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Anonymous Calls For Civil War To Remove US Government!

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posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:18 PM
I find this a little odd. Maybe even a little scary.

Some have speculated that Anonymous was/is actually backed / started by The Government.

And oddly enough, just yesterday someone here on ATS started a thread talking about how they believed, examining recent events, that the government actually was trying or wanted to instigate the people into taking some extreme kind of action-- possibly even an attempted revolutionary action-- overthrowing the government-- so they could use this as a pretext to clamp down, further strip us of rights, and take greater control.

I found it to be a rather interesting theory, and a rather interesting thread. My gut has had a weird gut feeling OP of that other thread may be on to something And if what some have been speculating is true-- that "Anonymous" is backed by the government-- that would make this Anonymous release a confirmation of his theory.

The implications of that are disturbing, no?

Here's the thread:

The Government WANTS A Revolution, DON'T FUEL THE HATE

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by denster1991
I would have no problem in taking up arms as long as they can provide me with arms equal and or superior to the opposition until then it would be nothing but a uprising slaughter

It would be a tragedy if someone pointed out the weapons you needed to stop vehicles such as tanks, jets, and drones were commercially available, only to have those items end up on a ban list and removed from the shelves and made unavailable to those who already know what they are and where to buy them. It would also be a tragedy to explain means of defending yourself with commercially available products only to have those products demonized and removed from the shelves.

It is of little risk to the safety of the general public to point out the transformation in arms and equipment policies for western militaries has a focus on lighter armored highly maneuverable, largely remotely operated electronic machinery intended for Urban warfare against unarmored lightly armed insurgents. These new policies governing war machines do not have room for semi-indestructible heavily armored mobile cannons nor even the majority of medium armored heavily armed flying fortresses, primarily because of weight, mobility, and cost issues.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by iwilliam

Like I stated earlier:

I don't see a civil war happening in the context of everyone grab your guns and forcefully oust all our federal officials. I see it happening as more like individual states and their governors start listening to their constituants and flat out refuse federal rule and possibly secede from the Union like Texas has threatened.

The more the feds take power away from the states (citizens) the more aware state officials are waking up to the tyranny that's going on. Look at all the mayor's and sheriffs that are refusing to enforce any more legislation on gun control. People are starting to realize the feds are over-stepping their boundaries laid out in the U.S. Constitution and they're getting pissed.

And if the states that threaten to secede band together, they will dissolve the current federal government with votes of "no confidence" and start anew.

We need to hit the "reset button" because there's too much corruption in the current system.

I just don't see a violent civil war taking place. We're not like other countries.

In the end it'll be the States that say enough is enough. No need for violence, just votes.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Phantasm
reply to post by iwilliam

Like I stated earlier:

I don't see a civil war happening in the context of everyone grab your guns and forcefully oust all our federal officials. I see it happening as more like individual states and their governors start listening to their constituants and flat out refuse federal rule and possibly secede from the Union like Texas has threatened.

The more the feds take power away from the states (citizens) the more aware state officials are waking up to the tyranny that's going on. Look at all the mayor's and sheriffs that are refusing to enforce any more legislation on gun control. People are starting to realize the feds are over-stepping their boundaries laid out in the U.S. Constitution and they're getting pissed.

And if the states that threaten to secede band together, they will dissolve the current federal government with votes of "no confidence" and start anew.

We need to hit the "reset button" because there's too much corruption in the current system.

I just don't see a violent civil war taking place. We're not like other countries.

In the end it'll be the States that say enough is enough. No need for violence, just votes.

If states attempt to secede from the U.S, make no mistake the government won't just go "oh....that's okay" they will use force and violence and it will be no better than a revolution because the end result is right back to chaotic warfare and bloodshed. It is a lose/lose situation in my opinion, the only positive is the knowledge that violence would not be initiated by those wishing to secede. I don't have the answers, the only thing I can state is that violent force should be an absolute last option when all other avenues have failed....

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 12:06 AM
Looks like this thread really struck a nerve. 90% of replies from trolls and Zombies.

All the elections are rigged, all the politians are bought. It's probably already past time, to burn the whole thing down. That's what it's going to take at this point

I already equate our government with the antichrist.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by mrnotobc
Looks like this thread really struck a nerve. 90% of replies from trolls and Zombies.

