VI. Further infringements on the right to keep and bear arms including prohibitions of type or quantity of arms or ammunition; and
That should any such act of Congress become law or Executive Order or Judicial Order be put into force, all powers previously delegated to the
United States of America by the Constitution for the United States shall revert to the several States individually.
This, my American friends, is your new weapon of choice - the assault rifles themselves are in fact your sidearms in this matter.. Politics first,
discussions & debating, pressing the matter by legal objection with attorneys leading the charge - any sort of armed resistance is a last stand
measure, and the rhetoric currently flooding the forums about kicking off with the PTB is, at this stage, a detriment to your cause..
Be aware that reversion from Federal to State-run legal, political & military control systems/networks, will be legally enforceable, should any
infringement of the above statement be made by the 'anti-constitution goons' in Washington.
You should ALL be rallying to your elected representatives, and to any and all folk with whom you are well-acquainted, who themselves possess a good
relationship with said elected representatives, or who possess good connections within the worlds of industry/economics. Encourage them to lobby the
powerful for support, not for financial gain, but for the sake of liberty itself. Encourage them to see the dangers of a disarmed republic.
Encourage them to be aware of the dangers - by either action or inaction - of allowing themselves to be complicit with, or be manipulated by, the
coordinated activities of the
deeply-entrenched-in-private-interests 'boys clubs', 'networks', and 'shady societies' from whom the orders
are being passed for the disarmament of the American citizenry. The on-side people of influence must be made aware that there is a bigger 'play' at
stake, that the time is now for selfless, as opposed to selfish, courses of action and coordinated group counsel.
In Britain, disarming was circumstantially sensible, with enough loopholes in place to ensure that pockets of liberty could persist in the face of the
possibility of tyranny (which thankfully, we do not yet face..) In America, disarmament will ultimately lead to the virtual enslavement of the
people, or worse, and in the early stages there is a considerable risk of counter-terror measures being forcefully employed against you as citizens,
with unsuspecting military/police going along with it - at least to begin with.
I'm not being deliberately offensive, or trying to induce dissent, but there are some highly 'ethically questionable' people involved in the
governance of the US, in the corporate/state interactions, and in the management of military/ police response to civilian disturbances.
It's time for good people to take this new weapon of choice and aim it squarely at those who would seek to cement their domestic power-base by
nefarious means. Take the constitutional weapons available & recruit people of influence to 'lobby for liberty', ensuring that none of these
deliberately weakening/destabilising moves against the citizenry can be passed without huge public uproar in the face of what will only be interpreted
as brazen disregard for the founding principles of the republic.
Turn their own weapons against them; they are not worthy to wield the sword, as they intend to use it against their own people. Therefore take the
law, and use it as it was intended to be used, and do it quickly. Less of the violent rhetoric/ misplaced patriotism - rather invest your patriotism
in proper recruitment of people with the influence needed to overcome the foreshadows of tyranny..