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Alex Jones' 'Real Wife' Just Outed Him as CIA and Part of The Holy See? WTF!

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posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 12:33 AM
lol, after all that, both pro and con, people wonder why I stay on the fence about Alex Jones? I think some people here don't understand what "on the fence" means. It means I neither am for or against. I remain neutral, but when things come up, I don't see what in the hell is wrong with posting it up for discussion in the SW forum. Hell, I just posted infowars' "Founding Fathers From Grave" article. I would not have done that if the article had no merit. And the mere fact I posted this in the skunk works forum should alert readers that it is the appropriate place for it, and that I did not make some kind statement it was true out in the open forums.

No, my OP says nothing whatsoever about the messenger. Not this messenger. Maybe about her, the woman claiming to be his real wife, but not about me. It does say something, however, about those that are soliciting for me to be made out as some kind of agenda-driven idiot, and adding me to their foes list.
Rofl, like I care? The only thing that says to me is that person does not understand the SW forum and what it is here for. Isn't the first and won't be the last. Next...

On the fence is not such a bad place to be.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 12:54 AM
Alex Jones can be described in many ways... Deceptive is not one of them for me. While taking his concerns seriously, I don't always take him seriously. He did great on Piers' show in my opinion, despite the consensus that he went off the handle (he basically did).

I hope that woman finds/found the help she needs.
Her video appeared to me as a call for help and obviously it got some attention... Whether or not it was the type she needed, that is highly debatable.

Aye TA, the fence is a good indeed.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by artifact

Originally posted by artifact
If you have 5 hours and 42 minutes to watch why Alex Jones, Drake, Ted Gunderson, & Benjamin Fulford are all Cointelpro

Alex Jones has a CIA handler named Norbell or Norvell I forget
Also confirmed by Stew Webb

(Watch this post get deleted)


Video description:
For all the evidence that Alex Jones, Ted Gunderson, Drake and Benjamin Fulford are Cointelpro agents go to the link below which will be constantly updated. When you come to realize that Alex Jones FIRED Jeremy Floyd and John Stadtmiller over just interviewing Stew Webb or having their guest talk about him there will be no doubt in your mind about Alex Jones! You don't fire people over just talking about a Marine 28 year Federal whistleblower unless you are Cointel! We also have the proof that Alex Jones has CENSORED Dr. Coldwell from being on his show and Coldwell has a 92% cancer cure rate - the best in the world. We have the direct testimony of Dr. Coldwell on this! Alex Jones and the rest of the stooges are NEVER about SOLUTIONS such as filing Federal lawsuits against the banksters which Stew Webb has done. They are just about running their mouth and trying to infiltrate and control the sheep as they first awaken! Everybody falls for Alex Jones when they first wake up because he's the best of the cointel stooges! But when you look at his record of NO ACTION over 17 years and the evidence we have assembled on Alex Jones and some of the other known FBI #5 cointel agents that he pushed such as Ted Gunderson there will be no doubt in your mind. Alex Jones lost a huge portion of his audience when the patriot community found out that Ted Gunderson (satanist, child molester, drug runner, scam artist, murderer, FBI #5 agent) who was on Alex Jones' show until he died almost KILLED Stew Webb in an illegal SWAT raid on his home! Stew Webb was released with no charges 5 hours later when the police figured out that cointelpro Ted Gunderson had LIED about the whole thing! Stew Webb is now suing all Cointelpro agents that have attacked him in the past so if Alex Jones is smart he will NEVER publicly attack Stew Webb because if he does and Stew Webb has to sue him, he will bring out all his witnesses in the FBI and CIA that have the documents that prove Alex Jones is Cointel!

Intel agents have already hacked into a Youtube account to remove some of our past videos on Gunderson and Benjamin Fulford so they don't want you to hear this information! Spread it everywhere. Stew Webb is available for radio and video interviews through his website at We also urge you to join so you can join our "Action Teams" there which will be grouping together in every State in the USA to start planning how we are going to fight the corruption, remove crooked Judges and recall anybody that signed the NDAA! So join the site so we can reach you about shows and the information we will soon be getting about an open sourced Free Energy device that we will be reporting on in the next 60 days

edit on 27-1-2013 by artifact because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2013 by artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by iwilliam

Originally posted by Danbones

Originally posted by iwilliam
reply to post by reeferman

Jones is a CIA shill

edit on 26-1-2013 by iwilliam because: (no reason given)

I'm sure you can back that up with something we can all sink our teeth into...
please feel free to do so

edit on 26-1-2013 by Danbones because: cleaned up spaces etc

It has been confirmed that one of his producers, Molly Maroney (sp?) used to work for Stratfor, the private "intelligence agency" which has been linked to the CIA


where and by whom?

just saying so on a thread about a nutbar just saying so isn't very convincing is it? I'm sure you can do better then that

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by artifact

OK I checked out the link you posted:

death rays?
you are kidding right?
edit on 27-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:21 AM

edit on 27-1-2013 by artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by jude11

She needs more proof than just a video.

copy of a marriage certificate would be useful..

That s/b a public record..

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 02:12 AM
I listened to it & then watched it as i had to get my ear to the speaker to hear her. Then I watched it a 3rd time.

A few things I noticed:

Many times she put a hand over her mouth - points to she is lying.
She doesn't look at the camera the whole time & if you watch closely her eyes go back & forward - she's reading something off the computer screen. But she has her hand holding the camera.
The double blink she is doing is a sign that she is thinking about 2 things at once - a another thing a liar does because they are trying to keep their words & body language in check.
She's trying too hard to look the part but the background says otherwise. Look at all the plastic junk around & it's a very small room, looks like an apartment.
Several times she presses her lips together - another point to lying

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by JonPrice

Why doesn't she call Alex 'her husband' when writing about him?

