posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 01:15 AM
It sounds like seizure disorder, it may not be. I have become intimately familiar with seizure's over the last 12 years. Often before a seizure were
to come the person sometimes, has funny tastes, smells, or is overwhelmed by how bright everything suddenly gets. It is is very common to lose minutes
and hours of time as your mind tries to adjust. The body will feel heavy and exhausted becuase of all of the muscles tensing simultaneuosly. Punctures
marks could be when he was thrashing. Deep brain areas are the hardest to detect damage to, so his catscan may look fine when in fact he could have
damage to his brain, from a fall or a car accident when he was younger.
Grand mal seizures are the typical seizure people think of when you speak of one, they are the grandaddy of seizures with full body thrashing, and
eyes rolling.
My friend who I learned about seizures from has seizure disorder due to a car accident, and it is triggered by stress. She while out of a seizure, can
still be barely coherent for sometimes a day or so.
As far as missing months at a time, brain damage/stroke etectera all make sense.
Lastly sometimes one does not even realize they have seizure disorder until their first one strikes them out of know where. I was there for 2
people's first seizures, both adults and no previous history of seizures.