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