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Beekeepers Expect "Worst Year For Bees, We’re Facing The Extinction Of A Species.”

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+109 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:23 PM
On the heels of the EFSA Study that nails the pesticide use as a cause of devastation,
we have this news from the beekeepers. Why is the U.S.D.A silent on the matter?

This is an environmental nightmare.
Bee population is in severe decline, with reports as low as 50% decline in the U.S and the E.U.

“We’re facing the extinction of a species.”

“We’re facing the extinction of a species.” That’s what one Midwest-based large-scale commercial beekeeper told me last week at the annual gathering of the American Honey Producers Association (AHPA). And he meant it.

As one beekeeper told me, “On average, 40% over-wintering losses across the country. That’s what we’re facing. And my losses are closer to 70% — this is likely gonna be the worst year for bees.”

And as many of us are already aware, the large corporations are complicit together in
ignoring this grave issue. The beekeepers themselves identify Bayer, Monsanto and
Aysta hosting workshops to pacify beekeepers!

The consensus from the beekeepers : "If history is any guide, these corporations
will likely continue to object to finding healthy, sustainable and commonsense solutions to bee declines."

as evidence mounts showing pesticides to be a key catalyst in bee declines. And representatives from chemical giants like Arysta, Bayer and Monsanto made their presence known, even hosting workshops to pacify concerned beekeepers.

These corporations have a lot at stake. With the market becoming increasingly consolidated, just a few companies manufacture many of the same seeds and pesticides implicated in honey bee losses.

The corporations are well aware time is closing in, and they are even now facing
the wrath of the beekeepers, and may not be as protected as they imagine.

Also, the E.U. regulatory agency has even come out in the last few days announcing
something must be done, and have published reports.

EFSA Study: Pesticides Harming Bees

Bee Protection ‘Essential’ After Scientists lLink Decline In Numbers With Insecticides

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

The European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) has picked out a number of
dangerous risks to bees posed by a trio of common insecticides.

“Given the importance of bees in the ecosystem and the food chain and given the
multiple services they provide to humans, their protection is essential”...

“The clear link between neonicotinoid pesticides and declining bee health must sting the government into action – we can’t afford to dither when it comes to protecting these key pollinators”, said executive director Andy Atkins.

“Ministers must urgently remove these dangerous chemicals from sale, overhaul inadequate pesticide safety tests and ensure farmers have access to safe, effective alternatives to enable them to produce food without harming our bees.

“Tens of thousands of people are backing our call for a National Bee Action Plan – it’s time the government listened.”

I am sure this video has been posted here before, yet maybe we all need to
watch it agian.

The Silence of The Bees

It looks like the clock is running out, its time we all listened.

As these beekeepers have said, its going to take all of us.

it will take all of us to make sure they are successful, and to ensure we will have healthy bees and beekeepers for years to come

edit on 22-1-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

+23 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:35 PM
I have been following this growing problem for over a decade. My dad was a bee keeper and said watch the bees if something happens to the bees humankind will soon become extinct. He was not kidding. He is no longer with us but I remember his warning from so many years ago.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:37 PM
Another cause that might be affecting the Bees could be the GMO crops themselves and not just the pesticides.

Could genetically modified crops be killing bees?

Instead of the bacterial solution being sprayed on the plant, where the target insect eats it, the genes that contain the insecticidal traits are incorporated into the genome of the farm crop. As the transformed plant grows, these Bt genes are replicated along with the plant genes so that each cell contains its own poison pill that kills the target insect.

Bees forage heavily on corn flowers to obtain pollen for the rearing of young broods, and these pollen grains also contain the Bt gene of the parent plant, because they are present in the cells from which pollen forms. Is it not possible that while there is no lethal effect directly to the new bees, there might be some sublethal effect, such as immune suppression, acting as a slow killer?

I think it may be a multi-prong problem that is killing off the bees. Thanks OP.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:37 PM
I have noticed a distinct decline in the local bee population but the wasps seem OK.
so the cause is not something effecting wasps much
edit on 22-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:39 PM
Yea, this is quite the shi**y deal.

