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Can I Just Ask Exactly What My Country Thinks It Is Doing...... (Mali Related)

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posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 04:34 AM
in my name?

I am from the UK and I am saddened - no angry actually to see my bully nation being sent to war in a far away land that has absolutely nothing to do with us....yet again. If you are unaware of what I am talking about then take a look at this article.

Britain is to send spy planes, unmanned drones and special forces to Mali to ‘find and dismantle’ the Al Qaeda network behind the slaughter in Algeria.
In an escalation of the UK’s support for French forces fighting the militants in the African country, David Cameron said he would commit ‘intelligence and counter terrorism assets’.
The Prime Minister said the UK must ‘act with an iron resolve’ to tackle what he called a ‘generational struggle’ against the ‘scourge of terrorism’ after the Algerian attack.

I find this disgusting, that our leader (arsehole of the highest order) has sent in more of our boys to fight another unwinable war, which has absolutely nothing to do with Britain. More of our soldiers will die and for what? Probably a bit more oil supply or other comodity our country is after pillaging.

The worst of all of this is that they do it in my name and every other name of the British people. They wonder why we get bombed at home and British hostages taken abroad by Muslim fundementalists, when we do acts like this. Our government is bringing this upon ourselves and I am truely ashamed of my government. I wish somebody would just lock the war criminals up, Tony B.Liar, Gordon Brown and David Cameron - they should all be tried at the hague for war crimes and tried in our own country for crimes against its own people off the needless death of our soldiers.

edit on 22-1-2013 by michael1983l because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2013 by michael1983l because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 04:55 AM
The war on terror was created to be never ending. Since the world didn't have "communists" to fight anymore, they had to pick a new enemy. The military industrial complex needed a new pay day. It has NATO in its hands.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l
in my name?

The worst of all of this is that they do it in my name and every other name of the British people.

This is one of my biggest personal issues with my leaders. Sure there are plenty of ignorant Americans, but the majority of them are against the engagements of our government. A lot of people think that what they see Americans doing in their country or whatever news they're fed, is a reflection of all Americans.

It makes me sick.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Generator85

I know but the worst thing to add to this, is the government is making unpopular decisions yet at the same time it is a government that didn't even win the last election by a majority vote.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by Generator85

I know but the worst thing to add to this, is the government is making unpopular decisions yet at the same time it is a government that didn't even win the last election by a majority vote.

Oddly enough, that doesn't surprise me.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:44 AM
The media claims the Mali "terrorists" are Islamic extremists.

I actually don't believe that at all.

I would hedge my bets that they are just random disgruntled people who are Revolting legitimately against their imperialistic dictators.

And then once they had a chance to overthrow the tyrant? What happens?

European bombing runs from the very Imperialists themselves.

This is what you call reading in between the LIES.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:48 AM
What they did in Mali is straight up murder folks.
Illegitimate pro-fascist anti-freedom imperialism.

I don't know why they revolted, and it doesn't even matter.
All I know is that the media lies constantly to promote war and death and tyranny. Which is a cold hard fact proven time and time again. Hindsight is 20/20

They never proved any of their claims about the Mali rebellion.
Not one shred of proof.

But look at how many foam at the mouth with hate and cheer on the senseless murder?
Freaking sick stuff man.
That's reality today right now all around us.
Mind control 101

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:56 AM
And at the same time they are making more cuts to the Army...

BBC News

Maybe they are using the terror threat in North Africa as justification to PREVENT further cuts whilst also securing the oil and gas fields for themselves. Gas is in very short supply in the UK now and if our relationship with Russia deteriorates combined with a potential exit from the EU, we could be in real trouble. It's just on our doorstep in comparison to Asia and the Middle East and much more sparsely populated so cheaper to keep control of... just theories.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

We need to stop our fossil fuel dependancy, we are like a crack addict, we really are. Our government will do anything to ensure it keeps bringing in the Fossil fuels at acceptable prices. For the ammount of money we have spent on war in the past 20 years, if that figure was invested in the sciences, we wouldn't need fossil fuels anymore due to the technology advances we would have discovered.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

The media claims the Mali "terrorists" are Islamic extremists.

I actually don't believe that at all.

What, same as those Islamic terrorists who carried out the recent outrage in nearby Algeria?

Yes it's tue that Tuareg's have long been campaigning for independance or at least a level of autonomy but North Africa is inundated with Islamic extremists.

I don't advocate bombing these people into obliteration but to deny their existence is both ignorant and dangerous.

If France, and it's allies, fail to respond to requests for assistance from African nations then they are accused of not caring about the people from nations with limited mineral wealth or supporting repressive regimes etc yet if they intervene they are accused of neo-colonialism and of meddling in the internal goings-on of independant nations etc - they are in a 'no-win' siuation.

I understand the OP's concern about UK involvement, and his dislike of Cameron, but there are no easy answers in situations like this.

Going on the limited information available to me at present I certainly wouldn't support UK forces becoming acively involved in any way whatsoever, including Special Forces, but understand why we would give other support to France.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
And at the same time they are making more cuts to the Army...

BBC News

Maybe they are using the terror threat in North Africa as justification to PREVENT further cuts...

Or gearing up to introduce a Draft. Perhaps they will call it 'National Service' and make it mandatory for long term unemployed of a certain age? Dole + rent + travel expenses are a lot cheaper than military salaries, as poor as they are (for the front line).

....whilst also securing the oil and gas fields for themselves. Gas is in very short supply in the UK now and if our relationship with Russia deteriorates combined with a potential exit from the EU, we could be in real trouble. It's just on our doorstep in comparison to Asia and the Middle East and much more sparsely populated so cheaper to keep control of... just theories.

And possibly providing an assist to another nation's 'problem' with meeting demand for the return of deposited gold?

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