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Richard Cassaro - Forbidden Ancient Wisdom Revealed

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posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Fantastic work on bringing this to the public, so thanks for that.

But there is a lot of info and im a bit time poor at the moment. Is there a more condensed version of his theories like what the global religion was and where it stemmed from? I just dont the time to be reading books sorry I know its lazy on my part but I have some important things I have to take care of. Thanks in advance.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Klassified

The church has never taught the earth was flat. In fact, a flat earth was not a commonly held theory at anytime in our past that I can find. The bible itself says the earth is round. Isaiah 40:22 

Thanks. You beat me to it. Romans & Greeks had many statues depicting Atlas holding the globe on his back even. You covered it but I wanted to add that little bit.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:23 PM
always researching and adding to my neverending pool of knowledge! thanks! peices a couple things together for me! stars.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by sirjunlegun
reply to post by Klassified

The church has never taught the earth was flat. In fact, a flat earth was not a commonly held theory at anytime in our past that I can find. The bible itself says the earth is round. Isaiah 40:22 

I'll diverge from the OP for a moment because lord knows christians can't seem to take observations very well
there are a bunch of verses quoted at the link here is just one for example

Isaiah 11:12
"12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH." (KJV)

It is quite clear that the above Biblical Verses suggest and claim that the Earth is flat, has Edges, has Four Corners, has Pillars, and has Foundations.

Some Christians have gone as far as presenting Isaiah 40:22 to try to prove that the Bible claims that the earth is round.
Let us look at what the Verse says:
"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. (From the NIV Bible, Isaiah 40:22)"
well, I see why the actual verse didn't get posted
as I said the circle OF the earth is its orbit and that is drawn from muche earlier sources that did know the earth was round
circle are spheres since when?

The christians obviously did not know the real significance of the celtic cross, nor obviously
did they KNOW OF THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET...( the Americas etc ) till Columbus
(remember he figured the earth was round and he was laffed at by everyone?)

So in the interest of picking nits if christians are insulted by the comment i made you have entirely missed the point of what I have posted
Which IS the point of christianity somedays it seems... hence the non posting of the verse Isaiah 40:22

The notion that hell was below the earth is stated clearly in early Christian tradition by the belief, still recited by most Christians in the Apostolic and Athanasian creeds, that Christ "descended into hell" between his death and resurrection. The Harrowing of hell, combined with the theme of Christ's ascension into heaven, became a favourite motif in medieval art and drama[74] and led to the three tiers of the mystery plays. This was possibly the only source of cosmology available to most unlearned people until literacy became more widespread after the invention of printing.

also re the greeks

The Flat Earth model is an archaic belief that the Earth's shape is a plane or disk. Many ancient cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including Greece until the classical period,

we now return you to your regularly schedualed thread

edit on 27-1-2013 by Danbones because: messed up quote box

edit on 27-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2013 by Danbones because: dyslexic typist on balky laptop with poor connection

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 10:28 PM
None of this should be at all surprising, nor should the reality and dangers be underestimated. Browse through a copy of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manley Hall, and take special note of the chapter which describes how to conjure spirits to do your bidding. Yes, they are demons, aka aliens, and they do materialize into the physical realm. And they are very, very dangerous. Look into the book, Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, who also wrote the rituals for the Scottish Rites, the upper 30 levels of freemasonry. This is devil worship, and while many members of freemasons see it as only a community service organization of decent and moral men, the structure is progressively satanic as you rise through the ranks and counter to the resurrection. I've never been a mason, but my most respected and truly nice grandfather was one all of his life, but he had a secret curse that only I discovered in that real demons would physically attack him nightly during his sleep. This went on for about 40 years. For those interested in how I discovered this in the late fifties, see my Squidoo article:

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by cusanus

Albert Pike did not write the rituals for the Scottish Rite; that is false. He merely revised them; Scottish Rite existed before his birth, and surely long before he became a Mason.
edit on 27-1-2013 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:34 PM
What`s the motive for covering up the existence of a lost universal religion?

Did this universal religion cause the downfall of society and that`s why it is being kept hidden to prevent it from reemerging and destroying society again?

Did this universal religion give too much power to the people so it is being kept hidden to prevent it from reemerging and taking power away from the elite 1% ?

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Yes you are correct the founding fathers were much older re incarnations of more ancient beings. Trust me I know lol. If I told you the truth you would not believe me anyway.

Too bad the original teachings of the masons have been hijacked by the dark, so most do not trust them anymore.

But guys everyone forgets to go further what about Atlantis and lemuria or when people want to know where and how, lets say we dropped or fell from higher dimensions.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

Did this universal religion cause the downfall of society and that`s why it is being kept hidden to prevent it from reemerging and destroying society again?

Did this universal religion give too much power to the people so it is being kept hidden to prevent it from reemerging and taking power away from the elite 1% ?

