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Israel Boycotts U.N. Rights Scrutiny Session

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posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 09:17 AM
Israel has a long history of boycotting anything that indicates or may implicate their wrong doings so it's no surpise that they have decided to boycott this latest U.N. session.

Israel boycotted a United Nations human rights forum on Tuesday where it was due to have its record reviewed, setting a precedent feared by many Western and other states.

The current president of the Human Rights Council, Poland's ambassador Remigiusz Henczel, noted the absence of the Israeli delegation and ordered the meeting suspended briefly to decide how to proceed.

Israel, which would be expected to face criticism for its practices in the Palestinian territories, suspended relations with the council last May because of what it called an inherent bias against it.

Due to Israel's absence the meeting has been suspended. I find it ironic that Israel turns to the U.N. when it works in their favor but shuns them if it portrays them as the apartheid regime that they really are.

Don't get me wrong, I believe the U.N. to be a complete joke, but they are the organization that the world turns to to mediate various issues so as ridiculous as they may be, their actions should at least be considered as important on the global stage.

I think it's about time the Zionist Israeli government explains themselves to the world.

We deserve an explanation, especially if our own governments are going to continue blindly supporting this falsely portrayed "only democracy" in the Middle East when in fact it's nothing more than a theocracy just like Iran and other regional nations.

Israel sure likes to point the finger, but they are always a no show if the finger is pointed at them.

Here is a video that explains one of the many issues that they are under scrutiny for:

edit on 1/29/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Agreed the UN is a joke.

The Zionist Israeli Government, on the other hand, is not. Their ideology poses a threat to the region, and by western government association, a threat to the rest of us as well.

I find this latest action that they have taken to be in keeping with their attitude towards the UN and past criticisms.

When your "mate" is on the security council it matters not what the rest of the body has to say, that much is obvious.

Destabilization and threats of war with your neighbours appears to be the flavour of the new century, all in keeping with the Agenda of course.


posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Sublimecraft

I am waiting for an official announcement from my country's representation (Canada) supporting the Israeli boycott of this session. My elected officials tend to say "how high" when Israel says "jump".

In my opinion every nation should speak out against any country who continuously avoids these fact finding sessions. Even Iran is known to openly cooperate with the international community compared to Israel, that being said, how does that make Israel appear on the world stage?
edit on 1/29/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: how

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

that being said, how does that make Israel appear on the world stage?

It is no coincidence that some of those that share the Zionist philosophy also share other passions, like politics, banking and commerce - in high places.

Paradoxically they appear as both the pariah and puppet-masters on the world stage.

That is no coincidence either.

Funny how the world works.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 10:23 AM
Most people still use the "then they(hamas) must stop striking bombs on isreal" excuse,
but luckily that group is getting smaller each day, People are starting to wake up,
but that waking-up process is way slower then Isreal's destroying process apparently ...

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by ElectricFeel
Most people still use the "then they(hamas) must stop striking bombs on isreal" excuse,
but luckily that group is getting smaller each day, People are starting to wake up,
but that waking-up process is way slower then Isreal's destroying process apparently ...

Those who mention Hamas when it comes to illegal settlement expansion in Palestinian territories are obviously blind or purposely ignorant to the fact that Hamas is based in Gaza and the people having their homes demolished in the West Bank are not terrorists and their land is being stolen illegally which is probably why Israel ignores these meetings.


I did not fully elaborate on the main point of this exact post. The citizens of Gaza and The West Bank are under different governmental organizations. Therefore, anyone who would justify the actions of Hamas as a reason to steal land in The West Bank truly has their head in the sand.

This post was not directed towards you, but to those who use Hamas as a justification for Israeli land theft in the illegally occupied West Bank.
edit on 1/29/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 01:01 PM
It is sad that Israel had to resort to boycotting the 'RIGHTS' meeting.

But if the insignificant nobody me had been Israel, I too, will boycott that meeting.

What had UN human rights council done over the decades?


Only to scream at those responding to threats, take them to task, rather than to get the killers.

Look at the issue of the Shias. Hundreds, if not thousands of them had been murdered by ignorant and crazed sunnis. What had the UN human rights done?

Look at Mali and the issue of shariah law imposition by the demons with its horrifying mutilations and deaths to innocents. What had UNHR done about the demons, but yet they chosed to focus on the revenge killings and investigate the malian army, letting the demons free.

Look at Syria with its 60,000 dead now. What had it done? It only blamed the rebels, the ones whom are fighting the existential threat, rather than to haul the humanslayer to court.

Look at Iran. The Ayatollahs had been terrorizing its own citizens had ordered the slaughter of innocents around the world. What had UNHR done? Nothing.

Look at Dafur. Thosands of innocents had been slaughtered.

Look at Pakistan. The taliban runs rampant, killing mercilessly, and yet UNHR looks the other way, and wants to prosecute US drone strikes???

