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Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gay members, leaders

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posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:29 AM
Well, good for the Boy Scouts! Finally cottoning on that homophobia isn't acceptable and people of all orientations dont like it very much! I dont feel any personal victory here, just happy that this discrim ination can be put to rest.

Imagine, being kicked out of an organisation because you cant help but be attracted to the same gender, We'll be laughing about this in 20 years

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by david99118

if a particular group or organization doesn't conform with popular opinion,

If you want to call it that. I call it being modern. The world is evolving in the moral landscape. Keep up.

its called tyranny of the majority. if they were doing this of their own free will, i would not see a problem with it. but the fact that that they are not breaking any laws and still being harassed and slandered is utter BS. i would much rather be oppressed by the government than a lowbrow sheep like you. and i guarantee that if some GLBT group was purposely excluding straights, you would completely support them. after all, its always ok to exclude people people as long as your a minority right? filth like you need to be taken out back.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Imagine, being kicked out of an organisation because you cant help but be attracted to the same gender, We'll be laughing about this in 20 years

yep, laughing over the fact we stupidly allowed excessive diversity to ruin our country. anything beyond genetic diversity is always destructive. good god Americans are so bleeding stupid.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 07:36 PM
More homosexual infiltration in youth organizations to push their deviant lifestyle choice on society and brainwash the young to lead them to Hell.

Hopefully the true Boy Scouts who stand for the Christian God and Country will split from this wickedness and form their own godly organization.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by david99118

That person said "if a particular group or organization". It was a general statement, and my response should have been read that way as well.

i would much rather be oppressed by the government than a lowbrow sheep like you.

and i guarantee that if some GLBT group was purposely excluding straights, you would completely support them.

I absolutely would not. Ultimately it's not about supporting LGBT, it's about supporting equality. Supporting LGBT rights merely falls under this belief.

Many heterosexuals support LGBT equality, and are regularly included in its support and activism.

filth like you need to be taken out back.

Like Old Yeller? I prefer burning at the stake.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by david99118

its called tyranny of the majority. if they were doing this of their own free will, i would not see a problem with it.

They are doing it of their own free will. I would take issue with them being forced to accept gays too. I think the KKK should be allowed to exclude black people from membership too. I think both are equally pathetic mindsets. Being around gay people doesn't make you gay. If it did everyone would be gay already.

Everyone has a right to be a bigot. Everyone else has a right to boycott bigotry. I wouldn't call that tyranny.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by david99118

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Imagine, being kicked out of an organisation because you cant help but be attracted to the same gender, We'll be laughing about this in 20 years

yep, laughing over the fact we stupidly allowed excessive diversity to ruin our country. anything beyond genetic diversity is always destructive. good god Americans are so bleeding stupid.

"Excessive diversity" ? I wonder if you felt the same when they desegregated blacks and whites in america, Oh no that's an entirely different thing right?

Good god america, still breading ignorance in your citizens!

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by CyberneticProphet
More homosexual infiltration in youth organizations to push their deviant lifestyle choice on society and brainwash the young to lead them to Hell.

Hopefully the true Boy Scouts who stand for the Christian God and Country will split from this wickedness and form their own godly organization.

They have, its called Christianity. One of the biggest gangs in the world.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Domo1

My wife has been following this issue on Facebook and noticed something.

On a site dedicated for the discussion of the issue, there were thoughtful comments for and against, along with hateful snide comments.

Guess what?

Facebook took out all the well-worded, reasonable debate on both sides and kept the hateful, divisive comments.

So anyone looking, would only see the side that Facebook wants you to see.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Domo1

I err on the side of our Natural right to freely associate and the ability to decide who that association is with. If the private group known as the Boy Scouts wants to exclude people, they should very well have every right to do so (but as mentioned before; how do you determine if someone is 'gay' -- for lack of a better word)? This is akin to politicians and the news sticking their noses into Augusta (in case you are not aware, they excluded women).

If I want to have a group that only lets in one-legged people, I very well shouldn't have to worry about being vilified in the media for my choice in membership limits.

Here is a solution: Don't like how the group operates? Start your own that does allow gay people/kids to join....unless of course your agenda is to have it your way; which this is what it is about.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
reply to post by Domo1

I err on the side of our Natural right to freely associate and the ability to decide who that association is with. If the private group known as the Boy Scouts wants to exclude people, they should very well have every right to do so (but as mentioned before; how do you determine if someone is 'gay' -- for lack of a better word)? This is akin to politicians and the news sticking their noses into Augusta (in case you are not aware, they excluded women).

If I want to have a group that only lets in one-legged people, I very well shouldn't have to worry about being vilified in the media for my choice in membership limits.

Here is a solution: Don't like how the group operates? Start your own that does allow gay people/kids to join....unless of course your agenda is to have it your way; which this is what it is about.

