posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:38 AM
heehe, I once, to add to my collection, bought an amethist lamp. (imagine, all amthist points 'glued' together, points pointed outside, stacked
conelike, where you can put a small lightbulb in, and then you have the amethist lamp.
Well, I had it, I'd say (it's now been a few years ago, 5 or something) and then something happened in just one of the let's say 70 crystals the
lamp has. They are like tumors or something and kind of look like popcorn.
Then I thought it was due to the sun, but I didn't hold on to that thought.
Here are pics, not that clear. I don't know if anyone had a similar experience with one of theirs.
I'm sorry, the picture is not that clear. As I sad, it is a bit similar to popcorn. It are three of them that came to form in this amethist crystal.
It's like white chalk, and the side looking outside is brown/black, like a crust. Size is like 3,5mm.
Could the sun be the reason for this, like the window had a loop'effect' and it burned it into the crystal?
Thx, all.