All the elections are rigged, all the politians are bought. It's probably already past time, to burn the whole thing down. That's what it's going to take at this point

I already equate our government with the antichrist.

Oh trust my I hold no illusions that there is not a vast amount of corruption in the election process and key elements of the 2 dominant parties are loyal to the same people. Like I said, I don't have the answers, all I know is being the first to initiate violence is playing right into thier hands.

How else do you explain the same banks and corporations funding both candidates with vast amounts of money?

edit on 26-1-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

You think any U.S. military are going to go against another U.S. state and attack them for having seceded? Nah.

If the President ordered that he'd be removed from office and be given an extensive psyche evaluation

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Phantasm
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

You think any U.S. military are going to go against another U.S. state and attack them for having seceded? Nah.

If the President ordered that he'd be removed from office and be given an extensive psyche evaluation

It happened before, who is to say it wouldn't happen again. Do you think the U.S. government is just going to let go of all the assets, money, and goods that those states provide? Can't remove the king if you no longer have any rights.....Thousands are killed overseas where our government orders our military to go and you think they have any regard for the value of human life? If you think they would let states secede you are delusional and need to go research the civil war and what happened when the states that joined the south wanted to secede.

If the SHTF they may even stoop to U.N. or other foreign troops to do the dirty deed, I wouldn't rule it out.....I'll give you some knowledge, slavery was part of what started the civil war, but it was not the sole reason and only factor. There were alot of economical reasons as well, and the USA didn't let killing people that lived in the secessionist states get in the way either.

It was one of the ugliest chapters in our nations history if not THE ugliest.
edit on 26-1-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:50 AM
You can't even get more than a handful in a community to show up at a Caucus meeting, let alone generally gain more than the high school level knowledge of civics or how the system actually works. That is to say, virtually nothing more than media pumps out daily.

How is anyone figuring the couch potatoes are going to grab a rifle and make a difference? I think you can bet on them to grab a phone and claim a reward bounty on anyone they know who would do anything ...but only if that didn't involve too much more effort than dialing the cordless phone.

The states have and are lining up a barrier of 10th amendment to Obama's charge of the King's brigade and it will be interesting to see who wins this as it plays out. Several states have outright outlawed the provisions of the Affordable Care Act including mine and 2014 is when that one will come pushing to shoving. Mine's a State Constitutional Amendment. Lets see that get run over..and Missouri isn't alone. Firearms are the second 10th line of conflict.

If Civil War were to come, it will be as it was the last time and start at the state level. Texas Rangers arresting Federal agents perhaps....or Wyoming State Police arresting ATF. Something like that could start a chain of events that would INVOLVE us all by the end....but it won't start by Homer Simpson on the couch right now, IMO.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
I think these guys should stick to hacking..

Well, here ya go then. They just hacked into this website recently:

(^That's^ the website for the United States Sentencing Commission.)

Just in case it's down by the time you read this, here is a link to what they posted:

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:00 AM
Okay look. My first question is what the hell have you done today to help humanity?.
Second question is why the hell are you bickering on a forum when in your heart all you want it freedom and liberty?

A child dies every 5 seconds from starvation in the world while you eat steak and potatoes. It has gotten so bad that I saw a video the other day with child getting run over by a car and no one cared or bothered to help him. He died. Yes it wasn't in the USA but what the F*** does it matter? does it make you angry? yes. So do something about it! Everyone is scared to leave their kushy life with your TV and internet. I dare any of you to leave your current setting and "hit the streets" live with the homeless for a week or a year I dare you, I triple dog dare you!

So maybe instead of being ignorant behind a computer screen we listen to this beautiful message by people who want to help, trust me they do. I am going to put it out right here right now I am a full on ANONYMOUS member I have helped in many "Op's" Flame me all you want all I say is bring it and ask again what the F have you done today to save humanity? Here is a hint eating doughnuts and drinking coffee by the water cooler ISN"T helping!

Get off your lazy @ss and DO something!