Possible war in the south china seas by claimnant states and yet UNHR stays silent, be reactive rather than be proactive to show the high amounts of deaths and contamination of our seas should war breaks out, not to mention economic loss?

China, Africa, N.Korea, Russia, etc???

I can go on and on. Point is - what had UN Human Rights Council done for mankind?

It is supposed to be the premier agency in UN to watch over and protect the masses. It is the agency the masses can turn to for support, as it is the masses that form the majority, not the elites, and with such power, UNHR can practically help.

But it did not. It only supports the condemnation of govts that reacts to threats, instead of hitting out at the makers of threats. Perhaps it is easier to pinpoint blame on govt, as they are accountable, rather than to spend time and effort to get the mass slaughterers and defiers of mankind's human rights to justice.

May the UNHR chief reflects upon his capabilities, or rather, his lack and limitations, and then resign so that another, who is more capable, who sees realities without fear or favor, get things done and have the charisma to get states to band together stronger, and elevate the status of human rights for mankind.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by Sublimecraft

(...) how does that make Israel appear on the world stage?
edit on 1/29/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: how

given who owns most MSM vehicles, they still appear pristine and unblemished.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Hey guys!

(Well put Seeker.

Wow... here is (yet) another thread apparently letting the good folks at ATS what the JEWS! are up to...

How is it CorruptionExposed you seem to be allowed to practice your own brand of anti-Semitism at ATS?

All of your threads are highly offensive to anyone with any sense of reality... or justice.

What's that you say?

You're have nothing against JEWS! Just those evil, hook nosed blood-sucking Zionist JEWS!

Maybe you can explain to me exactly how your hate promoting ALWAYS seems to miss what other regional actors are up to...

How about those 60 dudes that were hand bound and shot in the head? No reaction.

Murdoch's Nazi-era, Nazi-style propaganda 'cartoon'? No reaction.

What's the death toll up to in Syria, you know after a busy weekend? No reaction.

It just seems SO curious to me that you never seem to cover the UNENDING parade of cold-blooded murder by what one can only assume is your Muslim pals.

I don't seem to recall you ever covering ANY stories about Muslims...

So it's all JEWS! all the time. Nothing but hate and ignorance smearing about JEWS!

In defense of the Israelis... Why would they want to possibly go in front of a lynch mob like the UNHRC?

Exactly who is on the council at this time?

I noticed you kind of skipped over that part there big fella.

When I see your JEWS! hate-mongering I feel a DEEP sense of shame that I'm a member of ATS.

You bring shame on us all...

But it's not like you really care anything about the facts...

Just evil land-stealing JEWS!

edit on 29-1-2013 by golemina because: Forgot a JEWS!

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by golemina

Your whole post was filled with false accusations and misconceptions with the intent to deflect from the topic of the thread which is Israel is boycotting a U.N. Rights Scrutiny Session.

Most countries attend these assemblies meanwhile Israel constantly ignores these meetings.

I author threads on various subjects and point out the wrong doings of many regimes.

Your chant's of "Jew Hater!" are a classic example of this following image...

Is this respected Rabbi a "Jew Hater"?

Canadian Jews Protest Netanyahu and declare that Zionism is anti-Judaism

Rabbi Dovid Feldman Speaking in Toronto Against Israeli Attack on Gaza - 15Nov2012

And this tactic you are using, chanting Anti-Semitism, is a known tactic and it no longer works.

Now, let's get back on topic.

What are your thoughts of Israel's decision to boycott this U.N. session?

And please, try to enhance your level of maturity in your next post

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:02 PM
Yes Israel cries every time that boycotts against Israel itself are suggested.

Oh, my head hurts...

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:17 PM

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by GLaDOS

I am in no way condoning "rocket fire" into Israeli territories, but that link is hypocrisy at it's finest.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:31 PM
if the u.n. was a complete joke, they wouldn't care what it said or did.

but that's not the case, every signatory agrees to it's decisions as it is made up by each country.

in the u.s. every treaty the government signs becomes the law of the land unless they pull out.

it also applies to almost every country, that has such provisions in it's constitutions etc.

the u.n. has a lot of avenues of appeal, the veto power being the strongest.

a nation either abides by the decisions, or face sanctions. if they pass sanctions then every signer is obligated to impose it officially.

unofficially its a different matter.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:58 PM
Israel can do NO WRONG even when they do WRONG the west will never hold them to account.
It is shocking the amount of power this tiny nation holds over the big boys

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by musashi9

I'd just google the phrase 'The Kol Nidre'.
Definitely an eye opener when you consider that 'Yom Kippur' is considered to be the most holy day of the year for the Jewish people.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by golemina
Your post is a joke.

