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Could the mark of the beast be a Triangle?

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posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:08 AM
The Matrix is like Sorcha Faal with a real message to the elite or those seeking the mystery school, which by definiton is a club for elite, it is not transparent to the public therefore by default puts the seeker of truths into the Love of Power group versus the Power of Love side, though those with true Love don't care who's camp you are placed, they still see everyone as family and outreach to them.

Even Bruce said in that interview, in the cosmos heavens, we are one family.

But what the matrix did by using the word xion, is give a message to the seekers, yes this is real. But to the public, this is pure entertainment, rubbish, but enjoy.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:20 AM
Came across this thread on a Google search and thought I'd throw in my 2c. Regarding the mark of the beast it's written that it will appear on the right hand or forehead. That being said last year I had what I'd call a "spiritual awakening" and in a few weeks discovered a red triangle on my right upper palm between my ring and middle fingers that appeared out of nowhere. It's been on my hand for over a year now and hasn't changed for faded like it was a scar or bruise.

The only thing I've found linking the mark and a triangle is are these images regarding the holy and unholy trinities:

The mark:

Should I be concerned that I'm the false prophet, the beast or even the antichrist?
I'm a secular humanist so I'm not what you'd consider a holy and devout worshiper of God.

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by ConsciusVeritas
Came across this thread on a Google search and thought I'd throw in my 2c. Regarding the mark of the beast it's written that it will appear on the right hand or forehead. That being said last year I had what I'd call a "spiritual awakening" and in a few weeks discovered a red triangle on my right upper palm between my ring and middle fingers that appeared out of nowhere. It's been on my hand for over a year now and hasn't changed for faded like it was a scar or bruise.

The only thing I've found linking the mark and a triangle is are these images regarding the holy and unholy trinities:

The mark:

Should I be concerned that I'm the false prophet, the beast or even the antichrist?
I'm a secular humanist so I'm not what you'd consider a holy and devout worshiper of God.

uhh wow and WOW!!.....for your sake I hope you haven't read all of this thread and... believed any of it or you will be having bad "to much pizza dreams" for a year.

In a small shell.The book of Revelation is ALL a metaphor.NONE of it is predictive or prophetic of past present or future historical events.Many folks have turned it into the most far fetched conspiracy ever.Just a very few points.There is no Antichrist person who will be possessed by the devil.Satan is not, was not Lucifer nor a fallen archangel or any other preposterous claims.The mark of the beast of man is not a literal mark on your hand or forehead or even is not money or or or or,or .... the book of Revelation is speaking in symbols (metaphors )and signs(numbers)...and besides the multitude of other false doctrines that are fantasized through the book of Revelation the most heinous and false doctrine of men is the punishment in an eternal HELL by an angry vengeful unjust God.That is the most blasphemous doctrine believed by man.

Who knows what is on your hand it probably has much more to do with an overactive imagination however I will guarantee you 100% it is not the mark of the beast....that is absolute absurdity concocted by religious minds.There are much more fruitful endeavors than listening to these old foolish wife's tales about the book of Revelation.Go in peace and triangle no more.
edit on 6-7-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by NJoyZ

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad with the Tempter entwined around its trunk.

The Tree of Life with its dual flaming swords blocking any approach to the tree

These representations of the two trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden were taken from a 19th century book entitled, From Dawn to Sunrise: A Review, Historical and Philosophical of the Religious Ideas of Mankind. The author felt it appropriate that a circle should be around the Tree of Life and a triangle should be around the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad.

There was no instance in the Old Testament where Israelite construction was fashioned in the form of a pyramid or triangle. Actually, they were constantly warned by God to pull down pagan high places that were usually meant to honor Baal gods. These high places could have been in the form of Ziggurats and or pyramids.

By Mrs. J. Gregory Smith (Ann Eliza Smith), published in 1876.
From Dawn to Sunrise text

Smith also authored the three novels entitled, Seola, Atla and Selma.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:26 AM

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:59 AM
It pretty much is a triangle, but it points back to Saturn/Jupiter conjunction, which happens every 20 years, and takes 60 years of course to finish one triangle.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by NJoyZ
he earned his marks! No one wanted theirs. He alone buys and sells souls. He has a standard. He was angelic.
His bride is adorned in red and purple. He is a Delgado = del gado = of gad.
He has the red mark... red dragon is his name.
The mark of the beast... a) an inverted crescent above right brow/forehead (brow is pronounced "Bro" as in brother)
b) an inverted crescent on the right hand between thumb and index finger.
c) 666 is incorporated in unto his phone number.
d) his name is "Doval" which is often called devil.
e) his bank account is littered with the souls of all who hear his song.
f) he is the one who called the tree of life the tree of respite.
g) on his left brow is the seal/scar of the "Rex Pacto" aka respect.
He wrestled his brother at the threshold of the royal arch and lost. He was struck at the strike plate of the door way when his brother trampled underfoot. This was the act of the true king hence the beast became but mere prince. Prince of darkness.
h) he seeks to become grand pontiff... a thing of dread. Not a pimp.
I) he forces souls to seek him in their torment and calamity.
J) he forces men to hear the song of God as did Moses....

