posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:41 AM
Not a well informed statement about civilization mate. Before colonialism they were somewhat noted for thier refinement in the middle east and even
today parts of the society have it all over us. Perhaps you mean present technology. The violence is part of the nature of the situation, not the
people. You treat people like animals and some of them act like it.
They are going through one of history's phases is all.
If Iran are (and they probably are) developing Nuclear weapons weapons I don't think they have plans to attack anybody......Just to deter America or
Israel from attacking them. Didnt thier program accelerate after NK avoided being attacked, and they were both named by Bush as the Axis of evil.
You are right, a small country with limited weapons and means would have to be nuts to start a nuclear war that the US would finish. Even the
suspicion of responsibility would stuff several minor nations in the nuclear wannabes club.
[edit on 29-10-2004 by craigandrew]