For a different take on the causes of Colony Collapse Disorder, check out the documentary "Resonance: Beings of Frequency". It touches on how it could actually be the result radiation interference from cell phone towers messing with the bees' inherent navigation abilities. Pretty interesting, and worth the watch.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:40 PM
I have been watching this happen in my own gardens over the years.

This may be another good reason to plant an heirloom garden, or even just a few good food plants for the bees in the corners of our yards. Maybe we can do our part by continuing on old, true varieties of plants. This simple act, though not much more than a bandaid, could go far in starting to heal things.

Pockets of vegetation may be able to help sustain local viable populations of bees. It would also serve the purpose of putting real food into our families and removing money from the pockets of the corporations that put us in this mess to begin with. I personally see the control of our food chain as one of the biggest conspiracies out there. They have taken it over wholesale, and left people with few affordable options. They have also removed most of us so far from the source of our sustenance that few could even begin to feed themselves without a supermarket. That is complete control in my eyes. People will do whatever they need to, to feed their kids.

Thanks for the information!! More people need to be aware of this issue, before we are hand pollinating all of our crops. Farming is hard enough on an individual scale without losing these little workhorses.

+10 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:45 PM
yes muahaha this is all going according to my plans, we wipe out the bee population and they will have to come to use for our GMO crops becuase their crops cannot grow on their own without bees. Then we can also sell them our GMO honey that we have invented since they can no longer get honey..

Our plans are coming together nicely.

with our best laid plan put into action, our GMO crops are poisoning the bee population into extinction its only a matter of time until we will DOMINATE the food market and have full control of these mindless sheep.

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:48 PM

“If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.” ― Albert Einstein

I can add nothing following so profound a statement.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:48 PM
A wise man Albert Einstein once said

"If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live."

Are we at that precipice in life where we have come to a time in humans history, where we get to see if these words ring true, do we now stand with a future ahead of us that becomes self fullfilling to his words. Does man get to see the true nature of the cancer we are to the earth, have we through advances also pushed ourselves so far backwards that fixing the problem is a mountain in itself.

I sure hope not cause this life is just getting good, but the state of things look as if thats the way we are headed, sure hope Einsteins' wrong


posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by KaiserSoze

Dang you beat me by seconds, great minds think alike is all I can say, just need to "bee" quicker LoL

Just hope that his words do not ring true (fingers crossed)


posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by exitusstatuquo
My dad was a bee keeper and said watch the bees if something happens to the bees humankind will soon become extinct. He was not kidding.

Well, he was ahead of his time.

I was hoping that this was going to get some resolution soon, as I wonder just
how these corporations plan to stay in business...I guess they are going to build
bio domes and create more genetically modified bees.

The rest of us can just suffer.

I hope the beekeepers can win on this, its not just about money for them,
they know that nearly everything has to be pollenated!

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:51 PM
No argument the bees are going down, for the past 5 years nothing as far as bee nests go in our yard and we do garden and we do provide an extensive invitation to the bees.

A gazillion amount of flowers that actually flower, a fish pond and not a prefab this pond is a good sized one.

10 years ago we had a honey bee nest under our back wood border for the veggie garden, they were there for 5 years then zip/nadda/ziltch.

They never bothered us even when we were working in the garden about 4 feet from their nest.

We miss them......
The other thing is the lack of Yellow Jackets here now, I have had some run ins with them around the pond but usually just swat them off and that is the end of the conflict....

The past few years I can't even remember battling it out with a yellow jacket at all.

Just thought I would post my observations.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:52 PM
I tried a taste of 'black forest nectar' recently. It is made in the black forest in germany, but because the black forest is a coniferous forest, no flowers or much of anything else grows in the understory. The bees farm aphids in a similar fashion to ants, they tickle them with their antennae and gather the sweet secretion to make their honey. I mention this because perhaps that population of bees might survive any GM/pesticide onslaught due to the monoculture they operate not involving any GM organisms or pesticides. Just a thought.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Carreau

Yes, even the beekeepers think it is all connected.
They have just won the right to sue the GMO companies over
contamined honey. Go beekeepers!

