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Overpopulation: The elephant in the room (Bindi Irwin Vs Hilary Clinton)

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posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by CristobalColonic
Seems only the younger generation want to acknowledge the real problem in the world today- the 'virus' known as the human species

Bini Irwin should stick to what she does best, looking after crocodiles.

We search far and wide for solutions to our environmental degradation problems, a way to end starvation, how to avert wars... yet we're too scared to confront the root of the problem- the human delusion that we have some divine right to keep breeding like rodentia and that in some magical way the Earth will somehow tolerate our overwhelming numbers.

So what part of Mumbai did the media show you to come to that conclusion? There is plenty of room for billions more people.

How embarrassing that it's taken a child to bring this into the public fora and for shame on the US government censors for trying to sweep this most pressing of issues under the carpet once again.

9 billion by 2025. Get ready for a mass, WWII- like culling. It's inevitable, one way or the other.

The mass culling has already begun. The Middle East is on planet Earth you know.. And by the way, this issue should be swept under the carpet because its bs.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by CristobalColonic
How embarrassing that it's taken a child to bring this into the public fora and for shame on the US government censors for trying to sweep this most pressing of issues under the carpet once again..

She's only 14. I'm thinking she's being programmed by someone ... So we should start a thread about Bindi Irwin being programmed by the NWO folks for use in future population control measures ....

Originally posted by g146541
I heard years back that the WORLDS population could all fit into a landmass the size of Australia!!!
I did not believe it so I went to wiki and got the Square mileage of aussieland and the approximate number of folks on this rock.And sure enough, there would be 1/4 acre for every man every woman and every child!!!

You told people to 'do the math' .. well, I say that right back to you. People who use this as an example of underpopulation are just plain wrong. Every person needs a certain amount of space for support. Food growth support. Cotton for clothing space support. Space with factories to support production of things like toothpaste and medicine etc etc. and garbage dumps .. need lots of room for those.

The world IS OVER POPULATED and the earth can't sustain the population. And unfortunately, it's those that contribute nothing to bettering the world that are the ones mass breeding.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by Plugin
Perhaps a nice example.

On Eastern Island, the people who lived there, cut the trees, they used the trees for everything.
But 1 day there was not 1 tree left, unrest and fights broke out because of it.
Everything was falling a apart and the population shrunk very fast.

Today nobody lives there, and still no trees to be found but a wise lesson for all of us.

When Easter Island was "discovered" by Europeans in 1722, it was a barren landscape with no trees over ten feet in height. The small number of inhabitants, around 2000, lived in a state of civil disorder and were thin and emaciated. Virtually no animals besides rats inhabited the island

Reminds me also about Europe, where almost all forest where once cut since wood was like oil today.
And in the end cities where full with rats where deceases had their change, giving a final blow.

Absolutely, Bindi is spot on. I do not understand all these people who claim over population is not a problem. Do they live in cloud cuckoo land ?

A spot of birth control would help this planet - NOW !!!

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The world IS OVER POPULATED and the earth can't sustain the population. And unfortunately, it's those that contribute nothing to bettering the world that are the ones mass breeding.

The world isn't over-populated. Well my country isn't anyway

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The world IS OVER POPULATED and the earth can't sustain the population. And unfortunately, it's those that contribute nothing to bettering the world that are the ones mass breeding.

The world isn't over-populated. Well my country isn't anyway

It is.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Mine isn't. Most of it is unnoccupied.
Overpopulation is not a problem at all. It is our excessive waste and over use that is the problem.
edit on Fri, 25 Jan 2013 05:37:49 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by HelenConway
I do not understand all these people who claim over population is not a problem. Do they live in cloud cuckoo land ?

And you never WILL understand until you realize that everything we are being fed is a LIE..

Turn the TV OFF...

It's NOT helping you.

What appears to be entertainment is in reality MIND CONTROL.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:44 AM
IMHO, neo-Malthusian sentiments, along with a hegelian "population-explosion-extermination" agenda should never be taken lightly. We're dealing with human lives here. It's not as simple as exterminating rodents and voila ---- merely stamping the matter as "case closed" and the problem is solved. I just don't buy it.