The universal religion didn't cause the downfall of society; the deviation from it did. Did the universal religion give too much power to the people? Absolutely... Read the first link in my signature Triptych Doorway for clarification.
edit on 27-1-2013 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2013 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by cusanus

As I said hijacked by the dark, they weren't always like that these days the inner circle work for satan. By the way guys satan is a draconian boss. They came from andromeda to alpha draconis.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:47 PM
lets see
demons religions masons etc
try glaciers maybe
you know those two mile high demonic things

We have civilization all over the place a few feet down on the continental shelves. They were there before the glaciors melted and raised sea levels..
Not to mention the inundations from two mile tall calves hitting the water at freefall speeds..
thats enough to cause a real satanicmasondemon
I mean tsunami...

edit on 27-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:53 PM
OP, fascinating topic! I have noticed similarities in tribes that had no contact for many years and used to give theory to the falling of land mass and that all lands were indeed connected once but, I now think that was long before some of the civilizations of the more recent distant past.

Thanks and I will be looking for more as well as reading the book.

Again Great topic!

One question! What is the Masonic rational to Gargoyles? I know the Churches response but, I wonder if it is to remember the Pagan Gods rather than to ward of evils of time.

edit on 27-1-2013 by BewilderedandAmused because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 12:25 AM


"The able Panch ['Phoenicians'] setting out to invade the Earth, brought the whole World under their sway."-Maha-Barata Indian Epic of the Great Barats.1
"The Brihat ['Brit-on']2 singers belaud Indra . . . Indra hath raised the Sun on high in heaven . . . Indra leads us with single sway-The Panch [Phoenic-ian Brihats] leaders of the Earth. Ours only, and none others is He!"-Rig Veda Hymn.3

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by misscurious

Originally posted by misscurious
Maybe liveforever8 is Richard cassareo?.. great plug at the start for the books..

Dammit! I've been rumbled

Actually, I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to mention this. For the record, I am not Richard Cassaro. Silly paranoid conspiracy theorists...

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by misscurious

Originally posted by misscurious
Maybe liveforever8 is Richard cassareo?.. great plug at the start for the books..

Dammit! I've been rumbled

Actually, I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to mention this. For the record, I am not Richard Cassaro. Silly paranoid conspiracy theorists...

Hmm...even as your girlfriend, I can't clarify that to be true - you spend a lot of time late at night, tap-tapping away on that keyboard in your "pit"
I wouldn't put it past you to have knocked up a couple of books in the time that we've been together...

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 05:02 AM
i've been working on a theory that might answer your question as to how old the architectural knowledge is, that at least traces it back to ancient akkad, perhaps even sumer (or older). it goes like this:

there was an ancient city on the euphrates river during ancient sumer, called nibru (known as nippur today ). it was the city of the sumerian god, enlil. enlil's people were theoretically, named after the, habru or habiru, which = hebrew. the habru or habiru were the hyksos shepherd kings of egyptian fame as well, who after migrating to egypt, gained favor with the pharaoh of the time, rose to prominence, built their own city called Avaris (Auaris) along the nile and eventually some became pharaohs in their own right. after about 100 years or so, they became unpopular and were removed from leadership positions. this lasted until pharaoh ahmose chased them out of egypt.

my theory is that they were temple builders,, stone masons, and this is how they gained favor with the egyptian royals. also, nimrod, a descendant of the biblical noah, has been traced to ancient egypt as well. he also appers in an akkadian text called ENMERKAR AND THE LORD OF ARRATA ( ), where he offers to rebuild the temple of the goddess inana that was lost during the flood. his name is also traced from akkad to egypt, particularly abydos, egypt, where he was known as narmer, founder of the egyptian pharaonic dynasty, post flood. in other words, nimrod was known as enmerkar in akkad and narmer in egypt. there's more...

abydos is actually the greek spelling. the egyptian is abdju, pronounced abzu, which was the name of some famous place in sumer associated with the god enki. so nimrod/narmer/enmerkar, went to egypt and named the city he built there abzu (abydos). as an ancestor of noah, he already had temple building skills and took them to egypt and built the first post black sea flood city.. oh and there's more.

history of the timeframe and area, suggests that he was the first post flood osiris which is why the city of abydos was considered the city of osiris, even by the pharaohs. i'd comment further but not sure if you'll find this helpful to your topic or not.

see also the writings of the egyptologist, david rohl
edit on 28-1-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

hey I love this stuff.
Couple of things:
Similarities in buildings

2 possibilities - common architectural style could be because it is simple - it could be that they look the same because it is the easiest and simplest way to build a large structure - two separate cultures when faced with the same problem (wanting to build a big structure) find a similar solution..

In the alternative; perhaps the Americas, Africa, Asia etc were previously easier to access, ie there was a land bridge.

