posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity
The type of geometric definitions for Quanta is indeed possible.
What you are relying on with 'indeterminacy' and Heisenberg's Uncertainty 'principle' is just an explanation developed to let mathematicians
'off the hook' a century ago when it come to explaining the statistical, probabilistic outcomes of QM, its interactions and observed phenomena.
Indeed the act of measuring will change a system's energy level but with the right geometry you can model the rest mass-Matter of any system and
account for the energies of black body radiation, interaction and kinetic energies etc.
A quantum of Planck energy is an 'ideal' inductive loop of Energy whose geometry gives us the physical characteristics of Electric permittivity and
Magnetic permeability along with its mass-Energy momenta relationships. [these are all derived from the geometry of Energy itself - the math is just a
language developed by us to describe these physical characteristics and processes in an attempt to discern the underlying mechanisms at work.
Euler's formula is in fact just a mathematical expression for the geometric phase relationships of charge in EM waves, hence its being described as
' transcendental' [but the math won't show you why that that is - its been around 260 yrs now - equilateral geometry is the key]
Don't have to believe me, but please check it out your yourself by reading the eBooks with an open mind, apply your understanding of math and I
guarantee you'll see the connections. I recommend T[5] - geometrics for yourself - it relates equilateral geometry to the math of Physics - from
there you can build up a new understanding of the the equilateral, deterministic nature of QM,QED, Chemistry and Cosmology.