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Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gay members, leaders

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posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Dang it! I was hoping you could tell me so I could make sure I have done what is required to "become a man". I hope so, I'd hate to have to tell my wife and kids that they have to go back to being single and un-born because I missed class that day... (how embarrassing!)

edit on 2/2/2013 by Montana because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
But no one is forcing them to change anything. There is no current law forcing BSoA to accept known gays. What's happening is, people and companies are deciding not to donate to the organization - and that is their right. People are pulling their kids out of their troops, and that is their right. These are the reasons the BSoA is re-thinking it's position. It's unfortunate that they are not re-thinking their position because they realize it's discrimination.

Never said this was due to legislation or even implied it was. As terms of losing membership numbers, they had a yearly drop of ~0.56%; hardly large droves and no way to say the cause of that drop (I wouldn't speculate in either capacity on it without hard numbers).

I have already stated that their blanket policy changes doesn't bother me -- but I find it interesting it is aimed at them (and has been for a long time) when alternatives exists. To me, that screams agenda of a vocal minority changing a private group because they can.

I think you are mistaking me playing devil's advocate for support. If my son was gay or I was gay and I wanted to experience the "scout" experience, I would find the group that has no problem in this; not force another to accept me. It is a personal responsibility issue for me and given how long the pressure has been applied to the BSoA to change, it baffles me.

If a scouting group only accepted LGBT kids and leaders I would never think to force them to change to accept a heterosexual orientated person for the sake of "equality". That is my point.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 07:44 PM

If a scouting group only accepted LGBT kids and leaders I would never think to force them to change to accept a heterosexual orientated person for the sake of "equality".

Fair enough. Myself I would be in opposition towards that LGBT group that being the case. Also I wouldn't consider that force.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

You think a group of people representing less than 10% of the total population FORCED them to change their policies? I don't think so. There is a much larger population than just gays who are speaking with their voices and their wallets against discrimination. The BSoA are on the wrong side of history, and I think they are starting to realize that.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by CyberneticProphet
More homosexual infiltration in youth organizations to push their deviant lifestyle choice on society and brainwash the young to lead them to Hell.

Hopefully the true Boy Scouts who stand for the Christian God and Country will split from this wickedness and form their own godly organization.

They have, its called Christianity. One of the biggest gangs in the world.

You should reconsider your path in life. Once you are in the fires of Hell you wouldn't be able to escape. Choose God and choose eternal life.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by CyberneticProphet
Hopefully the true Boy Scouts who stand for the Christian God and Country will split from this wickedness and form their own godly organization.

Not sure which Boy Scouts you are talking about here, but it isn't the Boy Scouts of America. BSA has NEVER been a Christian organization.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by ownbestenemy

You think a group of people representing less than 10% of the total population FORCED them to change their policies? I don't think so.

Well then debate over I suppose; you don't think so. Yes, I do think that a small minority is projecting their beliefs upon a private organization for the sake of equality and has so for a lot longer than this recent flare-up regarding the debate.

My ultimate point is why? Why focus so much energy to change this group (especially if they are on "the wrong side of history") to fit your lifestyle? There are alternatives that offer the same thing and include all. Go there and let the group who doesn't want to participate alone and/or die out because of their exclusiveness.

There is a much larger population than just gays who are speaking with their voices and their wallets against discrimination. The BSoA are on the wrong side of history, and I think they are starting to realize that.

Corporate sponsorship is the only real hit they took and it has been only two; Intel and another. Memberships haven't dropped in any significant manner; so the line that "a large portion of people are leaving them" because of their stance is contrived and speculative at best. The corporate drop-outs did indicate it was because of the stance and that is fine. As you said, it is their Right and I agree. But it is the Right of the group known as BSoA to also exclude whom they wish.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
There is a prominent one already that is inclusive; so why not just go to them? Camp Fire USA bills themselves as such a "scouting" type club. My point being, if there is a viable alternative, why force the BSoA to fit what you want?

Obviously people are using the alternative but i dont honestly believe BSoA is being "forced" Its obviously their choice whether they want to modernise their attitude's to dwindle into a pitiful existence.

If BSoA is moving towards inclusiveness because they want to, I am all for it. If they are doing so because select individuals feel it is their lot in life to force others to accept their views on life, I am against it.

Again, i don't think they're being forced and i don't think people are pushing their views for acceptance. Its a well known fact that homosexuality occurs naturally. It's not contagious, its not a disease, it cannot be "cured" It just simply is. These being the facts, it seems awfully silly for an organisation to discriminate against certain individuals because they have "values" Its nice to see they've had an injection of common sense.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by CyberneticProphet

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by CyberneticProphet
More homosexual infiltration in youth organizations to push their deviant lifestyle choice on society and brainwash the young to lead them to Hell.

Hopefully the true Boy Scouts who stand for the Christian God and Country will split from this wickedness and form their own godly organization.

They have, its called Christianity. One of the biggest gangs in the world.

You should reconsider your path in life. Once you are in the fires of Hell you wouldn't be able to escape. Choose God and choose eternal life.

Im not so sure "god" would approve of the other "choices" ive made in my life. But thanks anyhow

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by CyberneticProphet

More threats? Wow you sure made your case. Go read your bible and let the adults talk.

