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Will you be ready?

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posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 05:10 PM
We know now that in the early years of the twenty-first century this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than man's. We know now that as we human beings busied ourselves about our various concerns we are being scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water -- or more ominous, as a child might burn ants with a magnifying glass.

With infinite complacence we wander about to and fro over the earth about our petty little affairs, serene in the assurance of our supposed dominion over this small, spinning fragment of solar driftwood which, by chance or design, we have "inherited" out of the dark mystery of Time and Space.

Yet across an immense ethereal gulf, minds that are to our minds as ours are to the beasts in the jungle, intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. In the fourth year of the twenty-first century comes the great disillusionment. Fear of terrorism, while ever-present, has become the chicken-little background noise of the droning talking heads on cable news. While unemployment is down, business is better. While war burns and election rhetoric spins out of control, the great scare seems to be over. More men are back at work. Sales are picking up. On this particular moment in history, over 200 million people turn to the Internet for news and events every day. Very soon, the day will come when a different fear, long forgotten and often ridiculed, will rise up and grip the cyber world in paralyzing fear.

Will you be ready?

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:19 PM
Sounds like it will be a great movie.

- Attero

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:44 PM
Have firearms, will travel.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:49 PM
lol..we do not KNOW we are being watched, sorry my good friend.

I believe in aliens, its true, however, we have no proof. It is simply a faith-based matter, I'm afraid.

However, yeah, I agree, sounds like a great movie!


posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:57 PM
For me this life doesn't matter at all. I do qlippoth and chaos meditation to become as advanced as I can so one day I can destroy those that torment us for good. Body, mind and soul. And no, it's not the jewish based crap qlippoth, this one is the thing at the pure heart of natural destructive properties of the universe.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by orfeo8
For me this life doesn't matter at all. I do qlippoth and chaos meditation to become as advanced as I can so one day I can destroy those that torment us for good. Body, mind and soul. And no, it's not the jewish based crap qlippoth, this one is the thing at the pure heart of natural destructive properties of the universe.

Now you're in my area of expertise...

I agree that a telekinetic approach is the only one that will work. The aliens in question have a clear advantage in high-tech weapons, interstellar warships and probes, and a much greater industrial base to manufacture all of the above. Then there is that Hybrid army that is being cultivated from a long-term breeding program in order to be used against us.

Focusing oneself to destroy souls is not a good idea. Besides, you don't have to destroy their souls, only their bodies and their computerized machines and automated probes.

Meditation techniques are good for self-programming. But to truly strengthen one's spirit in order to be able to Ascend into The Light Of The God Force to a very high degree so that you have some real energy to work with telekinetically after bodily death, I strongly suggest learning about and daily using the innovative technique of Heart Chakra Radiance. This innovative approach works far better than any meditative technique for spiritual and telekinetic preparation in the upcoming war of Magick versus Technology once one is Ascended in The Light.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:27 PM
And why is it that some can't comprehend that there may even be a slim possibility that we are just and alien ant farm, helping them work out how NOT TO live.

Seriously, this world will die and it will be ourseleves that are to blame, noit some interstellar alien race of mutants, or andything so extravagant.

The human race is its own plaque, simply because of the people who place material need before personal spiritual growth.

There is a good side and a dark side to the force. You get the choice which you want to be on.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Disaster_Boy
And why is it that some can't comprehend that there may even be a slim possibility that we are just and alien ant farm, helping them work out how NOT TO live.

We have no problem accepting the possibility. Saying that it's slim is an understatement, and that's the thing too many people seem to have trouble comprehending.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:35 PM
My friends, this is no prophecy of far future, but observation of mere days.

The complacency of man is only outdone by his lack of memory. Think deep into your inner thoughts and consider the one fear that has been forgotten. The one idea that has been lost. The singular most horrific threat that eclipses all thought of weapons of mass destruction.

Mere days my friends.

Pay attention and live.

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by wellorsons
My friends, this is no prophecy of far future, but observation of mere days.

The complacency of man is only outdone by his lack of memory. Think deep into your inner thoughts and consider the one fear that has been forgotten. The one idea that has been lost. The singular most horrific threat that eclipses all thought of weapons of mass destruction.

Mere days my friends.

