First of opened a thread and then continue to insult those that reply., rude indeed. If you have such secrets or claim to know of them as
we all should then what is the point? You really suck at keeping secrets.
Secondly, there will always be secrets until the day God decides to fill everyone in on the big hoohawww of his design and practice and seeing your
attitude--you'd be the last to know. Even if the Vatican had such divine secrets (that they have been seeking and collecting for a thousand plus
years....they will never know what is really up. They aren't supposed to.
Third, if all of our worldly or off-world knowlege was known to everyone in this instant then it would be our (yes, ALL of our) downfall. Without
curiosity, creativity and interest in what we DON'T know...what is the point of even existing?? What if man found out that a cricket has more
intelligence than even the largest IBM computer? Ouch, that would suck. Would you want to know that? Would you then want to kill all of the
Would you really want to be as intelligent as God? All knowing?? Would your life not be as stagnant as the Q (Star Trek fans unite) with a life so
awash with boredom of eating, drinking, and picking your nose? Aren't these the type that 'elitists' want to rid of? Those that eat, drink and think
they know it all but are merely idiots who breed for nothing? Those that are ridiculous and unquestioning? Who are they (elitists) to be so knowing
if they are never the ones who actually ask the questions? What kind of human is left after these locusts are allowed to thrive? Ok sure, they know
ALL. oh peachy keen. "Dad, what should we do today? Can we go for a walk, smell the flowers? Pick some berries?" "No son, we know that the chemical
reaction in flowers can make you happy and there is nothing to do after that and besides, these machines pick the berries for us now, lets just sit
and wait, there is nothing, as a matter of shuttup and just stare". "Ok dad" ..*silence*. No sounds of crickets...since they have been
KILLED OFF. hahaha
In essense if you think about it...any elitist who believes in a 500mil population limit would eventually YES EVENTUALLY have to kill off their OWN
offspring. LOL, what kind of beast kills of their own descendents? That is what makes them better? Insane surely, better or smarter, NO.
No thanks, I'd rather NOT know all, I need thrills in my life, a reason for living, a reason to question, for once you STOP questioning your elders,
your boss, your leaders or your government--then you are TRULY a slave. Perhaps that is the end game of someone (no names mentioned ...*coughs*
LUCIFER lol). What better way to laugh in the face of God than to get this species to kill others and then themselves, one group at a time. I mean
really, he was really p'sd at God for giving man such design and attention. He is like a jealous boyfriend, would you trust him to care for your
pets? lol
and as I posted yesterday about secrets,
No thanks. I like surpises...and God is full of em
edit on 25-1-2013 by dianashay because: (no reason given)