What is "overpopulation" anyway? Too many people? Very few resources and space to support the current population growth? Or is it too many resources being gobbled up and manipulated for the convenience of a much fewer elite? Too many resources being unfairly distributed perhaps? Too much technology being withheld? For instance, "who killed the electric car"? Why is Monsanto the monster that it is right now? What really makes big pharma so... "big"?

If population control in the form of Planned Parenthood doesn't sound too bad to the ears, then take for example war. War, in its own messed up way, is a form of population control. Look at how many people died during world war 1 and 2. Famine and manipulating food supplies (I'm not saying this is the case for every nation) is another means of control. For me, they're all the same bananas packaged accordingly, depending on who's the lucky customer.

I think the world in general should focus its time and energy more on promoting a balanced production and distribution of resources. Of course too much of anything can be bad -- that's a given. So I think the key is efficiency and the proper management of resources that we currently have, and that which we have yet to generate.

China is even considering to relax her one child policy already, given the looming threat of a demographic winter and the potential harm that it can cause. And of course we all know how badly "overpopulated" they are as of the moment.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

Don't even TRY to understand it unless you can come to terms with the FACT that everything is a lie.

Not EVERYTHING we are told is a lie. There are nuggets of truth to be found everywhere and I am about to share some truths about the real situation on farm yields with you.

There have never been food shortages, just a lack of distribution.

There have never been insurmountable distribution issues, just a lack of WILL to distribute.

You obviously do not have a fundamental understanding of modern farming practises, which is what lead to the population boom in the first place.

Farms have seen yields double, triple and even quadruple due to three things; The tractor replacing the horse, and the discovery along with the liberal use of fertilisers. Both of these things are reliant on fossil fuels. Nitrogen, one of the most widely used and effective fertilisers is a petroleum byproduct. Other fertilisers such as phosphate are getting harder to find as well.

The discovery of new fossil fuel reserves is in decline while the demand is ever increasing. The fact that oil prices have not eased back much since 2008 is a testimony to the fact that demand is high and supply is tight.

To put it quite simply, until such time a new energy source is found, modern farming practises and the seemingly endless supply of cheap food they provide are on borrowed time. I grew up on a farm, my parents still own one. I've seen the changes - it now costs 3 times to run a tractor for the day compared to what it did a decade ago. Fertliser costs have also skyrocketed, thanks to increasing demand from countries like China. The fallout for this is the higher food prices you see on the supermarket shelf.

Furthermore, weather changes have seen yields of farms in many areas decline in the last decade. Australia is suffering from ongoing desertification of it's pastoral lands, New Zealand is having major droughts that are affecting dairy production, Russia has had major droughts in Siberia where a huge percentage of the worlds wheat comes from. This years wheat harvest in Northwestern Victoria, Australia is approx 2/3 lower than they were hoping for. In WA the harvest Jan 2012 was nowhere what they were expecting, My brother flew over from NZ to drive machinery for it and was finished a full month ahead of schedule because the crop was so light.

None of these things are lies or imaginary. These have happened in the last 4 years and I have witnessed them all with my own eyes

Controlling food is just one of many ways of controlling the populace.

Granted, controlling food supplies to pacify the population can and has been done by evil doers past and present. However, most of these countries are in Africa and even if they got their act together and started freeing up food supplies, they would be able to feed themselves but not a lot more. It all leads back to fossil fuels, tractors, fertilizer and rain.

edit on 25-1-2013 by markosity1973 because: Gramatical dilemma

edit on 25-1-2013 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Plenty of room for 9 billion, and much more.

There is plenty of room under the ground for more corpse, too; it's just that we're already having to pile bodies on top of one another to accommodate them.

Originally posted by bjax9er
there is more than enough land in America alone to support billions.

I think you should invest in some travel, say, to a few South-East Asian countries and perhaps learn what 'comforts' overpopulation entails before you condemn your own spacious abode to becoming a glorified tin of sardines.