Even if my husband & I divorced & I hated him I would still write about him 'my husband, Alex' it's more dramatic that way.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:13 AM
Alex Jones is a disingenuous self-serving provocateur.

He is living a fully scripted live action figure on the web and the news. One of the reasons he is impossible to interview is because he goes into those interviews with his own fully formed script. He just rants over questions.

Why does he do it? To line his own pockets. Pure and simple.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by reeferman

Man.. you know what's weird.
I believe that video you posted has Jon Ronson (who is british) talking in it, but I could have sworn he noted she was Asian in his book. I have to reread the chapters mentioning AJ because if I was wrong about that I will be confused because it stuck out in my mind as a certainty.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Danbones

I corrected myself.
It's not like this is ground shaking stuff anyways. It's either a nutjob or AJ might have had a previous wife.
I wouldn't care either way. I was just stating that I read a book recently and I am fairly certain it mentioned her being Asian. Maybe I am incorrect. I am starting to think that's possible. When I find the passage I will post it.

Also, it shouldn't take a nut job with a youtube account to show that an association with AJ is hurtful to any activist group. His job is to disrupt, distract, and when he can get in front of a big audience he associates patriotism with lunacy. It's not like he's so stupid that he wasn't aware that shouting off crazy conspiracy theories and screaming at people while simultaneously representing real groups/2nd amendment/etc doesn't have a negative effect. He is there to guide you PAST the answers, not to them.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Danbones

I corrected myself.
It's not like this is ground shaking stuff anyways. It's either a nutjob or AJ might have had a previous wife.
I wouldn't care either way. I was just stating that I read a book recently and I am fairly certain it mentioned her being Asian. Maybe I am incorrect. I am starting to think that's possible. When I find the passage I will post it.

Also, it shouldn't take a nut job with a youtube account to show that an association with AJ is hurtful to any activist group. His job is to disrupt, distract, and when he can get in front of a big audience he associates patriotism with lunacy. It's not like he's so stupid that he wasn't aware that shouting off crazy conspiracy theories and screaming at people while simultaneously representing real groups/2nd amendment/etc doesn't have a negative effect. He is there to guide you PAST the answers, not to them.

If you watch Jon Ronson video the secret rulers of the world it shows Alex Jones girl friend multiple times and she doesn't look asain. I'm guessing Ronson wrote the book after he met Alex Jones in the video so maybe he's talking about same gf in the video? On a unrelated note Alex Jones is in his late 20's in the video and he looks 40 which I thought was hilarious and weird.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:48 AM
one question, why then does the vatican want Americans to keep their guns?

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

I didn't know about that movie. I will scope it out. I have read 2 of his books and recently watched "The Men Who Stare at Goats." I was certain he said AJ's girlfriend was Asian in "Them," but I guess that got into my head somewhere else. He does make his girlfriend (at the time I suppose) sound a little dull and brainwashed. I am a big fan of Jon Ronson. I didn't think the woman in the video was AJ wife regardless, but she did look a bit Asian (though likely hispanic) and for some reason that thought clicked in my head that it was noted in the book she was Asian (I have no idea why - especially since she's blonde). Some people here I guess have mistaken my mentioning of it as giving evidence that this woman is his wife which was never the case. I just thought I recalled that she was Asian and posted it because it would have been a weird coincidence if both women had been, though it's looking more like my mind slipped and the woman in the video is hispanic so.. eh.

Either way I wouldn't trust AJ as far as I could throw him.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by McGinty

Because maybe the V are worried about ET


The V doesnt want its US Catholic army defenceless


Maybe they dont really

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

And it further raises questions about his appearance on Pierce Morgan, whether that was intentional so that "conspiracy theorists" could be painted to be total lunatics with a wide wide brush.

Interesting choice of words.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

I didn't know about that movie. I will scope it out. I have read 2 of his books and recently watched "The Men Who Stare at Goats." I was certain he said AJ's girlfriend was Asian in "Them," but I guess that got into my head somewhere else. He does make his girlfriend (at the time I suppose) sound a little dull and brainwashed. I am a big fan of Jon Ronson. I didn't think the woman in the video was AJ wife regardless, but she did look a bit Asian (though likely hispanic) and for some reason that thought clicked in my head that it was noted in the book she was Asian (I have no idea why - especially since she's blonde). Some people here I guess have mistaken my mentioning of it as giving evidence that this woman is his wife which was never the case. I just thought I recalled that she was Asian and posted it because it would have been a weird coincidence if both women had been, though it's looking more like my mind slipped and the woman in the video is hispanic so..

Either way I wouldn't trust AJ as far as I could throw him.

I've can't tell you how many times that I think i'm 100% i'm right and I remember it clear as day but then I end up being wrong haha. You may be right and the only reason I even remember her is because someone on this site posted the video right after his piers morgan interview. His gf in the video ( I think her name Kelly Rebecca Nichols who is now his wife) seemed brainwashed and something was off with his cameraman/friend. I think the woman in the video is seriously crazy/fake if you read her past comments she is talking about they took her best friend leaving her in isolation, the government hurting/killing her family, and then saying she's going to commit suicide. I agree I don't trust AJ either and he has no problem twisting things to fit his agenda

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 08:03 AM
Ok, I only have one thing to say, but i will let my friend Eric Cartman speak on my behalf:

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Vatican sides with Obama, and Gun Control.

And of course all the royal houses she mentioned do, TPTB groups.

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