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Dr McKenna said: "Scientists have known for a long time that natural compounds have the potential to treat faulty cells that have become cancerous and we suspected that curcumin might have therapeutic value. Dr Sharon McKenna and her team found that curcumin started to kill cancer cells within 24 hours."
The chemical - curcumin - has long been thought to have healing powers and is already being tested as a treatment for arthritis and even dementia.
Turmeric also reduces the buildup of plaque associated with cardiovascular disease. Curcumin in turmeric lowers two inflammatory enzymes, LOX and COX-2. This helps stop platelets from gathering to form blood clots. Turmeric reduces blood sugar levels, a property valuable for helping those suffering from diabetes.
"Anti-oxidants found in turmeric remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are known to damage cell membranes and cause cell death. They also have ill-effects on DNA."
A 2004 study with mice published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry suggested that curcumin might be of help for Alzheimer's patients.
The study, conducted by UCLA and Veterans Affairs scientists, showed that a rodent chow laced with curcumin slowed the accumulation in mouse brains of protein fragments known as beta amyloids. They are considered key to the development of Alzheimer's.
The use of turmeric - curcuma longa - in the diet of Indian and Chinese cuisine is long established. Over the millennia, from genreation to generation, those who have eaten at least one "curry" type meal a week have built up a strong immune system.
When the researchers first looked at 1) where in the world is the incidence of Cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's & Parkinson's diseases, along with a whole host of other so called "incurable diseases" almost non existant they went to stage 2) WHY?
It did not take them long to realise that food, and at its root, turmeric, was the reason.
We here in the so called "developed world" are not so lucky. Our diet contains, at the least, an amalgam of cancer, arthritis and other disease promoting "food". Since the end of World War II, when the chemical companies got together in their grand plan to control us all - yes, sorry, but true - we have been and continue to be bombarded with whatever suits their fancy to make us ill. Parabens in skin creams - fluoride and aluminium in water, aspartame and tuerine in just about everything the young ones like. They even tke the goodness out milk to sell it in little posts that cost a fortune - with added fats and excess sugars. This list is endless.
So, we do not have a history of turmeric nor is our environment free of the poisons that cause the so called "incurable diseases". At this point, people like Dr. Bharat Aggarwal at the MDAnderson Centre in Houston, Texas, seriously got into clinically testing curumin as a cure these horrors. Why curcumin? Because turmeric, curcuma longa, contains just 4% curcumin. For us "developed" people turmeric simply is not man enough to help us. We need the full force of Mother Nature to enable our immune systems to get the better of the poisons and illnesses we suffer. So, we need curcumin.
To precis a document Dr. Aggarwal with others, published in 2006, and things have been proven even more so recently, the Conclusions contained the following: "There is no cancer (and other diseases mentioned as above)* that cannot be cured by the use of curcumin". (*The list is as above, with others, including ME, MS, Fibromyalgia. Authors note.)
The clinical documents coming out now quite regularly, most recently from China on so called "incurable" breast cancer, from Germany confirming Dr. Aggarwal's conclusions, from Cork Cancer Centre - confirming breast, throat and other types of cancer, are irrefutable.
But we are denied the use of curcumin - as well as other cliniclly proven natural cures, such as Serrapeptase for all types of pain and inflammation, where your doctor pushes NSAID's at you - by the medical industry. Why? Becuse there is no money in natural cures. So, they continue to use sometimes dangerous and often useless treatments on literally tens of thousands of people, when a course of curcumin will almost certainly be the solution.
I am a naturopath with over 35 years of experience and research. There are very few ailments that Mother Nature doe not have an answer to. (After all, she created the problems, so she has the answers. I am available for any help or information on Curcumin, Serrapeptase - also known as "The Miraculous Enzyme", passiflora incarnata, the natural alternative to Valium - or any other natural remedy. Please contact me through my web site [site removed]. My help is free.
edit on 9/20/2013 by 12m8keall2c because: [site removed]
originally posted by: seeker1963
reply to post by RooskiZombi
Just stay away from the tumeric that has the food coloring added to it. I remember reading about that awhile back. Tried finding the article on it, but not having any luck.....
originally posted by: MystikMushroom
On a flight from Europe to the USA I sat next to a woman from India. We got to talking about Aryerveda, and how I liked Triphala.
She mentioned turmeric, and I never followed up on it. Thanks for the links!