HI, I've wanted to start this thread for a while but because you have to make 20 posts before you can start a thread i haven't been able to!
I've been reading this site for years, mostly just "lurking" without making any real contribution, if you haven't anything to say its better to
stay silent i guess.
I find the unknown intresting, although i haven't really seen anything out of the ordinary like ghosts, aliens, as some claim to have seen on
I had a holiday to Italy in september & happened to travel their from England by coach (which was a nightmare!) but its cheaper than flying....
anyway, getting to the point, on my way back to England we travelled over the Gothard Pass in Switzerland, and as anyone will know on these coach
trips your constantly stopping off every 2hrs for a toilet break, or food etc.
The coach driver, stopped at a cafe at the top of the gothard pass, which is 4,000ft high and i decided to film a bit of the scenery on my mobile
phone. I filmed for about 90 seconds until my wife sneaked up behind me & pretended to "push" me over the edge. Such a comedian y'see........
Anyway back on the coach (bored) i watched the video back & a "flash" caught my eye, i must of watched the video another two-dozen times on the
coach & although i couldn't see much on the small screen i did spot what i thought were 3 "objects" whizzing around.
Once home i uploaded the video to my computer so i could view it on a bigger screen & was amazed to see around 30 or so of these 'things' moving
around at incredible speeds.
I don't know what they are but i didnt see them at the time, infact i didnt see anything at the time other than a clear view.
For me, they move much to fast for birds, some moving vertically straight up (as far as i'm aware birds dont do this) & the fact it was at 4,000ft &
birds (according to google) usually stay at 1,000ft or less due to the air pressure & its making it more difficult to fly at such heights. I know
Eagle's do - but i doubt i was surrounded by 30 eagles & failed to notice a single one!!!
Here's the video, i hope some people on here can slow it right down & capture still photos etc to put on here as i haven't a clue to do all that
stuff & i know theres some very bright people on here.
any questions, i'll try and answer as best as i can.