To Lie or not to Lie--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles …..
My submission of a Lie told that --well I got away with it and enjoyed it.
I lived with a Narcissistic man who was a total control freak, and wanted everything his way and would never listen to reason about why I might want
this situation to be different, be better for us.
Example: he knew I was making lunch but suddenly had to do something, like tell the guy next door something very important, or go to his shop and
attend to a quick matter, then be late for lunch.
If I ate without him he chewed me out for not waiting for him, since he had told me where he was going.
If I waited for him, he chewed me out for acting like a child who needed his permission to eat.
There was no ’winning” but I was not playing a game. He was narcissistically personality disordered, and that is VERY difficult to live with.
We may find that in high places, such as Presidents, Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors, hell even a guy who failed College--- he/she--- fell above
everyone else.
To my Lie:
He took all the Trade Dollars we earned, in our computer business and turned them in for (he was/is an alcoholic) 4 cases of white wine, 4 cases of
red wine, and a case of Ice wine. I was quite disturbed about this amount of alcohol in the house, downstairs, when I lived upstairs, in a Wheelchair,
and the downstairs was rented out to two young men who were into dope, alcohol, working nights and making horrible noises at 3:00 a.m. when they came
home. I was loosing sleep-- bah blah blahhhhhhhhh.
One day, alone in the house, I “bummed” out of my ‘chair and down the stairs to the landing, turned, then on down to the furnace room, saw the
wine cases, but didn‘t know what was what…however I grabbed a bottle of ice wine and “bummed” my way back upstairs and shoved the bottle into
my underwear drawer. He came home from a job and immediately called up to me about a missing bottle of wine. I said that I didn’t know anything, as
downstairs was his territory and upstairs was mine!
All of this was done in a time coordination, and then he realized that “the guys downstairs had taken it” and he kicked them out! (Wheeeeeeeee! I
got what I wanted). They begged me to point out that he drank in the garage and other places, and I said, I didn’t know what anybody did.---all I
knew was that I had asked them to be quiet at 3:00 a.m., and to not use our laundry room without asking first, but they acted like they belonged, so
maybe they were acting as though they owned the wine.
They tried to sue us, and other junk, but never showed up in court, and were then gone,
Then HE moved his computer shop downstairs, and I was pleased. Then I set out to find a place in which to live, and to leave him, and I did.
Then he went on huge benders, because he couldn’t keep his books (my job.) I wrote a cheque for my Capital in the business, and sent a form to the
Government to dissolve the Partnership Agreement between us. obvios;y i had all the info.
Tell me who is smarter?
A drunken /male Narcissist or a woman in a wheelchair….you don’t have to answer--obviously HE thought he was.
That was 2002 and to this day none of the 3 of them know what I did.
(By the way, because he watched me so much, it was over 2 weeks before I could sneak the Ice Wine, still unopened, over to the Court House parking
Lot, as we were answering their lawsuit, and I dumped it into a garbage container----- ha ha
!! Some hobo or garbage collecter much have been
very happy to have found it.
edit on 28-1-2013 by canadiansenior70 because: add info