Alternatively, it could that all of the cultures are dependents of an earlier culture whose religion / architecture they all inherited.
Its certainly plausible that Egyptians or South Americans or Cambodians or Chinese traversed the globe in ships thousands of years ago, spreading their ideas and culture...

perhaps this was so long ago, that after some cataclysm and social break down, these great civilizations capable of such feats were forgotten.
I agree with a lot of the theories which argue that human history is much older than we are led to believe, ie that great civilizations existed, that they have risen and fallen for tens of hundreds of thousands of years.

- If some cataclysm happened today, and only 5% of the worlds populations remained scattered about the globe and they had to focus of surviving for a few generations; much of history and what came before would be lost and forgotten.. when cities began to rise again, they would have no real knowledge / recollection of what civilization was like before.. new religions and ideas.. perhaps bastardized versions of current ones would emerge..

Children born one or two hundred years after the disaster would not know what it was like before.. They would invent legends and assume that all that came before were more primitive than them .

- In regards to the OP about a universal religion, I think this is certainly true.. to an extent.. I think all religions have perhaps a common root - it would make sense..

Assuming there was a 'first' human group, a group of humans that spawned all other groups of humans, it would make sense that each spawned group would take the religion on the mother group and that it would change over the years in isolation.. after a few hundred or thousand years without contact, it would be forgotten that the religions are in fact based on the same thing..

Same can be said for language.. there are a lot of similarities between many distant languages... There's a documentary series called the history of the English language or something... its very good.

I don't know if there is a concerted effort to cover up the past, i think it is just a product of the institutional nature of historical research... Anything that stuffs up official time lines they ignore because then it means they were wrong all this time..
Also, I took a bit of history at university, I didn't like it that much, because it seemed to me that they focused on very specific things about specific stages in history, rather than looking at the broader picture...
A historian will often be an expert at 'clothes people wore in 400 CE china', but know little about the histories of the rest of the world...

best history comes from Historians who aren't trained by a University IMO, as Universities have a tendency to train the mind to think in certain ways that can be counter productive.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Op.... Great thread!! S & F!!! I have yet to hear of Richard Cassaro but will definitely research him and his work today. Thanks for sharing!!

While reading it made me think of some lectures I listened to recently. The first is a three part series. The second regarding Alchemy was a little boring for me but for someone who is interested in a detailed lesson in regards to Alchemy, will be more fitting to that individual.

Secret Societies go waaaaaaaaaay back. We know this.... but it indeed goes back so far because control of man causes individuals to seek freedom in secret.

These lectures come from a man, Manly Hall, who had so much wisdom. He is known by some as a Freemason, yet he was not. The Freemasons were in awe of him, actually. He was his own thinker and a great thinker he was.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 07:49 AM
I study Fulcanelli for some time already and other Philosophers as well. The Gothic Art of the Cathedrals is the Argot language Gothic Art (Argot) , the ancient language of the ancients or the language of the birds, the symbolic journey of the Argonauts for the quest of the Golden Fleece or the Philosophers Stone. The Cathedrals are books in stone so that the ancient symbolism could survive the ages and don't be forgotten or lost (hidden in plain sight). The Cathedrals was also initiation schools for the adepts in medieval times so that the ancient knowledge could be passed from master to initiate, or from the old European Freemasons keepers of the ancient knowledge of the Egyptians Mystery schools. They don't hide their secrets only in stone, they also encrypt their secrets in the Bible, the religion is just based on a stone worshiped by man since immemorial times. This secret was held by the true Masters of an ancient civilization that was destroyed, or that it destroy itself, this civilization ended in the global cataclysm described in the Bible by Moses. Their survivors pass the knowledge to other parts of the world, they chose those with strong spirit the purest among men (the true priests), to keep the secret because mankind was not yet ready to hold is power, because it could be used for good or bad. In time and without the guidance of the Ancient Masters the power of this knowledge corrupt man. And Kings rule over man, it was the separation of the royal lineage from the people, ho they feel was inferior to them, and wile the secret was kept only by them they would have a way of be Gods among man, be the top of the pyramid, because the power of the stone corrupts men, because we have not reach yet a spiritual growth that allows us to leave in peace with each other and understand our true divine origin and ascend. That's why they don´t want the people to know the secret, because if we do, we all be the same, and we all could leave this material realm, to a higher plane of existence, so they trap our spirits with the religion. So that we forget what we really are and we are capable of.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Yeah, calling everything that cultivates an air of ignorance... er, mystery... a "demon" isn't very constructive, or a good way to make folks (reasonable folks, that is) believe you.

Yes, the world has "evil" in it, but economics, circumstances and the malleable (or programmable) nature of humans explains it all. Not to say bodiless beings don't exist (I've met a few) and they might be playing Parcheesi with us all (assuming they're bored), but we idiots can account for it all by ourselves.

And as far as the flood 13,000 yrs ago +/- ... calving? Sure, but the asteroid that smacked down near North America explains it pretty well in the all-at-once way that would spawn a hell deluge and not necessarily leave a crater (as in ice impact). The mass extinction and burn layer says something big happened then, anyway.

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