Originally posted by Thecakeisalie
Hilary is just like her husband, both will try to screw you, and deny the fact after the deed is done. And some people actually want her as the next Prez?

Be afraid America, be very afraid.

'Marrica ain't afraid. 'Marrica has her Second Amendment! YEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWW!!

Originally posted by bloodreviara
We cannot ignore the reality of the rapid growth population will undergo
in the next 30-40 years, it will be hard but its an issue that will have to
be addressed one day.

People are simply too dim to understand rudimentary math- that the greater the population gets, the faster it grows. The problem is logarithmic.

Originally posted by g146541
I heard years back that the WORLDS population could all fit into a landmass the size of Australia!!!

I heard China – the world's so-to-be leading economic power – has 1.35 billion inhabitants; with 200 million well-off to affluent, 200 million living at a 'Mexico- level' of "prosperity" and 700 million-plus existing in or the equivalent of abject poverty.

Are you prepared to descend to the depth required to cram 7 billion people into a landmass the size of Australia's?

Originally posted by watchitburn
I'm all for exterminating humans, but population control is not a valid reason.

Reasoning is plentiful. Religion, race, colour, creed, education, geographical location...

It's not the reason we need to worry about. It's the will to act that needs to be instilled.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by markosity1973
The irony of the human condition is that we have the intelligence to do almost anything we can imagine and yet all of this intelligence amounts to very little when we don't have the brains to realise that we need to stop having so many babies. We don't need to stop all together, but it is vital we admit to ourselves that one, maybe two kids is enough.

'Condition' is an apt description. For, conditions like religious indoctrination, ingrained cultural ignorances, a ridiculous fear of one's bloodline dying out (...) are key factors in overpopulation. Factors that do not come within the scope of logical thought processes.

Until we face the fact we must stop tip-toeing around peoples' airy-fairy sensibilites, irrespective of repercussions, we'll continue to spiral towards a critical mass that will make the WWII holocaust look it was conducted by Humane Society International.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
She's only 14. I'm thinking she's being programmed by someone ... So we should start a thread about Bindi Irwin being programmed by the NWO folks for use in future population control measures ....

Don't laugh... There'll be a thread about that in few minutes!

Originally posted by HelenConway
Absolutely, Bindi is spot on. I do not understand all these people who claim over population is not a problem. Do they live in cloud cuckoo land ?

This is ATS- the same site whose every second forum thread is a conspiracy theory on why the US government want their population disarmed and how all the mass shootings in the country are the fault of mind control administered through some alien anal suppository...! (see: above post)

edit on 25-1-2013 by Extralien because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by CristobalColonic

Originally posted by HelenConway
Absolutely, Bindi is spot on. I do not understand all these people who claim over population is not a problem. Do they live in cloud cuckoo land ?

This is ATS- the same site whose every second forum thread is a conspiracy theory on why the US government want their population disarmed and how all the mass shootings in the country are the fault of mind control administered through some alien anal suppository...! (see: above post)

Hi Cristobal - I am not sure what you are getting at here but i think I agree with you.

Have the ''there is no problem'' people been to India lately ? more then a billion people - why ??? They have lots and lots of children per family, this means that there is an enormous scramble for resources, 30 % of the worlds poor live in India. If they had had better birth control - the standard of living NOW would be so much better for everyone there.

Africa - countries are out stripping their resources, why , too many children being born, massive population increases.

The Arab spring ? Alot of pain caused by the population bulge where more people are under 21 years then over 40 years.

Have they been to Egypt, it is desert with a strip of fertile land each side of the Nile, how are they supporting their massive growth in population - they are not, people are emigrating or mainly very poor.

England is a small island and has seen 10 million people arrive in the last ten years - yes I notice the bloody population increase and it causes problems, with congestion, with stress, with jobs - you name it !

I am not advocating killing people - I am advocating sensible family sizes.

When i was born there were 3.6 billion people on the planet - there are now 7 billion, and life is NOT getting better, even for those in so called rich countries.

