Ok, let's start with a few assumptions:
1- The amount of firearms in a country is directly related to the amount of deaths by firearms (of any kind).
2- The US is considered the most medicated country in the world.
Base on those assumptions I did a research of amount of people killed (Any reason or way example by cop, by accident, etc..) by a firearm of any kind.
the amount given is base on a population of 100,000. now keep in mind that the numbers are a percentage, so the premises of more people higher
percentage is not applicable.
Base on the first assumption I researched the amount of guns of any kind owned by the population in a country, the number given is again a percentage
base on 100 people.
Results are below:
I will start with the country that has the lowest amount of guns per population:
0.06 firearm for every 100 people - you almost have to search 200 people to find 1 firearm (that is insanely low)
Assumptions are valid in this case Japan has 0.07 firearms related Deaths for every 100,000 people. (incredible!!!)
base on this information the theory of less guns, less death is accurate.
Second sample:
10.7 firearms for every 100 people, that is almost 20 times the amount of guns japan has - if our theory was correct, we could easily assume that
Chile will have around 20 firearms related deaths for every 100,000 people.
In reality the number is 0.06 firearms related deaths... let me repeat that 0.06, that is lower by 0.01 than JAPAN!!!
Our firearms relation to death theory is in shaking ground.
Ok lets go to the other side f the spectrum:
United States
88.8 Guns for every 100 people (88 times more than Japan, so once again if the theory is correct we should have at the very least 88 gun related
deaths for every 100,000 people)
and once again the theory is in shaky grounds due to the fact that at those incredible number the US has 10.2 gun related deaths every 100,000 people
(not quite the numbers you will expect if guns were the issue)
Some might refer to the following statement: "Well Imagine if the US instead of having 88 firearms for every 100, would have only 10 like Chile, there
will be no deaths at all"
Base on that statement I research the following:
El Salvador
The worse country in the world regarding firearms has 50.36 gun related deaths every 100,000 people that's five times more than the US, an outstanding
number of firearms death, They most have firearms everywhere.
oddly enough El Salvador only has 5.8 firearms for every 100 people that half the amount the weapons Chile has, and 15 less the amount that US
So base on these analysis I can conclude that the factor of amount of firearms in a country is not directly proportional to the amount of death by
firearms. the numbers of each country does not correlate to each other.
base on my second hypothesis, I also found that in the US 26 % of the population has some kind of mental issues... we are heavily medicated, number
one in the world, we even give medication to children that don't need them. 80% of the whole world pain medication is consumed by the US.
So base on that Hypothesis, what would our death by firearms numbers would be, if instead of having 26% of people with mental issues we had 10%.
Remember that only an unstable person will plan and kill innocent people, that's the issue we have to address.
links to info:
edit on 25-1-2013 by yuniorsan because: misspelled word