I should stop now... its real and creepy. Beware!
edit on 21-7-2013 by Pinocchio because: BUT I AM NOT THE ARK OF THE COVENANT!

edit on 21-7-2013 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-7-2013 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by lostinspace

Stomach is pronounced: "Is Too Much!"
Why? Because it was said by the beasts of the field, and the fish of the sea, and the fowls of the sky as they saw the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.. "that's two things I have to lear?" "That's too much!"

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 05:11 AM
Odd you mention this. The Mark of the Beast is said to appear on the right hand or forehead (some say the holy mark is on the forehead). Last year I had what I'd call a spiritual awakening around April and in a few weeks a red inverted triangle appeared in my right upper palm out of nowhere. It's not a burn, scar or a bruise because it's been there without healing or changing for over a year now and it's not a birthmark because I've been around for 26 years without noticing it. Each side of the triangle is 1/4" in length making it an equilateral triangle.

Holy/unholy trinity? Mark of the Beast? Antichrist? False prophet? Link from Zelda with the Triforce? If I'm destined to bring about the end of the world don't worry, I'm not such a bad guy. Sure there will be a few choice assholes that will face a swift end but the majority of you will be spared :-P Armageddon could turn out to be a good thing and it's been proposed by some that the Antichrist could actually be a savior.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by ConsciusVeritas

Has it ever occurred to anyone that:

1. Perhaps Satan and God are bound by rules similar to the prime directive of the Star Fleet Command in Star Trek.

2. Satan, being the evil one, had no qualms about breaking the rules - in the process, painting himself as his counterpart and God as the one with the corrupt nature.

3. God, in keeping with his rules, is unwilling to directly violate the code in order to correct the damage inflicted by Satan's deception and instead sends messengers to spread the truth in the form of "false prophets".

4. Satan would want to encourage ignorance and division in order to ensure conquest, while God would understand exactly how we work and would encourage us to make mistakes in order to learn to fly.

5. One of the two has never been able to tell his story from his own mouth. Out of the two, who is most likely to fear the word of the other? And therefore, who is most likely to place all the attention on himself in order to limit opportunity for competition?

6. One of the two is a fine liar, but the thing about lies is, words and actions are set apart by their meaning. One may claim to tell the truth, but the truth is in how they act. One of the two has made promises in exchange for power; one of the two has demonstrated love through cruelty; one of the two has painted obeisance as humility; one of the two has inconsistently demonstrated their priorities, as one would when balancing agendas - one for appearance, one for profit.

Psychology at its finest. Just something I wanted to throw out there.

A post I made before, that I thought was relevant here.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by NJoyZ
if people were to have a mark on their head or hands, would it be reasonable that it could be a simple triangle?

The mark does not have to be ON you to begin with, this idea is base only on one possible translation that made the most sense to the translators back then.

The word “epi” can just as easily mean “based on”. So you can have a system where the mark is “based on” your forehead or hand. This would not have made sense even 30 years ago, but in today's world with biometrics used to capture facial recognition and fingerprints, it becomes and even more likely translation than the original.

Originally posted by Wertdagf
As we have noticed over the last 1000 or more years the mark of the beast can be what ever you want.

You are not the first one to exclaim they have found it, and you wont be the last.

That is not really true, nothing before now has ever met all the criteria required to be the mark. For example, Bar codes where never really a candidate because they are not uniform locally let alone internationally. The Social Security number also lacked the criteria of being world wide, and never really restricted your ability to buy and sell.

Now the Real ID, is world wide, or at least in a uniform world wide UN set format for biometrics collection, and if the present immigration law passes, surrendering biometrics will be mandatory to prove eligibility for employment. It is the first thing in history to meet all the requirements to be considered the mark.

Humorously enough, going back to the OP here, its not a triangle, but multiple triangles. A five pointed star as opposed to the Jewish six pointed star (one short of a mark between God and his people 666 vs 777). The DHS in its benchmark paperwork even refers to it as being “marked with a DHS marking”, where every other US governmental organization calls their “logo” a “seal”.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by akushla99

= carbon or carbon taxes and once chipped is the endgame

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:02 PM
The mark of the beast being technological is dramaqueen fodder.none of it is isplain and simple...and Iinfinetly is thenumber of thebeast OFman.

2÷3=.666...short of is ALL math.not voodoo mysticism

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 02:32 AM
Yes, the harlot wears one on her head... As well is the base line for the star of david, the swastica, the anarchy symbol, the illuminati symbol, as well as it can create a door when sitting next to eachother side on side. It also will make a cross, when looking at it the star of david is like a sundile, it different stages and different times of the cross... Jesus died on it... That cant be a good thing, right¿?

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