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Retired Colonel: Federal Government 'Rogue and Illegitimate'

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posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:27 AM
In this article written by a retired colonel, Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D, who served 29 years in the US Army Reserve and is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, he states:

The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

Yes Sir, I think we have gathered that by now, Sir.

The US no longer has representative government. Members of Congress seek election not to uphold the Constitution and serve the American people, but to obtain power and to use that power to accrue professional and financial benefits for themselves and their major supporters. All the traditional means for the American people to seek the redress of grievances have now been blocked by a corrupt government composed of a self-absorbed permanent political elite unaccountable to the American people.

Yes Sir, we have vetted that to be true for ourselves now, Sir.

A county by county battle is the means by which the American people can restore the Constitution, establish responsible fiscal policies and take back control of the political process and the government. Patriots need to organize locally outside of the party apparatus to exert political pressure and prepare for armed defense, if necessary. No county officials, in particular the Sheriff, should be elected or maintained in office, who do not fully honor their oath to support and defend the Constitution.

SIR YES SIR. And I commend your choice of example with the battle of Athens, TN, Sir.

Efforts should be directed towards decreasing the influence of the federal government in county affairs, cooperating with federal officials and agencies only when it benefits local citizens. Counties should maximize the consumption of federal resources and overburdening federal agencies administratively while at the same time reducing or delaying taxes paid to the federal government. County residents should forcefully shun, oppose or drive out of business, individuals or media outlets, which support the criminal Obama regime.

Most excellent advice, Sir! I believe your loyal cyber army has begun to spread your message, Sir!

Permission to speak freely Sir.

"Permission granted, recruit."

Sir, but how are supposed to do all this with an administration hell bent on further gun control, buying up all the ammo, and establishment interests so engrained that we cannot seem to get a foothold, Sir?

"It's in your survival training manual, Son... IMPROVISE."

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:53 AM
while one may not nessessarily be able to change the world
one may at least change one's self in order to deal with it

if one knows what it is that one is dealing with

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 02:07 AM
I think what the retired colonel is saying is to worry about your particular corner of the world. If everyone fixes up their little corner, the whole mess will be cleaned up, quite quickly too.


posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

Yes, to a degree, that is exactly what he is saying. But note that the Col is also saying to establish armed militias and be prepared to defend if necessary.

And might I point out that is exactly what Shaeffer Cox and the community up in Fairbanks, Alaska did. And before any one of you lay into Cox and his conviction, to try and discredit him, you better study up on that situation. Cause I did. And I am ready. Bring it.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I believe the retired Colonel is saying what we all have been imagining.
Corrupted officials have taken over assumed positions in power.
These people MUST be stopped.

We have the ability to change the beast that burdens.
But we, united, must all be able to see the problem!

Which I don't believe we all do as of today.

Great find.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 12:59 PM
I think that the bulk of even housewives(no offense ladies) understand what is happening to democracy and freedom......the usurpation of government for private profits, the enacting of laws that destroy constitutional government etc.....
Its no big secret to the people.....
The problem lies with convincing them that THEY have a hand in this.......and THEY are in part responsible for the goverment they are getting.....
The time is comming when the majority will be facing privations they will be unwilling to go along with....
Then and only then will it be possible to make this work.
Till then we have to talk and write ourselves hoarse.....
All we can do is point the finger, provide the proofs and hope....
The entire wieght of the people will provide the best hope for bloodless revolution...
Anything less. will require violence on a scale that ascends the smaller the % of population working for change.....

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by havok

Interestingly enough, a little research on the Col turned up that he was actually fired, because he didn't get clearance before going to the media with a rant about the ineffectiveness and over usage of MS PowerPoint in the chain of command. Boy is that man SICK of slides! He had offered constructive criticism of their methodology, but they weren't having any of it. I wonder if he was saying that the federal government was rogue and illegitimate while he was still in the service. I tend to doubt it, but don't know.
edit on Sun Jan 27th 2013 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 04:05 PM
America has been infiltrated by Traitors looking to strip the Rights away from We The People and change all that we have in accomplished in America throughout our history.

Wakie, wakie folks, dont give them even ONE MORE INCH.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 04:15 PM

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by RocksFromSpace

Quite interesting rifle. Never seen one before.

What Make/Model of rifle is that?
edit on 27-1-2013 by ResistTreason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I have been waiting years for this to start happening......where is everyone?

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by ResistTreason

Originally posted by RocksFromSpace

Quite interesting rifle. Never seen one before.

What Make/Model of rifle is that?
edit on 27-1-2013 by ResistTreason because: (no reason given)

50 Cal Barret

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by SMOKINGGUN2012
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I have been waiting years for this to start happening......where is everyone?

You, like everyone else, is waiting for someone else to start.. so it will never get started.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by RocksFromSpace

Originally posted by SMOKINGGUN2012
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I have been waiting years for this to start happening......where is everyone?

You, like everyone else, is waiting for someone else to start.. so it will never get started.

