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The government WANTS a revolution, DONT FUEL THE HATE

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posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 04:08 AM
All too often now we are seeing all forms of media trying to 'stir the pot,' so to say. People like Alex Jones going on and on about "revolution" this or "civil war" that. Mind you, none of these people ever include concrete, specific actions to be taken. And why would they, these disinfo agents are merely another arm of the government/UN/NWO/ WHATEVER you want to call "TPTB." The point of these recent "call to arms" is to stir INDIVIDUALS into causing mayhem and mindless violence. There are two emerging reasons for this: 1. INDIVIDUALS can be taken out rather easily, 2. To continue the push for removing civil rights.

Here's an example of these disinfo agents in action:

Here we have "Anonymous" calling for a non-specific 'call to arms.' But one only has to scroll a little bit further down to the top comments to see that this video in fact wasn't made by Anonymous at all:

ANON CABAL 8 hours ago
Greetings, OfficialAnonymousTV1. Anonymous has now been made aware of your traitorous behaviors (1. claiming to be an "official" centralized voice of Anonymous 2. Profiting from monetizing messages of Anonymous). Hence forth, more and more members will become aware of your activity and will inform your viewership of your misconduct. We have asked you time and time again and you have ignored us. Now the word is spreading.

This is just one example of the disinformation spreading rampant through the U.S. right now. Funny how Alex Jones has suddenly become a household name, almost like it was planned this way (nothing is a coincidence). The Powers That Be are trying to create a rift in our society, they are BEGGING us to start fighting one another, they NEED an enemy to further their agenda.

Why? You ask, and I think the answer is quite simple: America has more enemies than just it's own citizens. We, as a whole, are getting closer and closer to a military intervention from the countries who control our debt, and when they do inevitably come for their money, the people who will join their ranks at home are some of the same people who distrust our current government. Is the picture getting clearer yet? Our government is trying to gain absolute control of its citizens before they really get the chance to really fight back, as collaborators. "The West" needs us gone, before we are a real threat to them. Your puny "assault weapons" will do nothing to the tanks and armored personnel carriers of TPTB. But you know what will? RUSSIAN and CHINESE supplied rocket launchers and missiles, weapons that will arrive when their soldiers arrive with them. Our enemies realize the vastness of the USA, they realize they will never be able to occupy all parts of our country at all times, but they do realize they (at least for now) have people who are willing to join their side, and THAT is what our government is afraid of.

I call on you, the enraged citizen, to lay down your arms at once! DO NOT fan the flames of the fire building up. DO NOT fall back on your impulses, DO NOT turn to anger in these uncertain times. All I'm asking is to WAIT, the time will soon come when you can really fight back, but under any circumstances DO NOT give the government a reason to instill martial law, DO NOT let them win, your potentional actions are much more disastrous than simple inaction for the time being. Get a job (if you don't already have one), build up resources, prepare for the future while you still can.

/Rant over

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post bntmakesense

Not a bad rant, particularly your last paragraph. All everyone has to do is turn off the tele. But of course they won't, they are as hooked into the continuing drama as a mainliner is to his drug of choice. Realistically who can blame them, no one is going to miss the last episode especially as it could come any old time. When least expected, I expect.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 04:38 AM
Cold, DEAD,


Who the heck you think you're kidding?


posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 04:56 AM
Of course they want a uprising. Then they can turn to fighting the war on terrorism at home. More freedoms will be revoked and you'll play right into their hands. Martial law will be declared.

Most Americans would not agree with the people fighting, they think they are crazy right wing extremists, which in most cases they are. You will not have the majority on your side. If you start shooting and blowing up things, most Americans will see you as terrorists as well.

Good luck with that.

edit on 24-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 04:59 AM
The tree that will not bend, will break.

Beware those that think they can gain freedom by killing their fellow man. Often they just want their form of totalitarianism to be prevalent. About 98% of the people on this message board that claim to be in favor of gun rights and are willing to violently fight for it, just want the opportunity to kill people with no consequences.

Many of them think that it's a video game, think that the people they are after have less of a right to life than they do. They dehumanize them and again, just want to force their will on the public.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by doesntmakesense

If there were to be only one poignant point to come out of your rant, it is this...

...the time will soon come when you can really fight back, but under any circumstances DO NOT give the government a reason to instill martial law...

These are wise words - cool heads prevail.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:14 AM
If they want a revolution, why are they trying so hard to prevent it?