Im pretty sure there are many competing groups that can offer the same services as BSOA - And they're aware of this. Those competing groups will grow and grow, maybe even merge and become Real competition. Im not so sure BSOA would like to loose their stake, even worse, be remembered for "That group that couldn't get over the fact that some guys like guys"

Time to modernise if you want to continue effectively.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I'm really surprised by your response. You wouldn't let your son join the scouts if they admitted gay kids? You said it yourself, your son is around gay kids already. He will grow up and have to deal with gay people. In what way do you think accepting gay participants would ruin the experience of scouts? Is it really just about sticking to your guns?

To me the difference is school is mandatory and public - you cant get around that. Plus its BIG, not a close knit group like scout chapters. Scouts teach young boys how to grow up to be fine Men. If they let gays have their way, you will be teaching young boys how to grow up to be sissy's with an identity crisis. Parents don't want their boys subjected to that or possibly be hit on by gay boys which is much more likely to happen in a close group. I think if they do this, it will be the end of scouts. Scouting will have to close it's doors because it wont survive the pressure from the parents.

They could have gay only chapters. This would solve many problems. Scouts still wouldn't survive but they would do much less damage in the meantime.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 06:48 AM
The Boy Scouts are a privately run organization. They can ban or not ban as they wish. They can run their (church oriented) groups as they wish. However, I'm glad to see that they are moving in the direction of lifting the ban.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

If they let gays have their way, you will be teaching young boys how to grow up to be sissy's with an identity crisis.

You can choose to believe they have an identity crisis. I can thoroughly argue against that notion, but it would go far too off topic.

But I have to ask. If gayness is taught by other homosexuals, why is almost every single homosexual was raised by heterosexual parent(s)?

Now concerning what "gays" look like. Or whatever the hell "sissy" means for that matter. These stereo types hold no bearing in the real world. Take any demeanour and temperament and you will find them at home in heterosexual men and women, and in homosexual men and women, and everyone else.

Or if you would like some reinforcement for your stereotyping. As a bisexual who is a competitive martial artist, that also grows flowers, I suppose it's my 'straight' side that fights in the ring eh? heh....

People are people dude. Each orientation is eclectic.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Im pretty sure there are many competing groups that can offer the same services as BSOA - And they're aware of this. Those competing groups will grow and grow, maybe even merge and become Real competition. Im not so sure BSOA would like to loose their stake, even worse, be remembered for "That group that couldn't get over the fact that some guys like guys"

There is a prominent one already that is inclusive; so why not just go to them? Camp Fire USA bills themselves as such a "scouting" type club. My point being, if there is a viable alternative, why force the BSoA to fit what you want? If BSoA is moving towards inclusiveness because they want to, I am all for it. If they are doing so because select individuals feel it is their lot in life to force others to accept their views on life, I am against it.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The Boy Scouts are a privately run organization. They can ban or not ban as they wish. They can run their (church oriented) groups as they wish. However, I'm glad to see that they are moving in the direction of lifting the ban.

How about the VAST majority of Scout troops that are not (church oriented)? Can they also be run however they like?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Im pretty sure there are many competing groups that can offer the same services as BSOA - And they're aware of this. Those competing groups will grow and grow, maybe even merge and become Real competition. Im not so sure BSOA would like to loose their stake, even worse, be remembered for "That group that couldn't get over the fact that some guys like guys"

There is a prominent one already that is inclusive; so why not just go to them? Camp Fire USA bills themselves as such a "scouting" type club. My point being, if there is a viable alternative, why force the BSoA to fit what you want? If BSoA is moving towards inclusiveness because they want to, I am all for it. If they are doing so because select individuals feel it is their lot in life to force others to accept their views on life, I am against it.

But no one is forcing them to change anything. There is no current law forcing BSoA to accept known gays. What's happening is, people and companies are deciding not to donate to the organization - and that is their right. People are pulling their kids out of their troops, and that is their right. These are the reasons the BSoA is re-thinking it's position. It's unfortunate that they are not re-thinking their position because they realize it's discrimination.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:36 PM
I was surprised to see that this was still an issue in the US. They were discussing this on CNN this morning, and I heard that they didn't let in gays or atheists.

Why would anyone be worried about sexuallity in scouts? The leaders should all be going through thorough background checks, and gay has nothing to do with pediphilia.

Plus, no one is there for sex.
Why is sex and religion always such a big deal in the US?

As far as the boys learning to be men, even the Girl Scouts don't sit there doing pedicures - they learn camping and survival skills, first aid, etc

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

The Boy Scouts is not about making boys into men. The Boy Scouts is about building better CITIZENS through education and self-leadership. I realize you didn't bring up the issue, but I wonder just how does one "become a man"? Is there a secret handshake or something?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Montana

Not sure about the handshake. There was a fellow on the news this morning, and it was part of his argument about not having gay leaders.

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