People who deny that massive population increases have stripped this planet of many resources [ that are not replacable], who are killing off the wildlife are IMO in cloud cuckoo land - as I stated earlier.
edit on 25-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by g146541

1/4 acre in much of Australia would be lucky to feed a cat let alone a person. Around half of Australia fits the definition of Desert (Hot with less than 10 inches of sporadic rain a year), and much of the rest has a harsh climate and poor soils. In the tropical north,watered by heavy monsoon rains is a cattle station, "Brunette Downs" in the Northern Territory. It runs around 100,000 head of of beef cattle on 3,000,000 acres or roughly 30 acres per cow. Unlike say the UK at 1 to 2 acres per cow.

If you want to reduce population get rid of religion, and lift everyone up to a typical western consumer oriented lifestyle, with mortgages, cars and credit cards and the population will decline like almost every country in the developed world is, if you disregard imigration.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by CristobalColonic

I heard China – the world's so-to-be leading economic power – has 1.35 billion inhabitants; with 200 million well-off to affluent, 200 million living at a 'Mexico- level' of "prosperity" and 700 million-plus existing in or the equivalent of abject poverty.

Are you prepared to descend to the depth required to cram 7 billion people into a landmass the size of Australia's?

I would imagine that those 700 million folks living in "poverty" would say they had a wonderful life if they did not have to produce for the rest of the eaters.
A simple lifestyle is not bad until someone puts their boot on the back of your neck, in fact it is quite nice!
Now here is the nice thing, we don't have to cram 7 billion folks into aussieland, but you must realize that it is possible and sustainable then since you have proposed it.
This means you understand there is no overpopulation problem.
There is a corporation problem, now who is pushing the agenda again???

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Yowie13
reply to post by g146541

1/4 acre in much of Australia would be lucky to feed a cat let alone a person. Around half of Australia fits the definition of Desert (Hot with less than 10 inches of sporadic rain a year), and much of the rest has a harsh climate and poor soils. In the tropical north,watered by heavy monsoon rains is a cattle station, "Brunette Downs" in the Northern Territory. It runs around 100,000 head of of beef cattle on 3,000,000 acres or roughly 30 acres per cow. Unlike say the UK at 1 to 2 acres per cow.

If you want to reduce population get rid of religion, and lift everyone up to a typical western consumer oriented lifestyle, with mortgages, cars and credit cards and the population will decline like almost every country in the developed world is, if you disregard imigration.

I said into the space of, I did not say everyon had to move to Aussieland!
But even for some weird reason we had to, I read about a year ago of an Indian scientist I believe who managed to turn a desert into a micro rain forest!
You do know the world used to be a rain/food forest right?
Until most probably the "civilized" white man came around destroying the landscape to put several factories and product stores in.
I believe if we the earths population wanted to, we could set the world back on a healthy track and make it a forest again in a very short time, even the deserts!

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Plugin
reply to post by g146541

It's not a space issue.
Sure plenty of space, it's just that when you look how much 1 men has of an influence in the bigger picture.

In Holland we could just build every square meter with buildings & roads, we don't really need any farm land anymore. Food can be made in cheaper country's like Poland or wherever and we just import the food. Of course we also import oil and just every engergy need we may need. The trash we make, when not enough space or not really recyclable, enough space in Africa for big trash mountains. . The local people can even make some money from the trash (that's happening already).
All the stuff China makes, they don't care that much about the environment, but damn we got nice & cheap shoes and whatever! The oceans, are becoming more acid and full with plastic parts, but we don't need that either really, as long we can use it for crossing it with ships when needed, what's the issue?
And we still got pictures anyways from sea life, even video's! No lose when they go extinct, the more space for us!
edit on 25-1-2013 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

I see, so what you are saying is we don't have a people problem but that we have a wasteful problem.
I guess the wasteful folks will just have to stop buying disposeable crap and live a sustainable life.
You do realize that almost everything can be composted and returned to the earth without health risks??
Yes even human waste can too be composted without health problems.
I guess that we will not be able to have a mcdonalds, starbucks, chevron/bp, and a subway on every corner but I am ok with that!