/End Rant.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:29 AM
The vid in question isn't from Anonymous. The vid in question is from someone wanting to tap into Anonymous' audience. Therein lies the big danger in listening to anonymous activists (notice the little "a") on the internet - you don't know whom they represent. I don't recall Anonymous EVER calling for violence. They aren't going to start now. Be discerning about who you listen to and what you choose to believe. This video is appealing to those who are currently caught in the "OMG there's a 2nd American Revolution coming" bubble. Out of touch courtesy of Google's targeted "relevant" search results and advertising.

On a slightly different, but related topic... Who cares if lists of publicly-available weaponry able to take down an APC or an aircraft are published. Do you think they don't already know which commercially-available .50 cal rounds can cause them problems? Weapons peddlers are opportunists. If the demand appears, those who profit from death and suffering will supply such weaponry as is required - anywhere, anytime and within the budget of any given insurgent group - regardless of the legal status of such weaponry. "Assault rifle" bans don't mean much in the midst of an armed rebellion where a full auto AK can be purchased for peanuts. This happens EVERYWHERE there is civil conflict. If drugs can get into a country then so can robust military hardware - it's just the way it is. Any arms peddler would be likely to use a certain central American country as a transshipment point, before smuggling said hardware into the US via existing drug routes/systems. And you're all worried about availability/banning of firearms. Kind of naive don't you think?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Phantasm

I am tired of seeing Anon get posted here.


with that said, this is posted by someone trying to spark hate in others, but this will not be backed, not enough of the true "Anons" support this.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Phantasm

It wouldn't be a civil war, it would be a revolution to remove the Government.

2nd line.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by retirednature
Anonymous' are a bunch of cowards who hide behind anonymity because their tactics are questionable. Now they want to make a 'call to arms'?

Why don't these punks remove the mask and run for office. Oh, because their a bunch of 'hackers' who pretend to have moral superiority and 'know what's best'. These are some of the most 'righteous' people there are.

"but they're doing it for the people", yeah so did Hitler.

Yeah, lets start a revolution... and replace it with?

The worst possible thing that could happen is that people take up arms against our government, and have no plan there after. Tell me, who are the individuals that will immediately replace our government? Would the military then control the US until a new government is established? Would we resort to a different means of putting people in office?

Anonymous; these people are dangerous, have no doubts about it.

Has anyone ever meet individuals who claim to be a part of 'Anonymous'? Not too many stand up individuals if you ask me. They're just a bunch of technologically advanced terrorists.

How ''dangerous'' you find them i still agree with most of there points.

    - We refuse to be a police state.
    - We refuse to be brutalized and dehumanized by the very people our tax dollars fund to protect our cities and streets.
    - We will not allow the government to control our destiny, our right to build a life for ourselves.
    - We demand freedom from government control, taxation, repossession and death.
    You will not come to our doors and take our guns, our property, you will not force the citizens of this great country to participate in the unlawful act of government mandated healthcare.
    - We the people refuse to put in your control our health, our bodies, our minds, our lives.
    - We will not grant permission for the government to deploy drones over our homes and communities.
    - We must end the federal reserve. A private central bank should not issue our currency, set interest rates and run our economy. Rather, we need to return control over the currency to the American people where it belongs.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 07:50 PM
link i have a reason to not want too. if those lil POSes want it, then it is likely a bad idea.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by wdkirk
reply to post by Phantasm

It wouldn't be a civil war, it would be a revolution to remove the Government.

2nd line.

Firing a shot of peaceful revolution:

On July 2nd, all who draw a paycheck, change your tax status to "exempt" in order to de-fund an illegal federal goverment.

Remember, it is "We the People" who are the FIRST branch of government and as the Declaration of Independence states;

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

These are key clauses in the Declaration:

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

It is "We the People" who determine whether a government is "just" by the consent of the governed.

whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it

"We the People" have the God given right to "alter or abolish" such unjust governments.

Defunding of the monster called the "US Federal government" is such an act of "altering" such a tyrannical, illegal and unjust Big Soviet style Federal government that is a monster growing in hideous tyranny every day.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:45 PM
Americans on the whole are too dumb, lazy and disorganized to carry out, let alone win such an offensive.

It should be apparent by now that 'Anonymous' is a government psy-op, and that an attempted civil revolt is exactly what they've been trying to stir up riot after riot, protest after protest and shooting after shooting.

A failed 'civil war' means permanent martial law for all of us.

If you want to overthrow the Federal government, just stop paying them 20-30% of your income.

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