posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:29 AM
Oh dear. Poor alex. Even the lunatics are now ganging up on him.
no, I don't like alex. But man, it shows the sort of mentality that gets really involved with him. Even if it's only on the end of a radio and with a
youtube account (which for some reason is now taken for valid logical sources of information, as opposed to an open window into the absolute garbage
that some people can produce in the spare 20 minutes they have after popping that xanax or opening that wine) it shows that goofy magnets attract like
.. uhh
Anyway, no doubt this will be all over jones own show so he can gloat about how the neocons are making puppets now to try and destroy his family, ruin
his reputation and by god as is his god given right, he will not take that sitting down... well, he'll be sitting down as he says it, on his radio.
but figuratively speaking. He'll be in an outrage.
Which means more about him, throw in some sort of conspiracy, make no connections but leave everything open so you, the listener, can glue it all
together yourself, and bam, then he'll tell you exactly what to think.
Are you a mule, dragging the neoconservative globablists around while they whittle their poking sticks to poke you in the eye with, and laugh? Listen
to Alex jones and break free of the shackles that keep domestic donkeys in domination. Only he, the true patriot, can free your mind. Because... there
is a war on.. for your mind...
edit on 26-1-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)