Pay attention and live.

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!

That sounds very similar to what some would call a doom's day thing to say of all things.

Would you mind elaborating for those of us who are either ignorant or uninformed sir?


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by wellorsons
My friends, this is no prophecy of far future, but observation of mere days.

The complacency of man is only outdone by his lack of memory. Think deep into your inner thoughts and consider the one fear that has been forgotten. The one idea that has been lost. The singular most horrific threat that eclipses all thought of weapons of mass destruction.

Mere days my friends.

Pay attention and live.

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!

Out of curiosity. I noticed that you�ve just registered to this site, so why did you choose to come here and say this just now? If this is like a prediction that something *BIG* will happen soon, in a few days (less than a week I take it, allright?) then why come and warn us only just days before it happening?

I�d also like some elaboration on what�s actually going to happen. I can search my soul for answers longgone but they are "clouded" to say the least. Wonder by whome?

If you don�t feel comfortable saying more in this thread please U2U me. It�s an instant messaging system that all members can use.

have an as good a day as possible

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Dawnaj

Originally posted by wellorsons
My friends, this is no prophecy of far future, but observation of mere days.

The complacency of man is only outdone by his lack of memory. Think deep into your inner thoughts and consider the one fear that has been forgotten. The one idea that has been lost. The singular most horrific threat that eclipses all thought of weapons of mass destruction.

Mere days my friends.

Pay attention and live.

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!

Out of curiosity. I noticed that you�ve just registered to this site, so why did you choose to come here and say this just now? If this is like a prediction that something *BIG* will happen soon, in a few days (less than a week I take it, allright?) then why come and warn us only just days before it happening?

I�d also like some elaboration on what�s actually going to happen. I can search my soul for answers longgone but they are "clouded" to say the least. Wonder by whome?

If you don�t feel comfortable saying more in this thread please U2U me. It�s an instant messaging system that all members can use.

have an as good a day as possible

Dawn if by chance you do recieve a u2u could you please send it to me with permission from wellorsons? I would be interested in more info.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Disaster_Boy

Dawn if by chance you do recieve a u2u could you please send it to me with permission from wellorsons? I would be interested in more info.

If I get an U2U, and gets his/hers permission I�d be more than happy to do that Disaster Boy. However I think we will have to wait for what�s about to happen to actually happen.


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 04:28 AM
Hmmm memories long forgotten.....the cone heads or the blob! Whos really going to care if you spill the beans (if its real) and if so, why?

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 08:42 AM
I my friends have been contemplating this very issue myself for awhile. Al-Quida...Terrorisim....Climatic Weather changes(4 hurricanes within weeks of each other in the United States alone)....Depletion of Natural Reserves....Ecology itself is also in an uproar(Frog populations decreased by a fantasical amount...Fresh Water fish as well).

Yes my friends I think I am ready

But I also think that it really dosn't matter in the end does it? Look to the skys my friends a new dawn approaches.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 08:54 AM

The singular most horrific threat that eclipses all thought of weapons of mass destruction.

Something bigger than a terrorist attack with WMDs???
I suppose Wyrmwood is coming then, because that's the only thing that comes to mind...

Something tells me that in a few days, I'll still be at my mediocre job, typing on my little keyboard...
and squeaking by on my bills...

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 09:01 AM
Something obvious just hit me, if this thread isn�t horribly offtopic it has got to have something to do with either Aliens, ET�s, EBE�s or/and the other variations.

I didn�t realize we were in the Aliens/Ufo forum until just now

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 09:07 AM
Some are beginning to catch on.

Those who do have a chance.

This post was part of a special Halloween Homage to Orson Wells.
Jumping out from behind the server and shouting BOO!


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 09:22 AM
Excuse me, but have I missed something. Or did I imagine "War of the Worlds", anyone ever heard of it? Jeez, look at his name. The initial post here has just been played with.

The reason that it sounds like a great story is because it is.

As for:

Originally posted by wellorsons
My friends, this is no prophecy of far future

No, it's not. It is some poor attempt for what, glory? fame? points? from someone with little imagination of their own.

Come on ATS.

So have you anything (of your own) to actually say wellorsons?


[edit on 29/10/04 by JAK]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 09:31 AM

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