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by HauntWok
About 98% of the people on this message board that claim to be in favor of gun rights and are willing to violently fight for it, just want the opportunity to kill people with no consequences.

Got a source on that my friend? I ain't the 1% but i guess i am the 2%. Ha!
edit on 1/24/13 by soulshn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by doesntmakesense

That's right! Don't fall for this propaganda. Stay united and firmly behind Obama!

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 06:18 AM
Your local gov't doesn't want a revolution.
Want to know why? No more tax revenue.
Plain and simple.

No serfs? No servitude.
No resources to play their war games.

There's not one drop of hatred towards my fellow man inside me.
I will only use deadly force when it is trying to be used against me.
From anyone.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:30 AM
I agree.

Any idiot might have noticed that terrorism only makes the government stronger.

They are more scared of states pushing to secede.

Ideas, not guns.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:04 AM
Would you guys like to explain to me why they would WANT to be forcibly removed from power?

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by stuntmanbob

Hey, nice joining only YESTERDAY pal....

(second Line)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
Would you guys like to explain to me why they would WANT to be forcibly removed from power?

I can't imagine why anyone would want a revolution. Where's the profit in that? How is anyone in power supposed to make money if no one is working or paying taxes or buying anything?

Seems like it's to the benefit of those in power to promote a happy populace that works hard. There have been studies that show a happy worker works harder than an unhappy worker. Even Google lets people work on their own projects and nap.

The government doesn't want tyranny and oppression, 'cause that just doesn't work. They want happy people working hard and making money. If the people scream out to be oppressed in the name of security, then that's what they give them.

Look to your fellow man if you want someone to blame.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Mayson

Mayson, eh?

That's not a big red flag, is it?

The people who control the government want SLAVES, not happy people.... SLAVES.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by doesntmakesense

Ridiculous in my opinion. A group known as "Anonymous" claiming that they are being misrepresented. They say themselves - we are all "Anonymous". There isn't some leadership of the group that decides what they do and what they believe, it is a group of people who are indeed "anonymous" and all have their own distinct views.

As for not giving into revolution, the government is doing everything they can to prevent such a thing from happening before it gets a chance. Anyone who reads the signs would know that. Once the guns are registered and confiscated, then what? Peaceful revolt? Do you suppose a peaceful revolution the likes of India would ever gain ground in the US? No, because the Indians were united under common goal, common purpose, and common ideals. Americans are separate and divided on all views.

The ONLY thing that will stop this government, and that is if it is done before it is too late, is a revolution. Only those who fear such things will deny it. When all other options have been expended - WHICH THEY HAVE - the only other option as the Founding Fathers knew, was revolution, and they were men far smarter than any of us.

We either revolt and restore the Republic before they take the guns, or we wait, keep wasting our time, allow them to take our guns, and live forever in oppression until economic, natural, or foreign powers usurp that. That is our choice.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:03 PM
The way I see it, it could go one of two ways.

1. We can just cede our freedoms and rights. No fight. No fuss. Just roll over and let them step on our throats. Maybe they'll let us have Idol or Oprah if we behave.

2. They can try to take our freedoms and we can fight it tooth and nail and make it so unpalatable, that they stop.

Your choice people.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
The way I see it, it could go one of two ways.

1. We can just cede our freedoms and rights. No fight. No fuss. Just roll over and let them step on our throats. Maybe they'll let us have Idol or Oprah if we behave.

2. They can try to take our freedoms and we can fight it tooth and nail and make it so unpalatable, that they stop.

Your choice people.

I choose number 2. But would prefer if there was a number 3 that didn't involve having to get all worked up and was by peaceful means. But we all know that we have tried all of that throughout the years and all it got us was an inch = a mile. We let them restrict us on small things then they took that and ran with it. We are past the point of return in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:30 PM
The republic was born in blood. Birth is a bloody business. Rebirth I expect will likely be the same. Their is little difference of course as we are fighting the same enemy of liberty. The banking corporations and the royals and elite that back them are the same today as they were during the first birth of the republic. This process of pulling away from tyranny and establishing liberty and tyranny pulling us back is a cycle.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Cold, DEAD,


Who the heck you think you're kidding?


OP is not saying to give up your guns... OP is saying not to fan the flames of hatred more than we have.... OP is saying that there may be a plot to instigate a kind of "revolutionary action" thus enabling them to strip us of ALL our rights. I think you should re-think the message.

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