I agree. How many people view this site, all across the country?
Everyone that comes to this site fairly regularly should know that there is an increase of things going on. It seems like they are obviously preparing, for what... We don't know, but something is coming and it probably isn't too far off. How are we going to come together and do anything without a plan? If we all just sit around till the lights go out we are going to have really bad days. Limited days probably. The people on this site should organize a plan if something goes down and the best way would be to do what he is suggesting to an extent. If you have counties that are for the people and the residents are for the constitution, that is a start. Build from there and connect with other counties and states. Basically what would result would be civil war 2 but wouldn't it be better to actually have multiple states joined together by the above reasoningto survive than to just wait and see . It would be mass chaos. Another option of less success probably would to at least have a plan with the members of ATS. We are spread out. Basically if every member here got with members in there area now and said if the shtf then we should do x....You tell your friends, they tell there's and small groups meet up with others to form larger groups. I am sure there are enough smart people here to come up with some kind of plan and come together. The time seems like now to have a plan to survive in large groups instead of your family sitting around starving waiting on the FEMA camp bus to come.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:48 PM
I thank God for people like this who stand up for the TRUTH...

Col. Kicked Out of Afghanistan for Speaking Out

US Army Reserve Colonel Lawrence Sellin's op-ed that got him fired claimed that for headquarters staff, war consists largely of the endless tinkering with PowerPoint slides to conform with the idiosyncrasies of cognitively challenged generals in order to spoon-feed them information. Colonel Lawrence Sellin explains the problems with the Afghan training program and says why no one has spoken up before.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
In this article written by a retired colonel, Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D, who served 29 years in the US Army Reserve and is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, he states:

The US federal government has strayed so far from the Constitution and the rule of law that it can now be considered rogue and illegitimate.

Yes Sir, I think we have gathered that by now, Sir.

The US no longer has representative government. Members of Congress seek election not to uphold the Constitution and serve the American people, but to obtain power and to use that power to accrue professional and financial benefits for themselves and their major supporters. All the traditional means for the American people to seek the redress of grievances have now been blocked by a corrupt government composed of a self-absorbed permanent political elite unaccountable to the American people.

Yes Sir, we have vetted that to be true for ourselves now, Sir.

A county by county battle is the means by which the American people can restore the Constitution, establish responsible fiscal policies and take back control of the political process and the government. Patriots need to organize locally outside of the party apparatus to exert political pressure and prepare for armed defense, if necessary. No county officials, in particular the Sheriff, should be elected or maintained in office, who do not fully honor their oath to support and defend the Constitution.

SIR YES SIR. And I commend your choice of example with the battle of Athens, TN, Sir.

Efforts should be directed towards decreasing the influence of the federal government in county affairs, cooperating with federal officials and agencies only when it benefits local citizens. Counties should maximize the consumption of federal resources and overburdening federal agencies administratively while at the same time reducing or delaying taxes paid to the federal government. County residents should forcefully shun, oppose or drive out of business, individuals or media outlets, which support the criminal Obama regime.

Most excellent advice, Sir! I believe your loyal cyber army has begun to spread your message, Sir!

Permission to speak freely Sir.

"Permission granted, recruit."

Sir, but how are supposed to do all this with an administration hell bent on further gun control, buying up all the ammo, and establishment interests so engrained that we cannot seem to get a foothold, Sir?

"It's in your survival training manual, Son... IMPROVISE."

Here is a start.

Firing a shot of peaceful revolution:

On July 2nd, all who draw a paycheck, change your tax status to "exempt" in order to de-fund an illegal federal government.

Remember, it is "We the People" who are the FIRST branch of government and as the Declaration of Independence states;

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

These are key clauses in the Declaration:

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

It is "We the People" who determine whether a government is "just" by the consent of the governed, ie-We the People.

whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it

"We the People" have the God given right to "alter or abolish" such unjust governments.

De-funding of the monster called the "US Federal government" is such an act of "altering" such a tyrannical, illegal and unjust Big Soviet style Federal government that is a monster growing in hideous tyranny every day.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:46 PM
I am in 100% agreement with the colonel. I no longer recognize the authority of this regime. A government derives it's power from the consent of the governed. I withdraw my consent.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by ResistTreason

Originally posted by RocksFromSpace

Quite interesting rifle. Never seen one before.

What Make/Model of rifle is that?
edit on 27-1-2013 by ResistTreason because: (no reason given)

It looks like the Barret .50 cal.sniper rifle that can take out a target from over a mile out, with the target never hearing a sound until the round strikes, or, should I say, explodes, splattering the target into little bitty pieces.

Go to youtube and watch it in action. Impressive weapon.
edit on 27-1-2013 by JuniorBeauchamp because: mispelling

edit on 27-1-2013 by JuniorBeauchamp because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2013 by JuniorBeauchamp because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by RocksFromSpace

Originally posted by SMOKINGGUN2012
reply to post by RocksFromSpace

I have been waiting years for this to start happening......where is everyone?

You, like everyone else, is waiting for someone else to start.. so it will never get started.


There are plenty of people ready and when the time comes will step up. At the present, stealth is an important ploy.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:55 PM
he's right about congress. my grandfather was recruited to run for a senate in NY. he was told his job was to get elected, then get re-elected. he passed

even jefferson stretched the constitution to the point where it "almost cracked"

it is not a holy document, it was meant to change with the times

that's why there is an ammendment process

he is suggesting we bankrupt the federal gov't

so that means no more veterans benefits


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