People like you can justify every despicable act committed by Israel and when the argument doen't go in your favor, your kind always resort to crying "anti-semitism, anti-semitism"! or "Jew hater, Jew hater"!....Nice try, but most people don't fall for that BS anymore.

I have nothing against the Jewish people or their faith but I do HATE Zionism and everything it represents and I do sympathize for the Palestinian people. The World has turned its back on them.

I feel ashamed that you are an ATS member also. So I geuss we have something in common.

edit on 29-1-2013 by Darkmask because: added to post

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by golemina
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Hey guys!

(Well put Seeker.

Wow... here is (yet) another thread apparently letting the good folks at ATS what the JEWS! are up to...

How is it CorruptionExposed you seem to be allowed to practice your own brand of anti-Semitism at ATS?

All of your threads are highly offensive to anyone with any sense of reality... or justice.

What's that you say?

You're have nothing against JEWS! Just those evil, hook nosed blood-sucking Zionist JEWS!

Maybe you can explain to me exactly how your hate promoting ALWAYS seems to miss what other regional actors are up to...

How about those 60 dudes that were hand bound and shot in the head? No reaction.

Murdoch's Nazi-era, Nazi-style propaganda 'cartoon'? No reaction.

What's the death toll up to in Syria, you know after a busy weekend? No reaction.

It just seems SO curious to me that you never seem to cover the UNENDING parade of cold-blooded murder by what one can only assume is your Muslim pals.

I don't seem to recall you ever covering ANY stories about Muslims...

So it's all JEWS! all the time. Nothing but hate and ignorance smearing about JEWS!

In defense of the Israelis... Why would they want to possibly go in front of a lynch mob like the UNHRC?

Exactly who is on the council at this time?

I noticed you kind of skipped over that part there big fella.

When I see your JEWS! hate-mongering I feel a DEEP sense of shame that I'm a member of ATS.

You bring shame on us all...

But it's not like you really care anything about the facts...

Just evil land-stealing JEWS!

edit on 29-1-2013 by golemina because: Forgot a JEWS!

Over react much? You realize nothing the OP or subsequent replies said had anything to do with Jews in general, simply the Zionists in power over Israel, right? The only racism present is your own ignorant post.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Hitler spread his lies, and committed atrocities right up until the end of the war. Most people didn't pay one god damn iota of attention until Late into the war, or even years after hearing of the terrible things he did after the fact.

Hitler began his work with the Nazi part in 1919. He came to power in the 1930's. The war wasn't a world war until 1939, ending in 1945. He got away with a lot of things for a very long time, and most people payed no attention to him what so ever. He paid visits to countries and was even well liked before the war began.

I will say 1920, because this is when he was officially involved with the Nazi party, up until his death was a long time for the man to commit terrible crimes, nearly untouchable on the world stage. We see much of the same ideals with the Zionist movement. Yes, I may get bashed out right by those that support it for daring to compare the two, but it's an interesting thing to research. Most of us take what we learned in school and run solely with that when thinking of Hitler or the Nazi party, but the similarities are quite scary when you look at them.

It bothers me greatly to see any country ethnically cleansing, and sadly Israel is guilty of just that. They use religion, politics and the media to achieve their goals, just as the Nazi's did.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

Over react much? You realize nothing the OP or subsequent replies said had anything to do with Jews in general, simply the Zionists in power over Israel, right? The only racism present is your own ignorant post.


I'm sorry did I misread the OP and we were actually talking about Zionist Muslims?

My bad...

If you're going to bash (Zionist) JEWS!, at least have the honesty of your viewpoint and come out and say it.

You hate JEWS!

This blatant camouflage mimicry of anti-Semitism is EXACTLY why Israel is disassociating itself from the so-called UNHRC.

The only racism present is your own ignorant post.

Show me EXACTLY which part of my post is culpable of this nonsense.

And thank you for answering my questions... You know... the one about...

Wait! That can't possibly be... You didn't answer a single allegation I've made...

If you're SO right! And I'm SO wrong...

Do point out my factual errors.

Where is the UNHRC investigation into actions by the supposed 'victim' of JEWS! atrocities are never investigated for:

- Preventing the JEWS! from even praying at their most holy site.
- The penalty for a 'Palestinian' selling his land to a JEWS! is the death penalty.
- The areas the so-called 'Palestinians' want for their nation has to be scrapped off from even the presence of one single JEWS!

(do I REALLY need to complete this list?

This is why the UNHRC is a total farce.

Say isn't that bastion of human rights, Saudi Arabia, in the UNHRC?

No conflict of interest possible there right?

You've got something like 80,000 DEAD SYRIANS and the UNHRC is throwing a sissy fit about JEWS!

Am I speaking too fast for ya there...
edit on 29-1-2013 by golemina because: Yet another JEWS! edit.

edit on 29-1-2013 by golemina because: Dangling 'i' on JEWS! Israel.

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