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by SaneThinking
reply to post by KaiserSoze

Dang you beat me by seconds, great minds think alike is all I can say, just need to "bee" quicker LoL

Just hope that his words do not ring true (fingers crossed)


Yea you gotta bee fast.

Every time I hear a discussion of declining bee populations it kind of makes my skin crawl because I just hear him saying that in the back of my mind,

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Hey burntheships... I too am concerned about this debacle. I think that the whole world is experiencing similar problems. In China they hand pollinate some crops.


In recent years, farmers have been forced to hand-pollinate their trees, carrying pots of pollen and paintbrushes with which to individually pollinate every flower, and using their children to climb up to the highest blossoms. This is clearly just possible for this high-value crop, but there are not enough humans in the world to pollinate all of our crops by hand.

I have gardened before. I have never needed pesticides. No pests or blight of any kind. A proper compost added to the soil and turned under, then used as fertilizer (mulch) during the growth cycle insures that the plants have all the necessary natural nutrients. A healthy crop generates its own natural pest deterrents.

A crop that is fed on chemical fertilizer is lacking and that weakness is what attracts the pest. I have proven this to myself enough times to know the truth of this.

Heres the problem. Major corporations control the farms on a mega scale and to save on cost they use chemicals and insecticides. Its cheaper from their mega viewpoint. The pesticides kill the pollinators as well.

The weakened immune systems of the crop attract even more pests which require even more pesticide. The insects become ever more immune and the insecticides more potent. The poor honey bee is caught in the middle.

As well do other pollinators like bumble bees, birds, etc. Their only continuing solution will be to address the insect problem and increase insecticide strength and application.

We have morons on our team.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Danbones

I wonder if the wasps are "hardier" in that sense, they seem like
real nasty creatures...had them attack me once. They dont like
the nest disturbed, thats where that saying comes from...

"mad as a hornet"


posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:05 PM
I try to have a utopia for the various types of bee's here locally but I wonder if they are transferring the contaminated pollens to my heirlooms?

I had a weird thing happen last year, during the heat wave in the Midwest, the bee's gathered on the filter of my swimming pool, they also died by going into my pool and drowning. I keep fresh water abundant but there was some kind of freak occurrence happening last summer that left me really puzzled.

Again BTS, people are still really uninformed about the bee die off and their endangerment. My kids are frustrated with other kids their ages because when they see a bee they swat and hate them like a mosquito or fly. When they try to explain to their friends, they get that look from them like they do at a BBQ explaining they are vegetarians... as you know we live in the heartland of beef production. The kids I am talking about are the kids and grandkids of the Cattleman's association...

All I can hope is that Europe continues to say no to all the contaminated garbage and become the stewards of bee keeping responsibility. The GMO's and roundup ready crops, their poison 'is' killing our bee's but unless every agriculture farm stops, then the bee's will continue to be infected.

What about the damn GMO mosquitoes! What is to keep that from crossing over? I mean there is no end to the irresponsibility! (You have read about the trials to create male mosquitoes that in one breeding session will end the biological life cycle of mosquitoes right?)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Danbones

I have noticed a distinct decline in the local bee population but the wasps seem OK.
so the cause is not something effecting wasps much.

Typically wasps are carnivores. Bees eat the nectar and frequent the crops where the pesticides are used. Wasps are searching for insects more than pollen. If you see wasps in the fields it is because that is where they find the bugs for their brood. They don't seek the flowers and wallow in their pollen or feed it to their young. They are not more immune, just exposed less than the bees to toxins.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Forget 2012, forget contrails, forget NWO, forget 'Man-Made-Climate-Change'.

The rapid disappearance of bees, that pollinate 70% of ALL our crops, is the most immediate, most real and potentially the most devastating threat to every person on the planet.

There's really is no need to make up any imaginary threats or conspiracies.

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