Tetryonics gives an exact value for Planck’s Constant [6.629697947 e-34 kg.m2/s]
This gives a value of Avogadro’s number of [6.02214179 e27 /g]
This is the inverse of 1 Hydrogen atom’s mass[1.660538841 e-27 kg]
Using the inverse of Avogadro number to determine the exact mass of a single Hydrogen atom you also obtain a value of 1.660538841 e-27 kg
1 Hydrogen atom has 22512 e23 Planck quanta in its Matter geometry giving the exact mass of 1.660538841 e-27 kg
The inverse value Hydrogen’s mass then gives a value of 6.022141579 moles per KG [Avogadro’s number] as it should be.
Physical measurements have two main problems:
1) You cannot exclude additional energies from you measurements [Kinetic energy, heat, vibrates] etc. Especially when measuring something as small as
Planck’s Constant.
2) They are simply physical attempts at measuring the value.
Which method are you using to determine the value of this constant?
Tetryonics calculates its value directly from theory. This is above and beyond what is presently available using the existing theories.
The method used to calculate its exact value is as follows:
1) Calculate the number of Planck quanta on the STATIC geometry of a Hydrogen atom [2.2512 e23 exactly]. This is exclusive of all thermal and
motional energies of course.
2) Determine the exact mass equivalence of the Energy contained by those quanta [1.6605338841 e-27 kg] and then,
3) Invert the determined value of Hydrogen to give theoretical value of Avogadro’s Number [6.022141579 e23]
This calculation is derived directly from theory, is exclusive of all thermal and kinetic energies and matches Avogadro’s number exactly.
See Tetryonics [1] – Quantum Mechanics.
There are other examples where Tetryonics determines the exact molar mass of ALL periodic element.
Tetryonics [3] Chemistry.pdf
Why is it that your measurement doesn't agree with the inverse of Avogadro's number as it should? Tetryoincs gives the exact value where this is
There is always a danger in applied Physics of chasing down a known data point (or set) for a physical value based on flawed theoretical calculations.
This has failed in a number of areas in the past. One noteworthy example would be that of the 12 decimal point precision of QED calculations of the
Alpha coupling constant. The correct value is revealed here.
The equilateral SQUARE energy geometries of the Triangle is the only geometry that can account for all the physical measurements and constants of
quantum mechanics giving us a geometric path to 2D/3D modelling of all mass-ENERGY-Matter and their physical interactions.
Square NUMBERS are in fact EQUILATERAL geometries.
What happens when you compare your value of Planck's Constant to Avogadros number?
Being very accurate about the wrong value is the height of academic arrogance and ignorance.
If you were to use your value for Planck's Constant to determine the value of Avogadro’s number you will get a Hydrogen atom mass of 1.65963046 e-27
or 1.659629679 e-27 which then gives values for Avogadro’s constant as [6.025437932 e26] or [6.025440569 e26] respectively. The deviation you
are pointing out is your own deviation not Tetryonics.
Planck’s constant relates to the rest mass-Matter geometry of the Hydrogen atom, and Tetryonic Theory can explain all of this.
No matter how great or to however many digits, it's just useless if you're chasing the WRONG number to begin with.
edit on 24-1-2013 by shixta
because: (no reason given)
edit on 24-1-2013 by shixta because: (no reason given)