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by g146541

OP, I heard years back that the WORLDS population could all fit into a landmass the size of Australia!!!
I did not believe it so I went to wiki and got the Square mileage of aussieland and the approximate number of folks on this rock.
And sure enough, there would be 1/4 acre for every man every woman and every child!!!
That is only one continent, i think we got a couple or few more to spare!!

I don't know about your 1/4 acre number there; it's overly optimistic. Any one human being needs more to sustain themselves.

However, I don't think we have an over population problem exactly. I think that what has happened is that technology has evolved to the point that the top tier does not need so many people to support them in terms of the historic peons-to-elite ratio. They certainly do not need as many people as there are now. So that "excess" population is in fact detrimental to the elite with all the power--less stuff for them, more unnecessary environmental impact to support the excess useless eaters, and that many people are just really darned hard to control etc... So they are selling this misanthropic, Malthusian BS like nobody's business.

It's not a population problem, it's a social hierarchy problem.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by g146541

Originally posted by Plugin
reply to post by g146541

It's not a space issue.
Sure plenty of space, it's just that when you look how much 1 men has of an influence in the bigger picture.

In Holland we could just build every square meter with buildings & roads, we don't really need any farm land anymore. Food can be made in cheaper country's like Poland or wherever and we just import the food. Of course we also import oil and just every engergy need we may need. The trash we make, when not enough space or not really recyclable, enough space in Africa for big trash mountains. . The local people can even make some money from the trash (that's happening already).
All the stuff China makes, they don't care that much about the environment, but damn we got nice & cheap shoes and whatever! The oceans, are becoming more acid and full with plastic parts, but we don't need that either really, as long we can use it for crossing it with ships when needed, what's the issue?
And we still got pictures anyways from sea life, even video's! No lose when they go extinct, the more space for us!
edit on 25-1-2013 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

I see, so what you are saying is we don't have a people problem but that we have a wasteful problem.
I guess the wasteful folks will just have to stop buying disposeable crap and live a sustainable life.
You do realize that almost everything can be composted and returned to the earth without health risks??
Yes even human waste can too be composted without health problems.
I guess that we will not be able to have a mcdonalds, starbucks, chevron/bp, and a subway on every corner but I am ok with that!

No it's always a people problem. It's like a relation, we don't have a relation right now I think/believe where balance is possible with nature, stuff arround us, of course the ammount of people is making things worse.
It's not McDonalds which is the problem, or Exxon perse.
It's the amount of, be it cars, be it even as you say; mcdonalds. the more people, the more of them.

I can place like 50 people in my place, be sure it will become a mess fast, where nobody takes anymore responsiblity sooner or later but complain about all the filth and bad smells.
But sure in the end they will just flee if possible.
These times it's harder to escape to something better, it's just become messy and foggy more and more where it becomes harder and harder to really fix things, if even possible.

Everything has become ''now'' worry about now, tomorrow is not my problem, I got enough problems myself.
And when something outside, like for example the government, which it seems only make things worse, like just taxing out of their current problems, and we see there is no real sullution whatsover, we only get more angry and frustrated but know, nobody really cares, after all.

Things are becoming big, and bigger and more big.
Hard to see then when that happens, to see when standing infront of that, to do something about it, when you feel so little, powerless.
So maybe we do care deep inside, but it's becoming so big, what can you/we do?
edit on 25-1-2013 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

India is a perfect example of why the planet isn't over-populated. The problem isn't the people, its the way the planet is run. Even with over a Billion people, India still has heaps of land where no-one lives.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by HelenConway

India is a perfect example of why the planet isn't over-populated. The problem isn't the people, its the way the planet is run. Even with over a Billion people, India still has heaps of land where no-one lives.

so lets add another 100 million to the land of India in the next ten years - all the tigers, monkeys rhinos and elephants will die. The fresh water will be gone ish [ it is much diminished] and lets carry on adding 100 million every ten years to India and then you tell me when it is over populated?

We can cope with our present population - but we cannot cope with massive increase every ten years and denying that population increases are a problem in todays world is madness or blindness IMO.

addit: would a billion people in the British Isles constitute 'over population' ?
edit on 25-1-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

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