With people like you supporting BSoA no wonder they have the reputation of being bigoted idiots.

posted on Feb, 3 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by CyberneticProphet

You should reconsider your path in life. Once you are in the fires of Hell you wouldn't be able to escape. Choose God and choose eternal life.

It will happen to all of us, that at some point you get tapped on the shoulder and told, not just that the party’s over, but slightly worse: the party’s going on — but you have to leave. And it’s going on without you. That’s the reflection that I think most upsets people about their demise. All right, then, because it might make us feel better, let’s pretend the opposite. Instead, you’ll get tapped on the shoulder and told, Great news: this party’s going on forever – and you can’t leave. You've got to stay; the boss says so. And he also insists that you have a good time.
~Christopher Hitchens

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by ownbestenemy

You think a group of people representing less than 10% of the total population FORCED them to change their policies? I don't think so. There is a much larger population than just gays who are speaking with their voices and their wallets against discrimination. The BSoA are on the wrong side of history, and I think they are starting to realize that.

Right, the problem is there is no "much larger population". It is just that homosexuals and their few, far leftist allies have become far more vocal, and sneaked into positions of power. From media talking head positions, to head of corporate entities. Look at the Bilderberg group, the most powerful collection of men on the planet and what kind of entertainment do they have for their meetings? Gay strippers, Gay Porn-stars and Gay prostitutes.

This is purely top down pressure to kill Protestantism and advance homosexuality. What do you think is going to happen? Parents who are moral and ethical people will pull their kids, and the BSoA will die a quick and brutal death. In it's wake, I a sure many Churches will have mini Scout like organizations, but due to the spread of homosexual immorality in Protestant religions, it will eventually re-funnel people back to Catholicism. As the Catholic Church is one of the few Christian denominations that has made it clear that homosexuality is an abomination. Even beyond the "gay issue", Protestantism is dieing because of it's support of adultery, murder and divorce(I think the "Christian" movie "Fireproof" illustrates perfectly why Protestantism in America has been fully subverted).

Added to the fix of making America a Catholic nation through immigration and subterfuge of competing denominations, the mid- 21st Century is going to be an incredibly sad era. Granted it will take a few more decades to run it's course, but the way things are set up that homosexuals are "outing themselves" in record number it can't really be helped. I am surprised no one finds it odd that the biggest meme being propogated from the top is to "come out", in a way that if someone really wanted to make a list of every homosexual, it could easily be accomplished via twitter or facebook by an automated program of some sort.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by korathin

You act as if there is no such thing as heterosexual immorality.

There are religious homosexuals. There are homosexuals who are protestants, Catholics, Jews, even Muslims. God loves all, and Jesus was inclusive not exclusive. People who use religion to justify their hatred of others are the immoral ones.

There are moral and immoral heterosexuals; there are moral and immoral homosexuals. There are many, many homosexuals who want nothing more than to find that one partner to share their lives with, and to live a peaceful, quiet life in their community -- sounds like a lot of heterosexuals I know.....

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by korathin

You act as if there is no such thing as heterosexual immorality.

There are religious homosexuals. There are homosexuals who are protestants, Catholics, Jews, even Muslims. God loves all, and Jesus was inclusive not exclusive. People who use religion to justify their hatred of others are the immoral ones.

There are moral and immoral heterosexuals; there are moral and immoral homosexuals. There are many, many homosexuals who want nothing more than to find that one partner to share their lives with, and to live a peaceful, quiet life in their community -- sounds like a lot of heterosexuals I know.....

If there is a homosexual 'Christian' he isn't following God but a false form of Christianity and will have to face the Eternal Judge Jesus Christ on Judgement Day and answer to his sin of homosexuality before ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire to burn forever.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:08 AM
The Boy Scouts, like any other organization or corporation in America, can't ban members or customers based on sexual orientation, even if it was originally part of their core belief systems.

Just like if I were any sort of club, I wouldn't be able to say "oh, you're gay? Too bad, we can't help you".

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by CyberneticProphet

Originally posted by kaylaluv
reply to post by korathin

You act as if there is no such thing as heterosexual immorality.

There are religious homosexuals. There are homosexuals who are protestants, Catholics, Jews, even Muslims. God loves all, and Jesus was inclusive not exclusive. People who use religion to justify their hatred of others are the immoral ones.

There are moral and immoral heterosexuals; there are moral and immoral homosexuals. There are many, many homosexuals who want nothing more than to find that one partner to share their lives with, and to live a peaceful, quiet life in their community -- sounds like a lot of heterosexuals I know.....

If there is a homosexual 'Christian' he isn't following God but a false form of Christianity and will have to face the Eternal Judge Jesus Christ on Judgement Day and answer to his sin of homosexuality before ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire to burn forever.

To quote the Dude... yeah, well... that's just, like, your opinion, man.
I guess we'll all find out the real truth when we die. Until then, it's all speculation.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by CyberneticProphet

If there is a homosexual 'Christian' he isn't following God but a false form of Christianity and will have to face the Eternal Judge Jesus Christ on Judgement Day and answer to his sin of homosexuality before ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire to burn forever.

Christianity is false from the onset. Women are included in homosexuality. You have no proof your religion is more true than conflicting religions. It doesn't say homosexuality is sin in the Bible because the use of the word are modern translations only. A god that would punish eternally is evil, let alone for a "sin" like that. Why are you throwing Bible stuff into this thread? Would you like to join me in another thread so we don't derail this topic for the others?

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