posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by troparevo
It is so sad. Many of the girls get into this sex party scene, where they are first branded with tats, and then supplied a night of warmth, vodka and
possibly designer drugs, in exchange for the performing on camera, where it is sent to the world. It would seem there are 3, maybe 4 Russian guys in
the entire eurasian continent, who mate with each and every girl. Eventually, the fairer among them become airbrushed soft porn (met art) models, but
many of them apparently have no teeth, I have noted. If you back track, you may find these girls in the annals of russian sex party films, but met art
does do a good job of cleaning up the net for their better models. Even the branding symbols are airbrushed out.
edit on 24-1-2013 by davidmann
because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-1-2013 by davidmann because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-1-2013 by davidmann
because: (no reason given)