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I used to believe that the world was heading toward a global spiritual ascension. No longer...

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posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

ATS is a good site but its not exactly a sign of where humanity is as a species.
This is a site for worrying about the future. In many ways its like the mass media, with scary headlines and personal agendas. Nothing wrong with that, but dont make the mistake to think it represents us.

Dont get me wrong. I used to spend so much time here, and you can learn alot of facts about how societies on Earth really works that are 100% true. But once you have, you get into that phase of wanting to convince everybody else and thats where it becomes a very frustrating experience.

If you look in your personal sphere, Im sure you will find 90% people that are fundamentally good. We just dont notice them because we focus on the negative. We have been programmed to since birth.

Everything is exactly what its supposed to be.
In a few years, you will stop trying to change other people and just live in the moment. You will be grateful for being alive at this time. You will see the beauty of nature and be thankful for the ability to walk around in a physical world with all the sensations, and the free choice to pick between them.

Its amazing.

edit on 21-1-2013 by Bodhi911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Welcome back to.realitet. Thought we lost you there. No wonder shrinks earn alot of money

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

all forms of ascension need a catalyst that is its polar opposite

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by lucifer6
reply to post by Wanderer112358

all forms of ascension need a catalyst that is its polar opposite

Can you please explain a bit more, I am interested in learning what you mean by polar opposite. Did you mean an event? A person?

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

edit on 20-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

You are like many on this site are what people call a unrealistic optimist, you dont have the full picture of what humanity is and thus your world view stems from a fairytale that has been spun and dangled before you like the proverbial carrot that urges the poor mule forward. You used to believe there was some grand purpose to the game called life and that there was some epic moment ..maybe dec 21 2012, was going to change that.

Well life isnt about the world but your world. I laugh at people that think there will be some sort of ascension. Ascension? Are you kidding me? The idiots that run the world like things the way they are and if they cant have it we sure as hell wont get it. The so called enlightened "light workers" are too busy singing ancing and lighting scented candles to stop the maniacs and the rest of the sheep are too stupid to see they are being used and then discarded when they are no longer needed. Those who want to make a difference and actually have the balls to stand up get shot down, the rest that want to make a difference see that and say well look at that if people in power such as those guys got taken out what hope do I have. They then come to sites like this and vent untill they either stop caring or die.

The reality of the world is that its all just a game, who cares let it all burn down. This is what our past generations and we have sowed and continue to sow. Be a man or a woman and take your due punishment. We have certainly earned it in spades by our stupidity laziness and general lack of imagination. The planet will keep turning and hopefully produce another sentient species worthy of the gift.

We deserve everything we get and if that doesnt sit well with you, you need to take another look in the mirror. I take full responsibility for everything that happens to me and everything I do.

It is views like yours that causes me to lose hope in humanity. This reality could be a true heaven on Earth if people just remembered who and what they really are. I find your view of humanity not only negative and ugly, but wrong.

The only path to true ascension in my view is love and service to others. Just my humble opinion.

I honestly feel sorry for you.


lol you feel sorry for me?? You should feel sorry for yourself.

Where has your perception of reality gotten you?? Are you happy right now?? Judging by your post you are NOT.

I'm so happy I walk around beaming from ear to ear because I understand the world I live in and don't get disappointed when the fantasy doesn't materialize. You watch too many Disney movies and cry because life has no happy endings. Keep pretending life is a fairy tale keep getting disappointed. I'm smiling your crying if you want to live your life like that go ahead just dont bitch and moan about it. You people will never get, so dont pity me I dont need your pity. I'm too busy having fun. What a waste of a

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by peashooter

yes is your answer. no is the event. ascended is the person who solves the riddle of cause.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

"I no longer see any possibility or hope of a complete spiritual ascension"

i always find it funny that people that believe in such things always think its going to be like a hippy type revolution, whos to say its not already happening , but instead of happy hippies we are all just going to lash out and start ankle biting anything that moves ^^

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 04:46 AM
As much insanity and chaos that happens, there is an equal amount of spiritual awakening, and positive vibes being released.
It's not going to happen over night, or a year... But it's happening. I see it.
Change is coming.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 04:50 AM
I hear ya OP. Lately I've been feeling like I reallllly don't want a STHF moment that leaves the only survivors on the planet as THIS subset of the population
I would probably be shot just by the way I look. I think fear is the biggest driving factor. It seems like these days people are literally PARALYZED by fear... they can't think rationally let alone be willing to extend an arm and help somebody else. The "matrix" certainly kept me at much healthier anxiety levels. It's a mix of depression by glorifying the past (whether it's the ancients and their infinitely superior knowledge or the flawless founding fathers of the US and their blueprints for the country if you're American), plus anxiety for the future (everything that goes wrong is a government ploy to control us, everything will only get worse from now).

But it's true, we tend to only notice things when they are wrong, never when everything is going great, aka 90% of the time.

I think I'm going to severely cut back my ATS time, because all of the discussion without any real actions makes me insane... I'd rather be out there, in DOING, serving as a catalyst for the shift towards ascension.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 05:40 AM

I used to believe that the world was heading toward a global spiritual ascension. No longer...,

The human population seems to be getting dumber .. not smarter .. and certainly not more spiritually advanced. Billions of people cling to the old organic beliefs about the afterlife (feasts, crowns, jewels, mansions, 72 virgins somehow sexually servicing the person even though they aren't in a human body anymore ... ). Being stuck in that mentality definately means the world isn't 'heading towards spiritual ascension'. In fact, it means just the opposite ... it's bogged down ... IMHO

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

Maybe there is a separation taking place. Maybe most of society is descending into chaos, hate and madness, but a much smaller percentage of society is moving in the opposite direction at the same time.

absolutely this!

does anyone of you, guys, have a recurring dream of jumping out of a train seconds before it crashes in a sharp turn? or anything like that?

the train in this case is the "most of society" OP mentions... what is the sharp turn?... we'll live, we'll see...

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by lucifer6

yes is your answer. no is the event. ascended is the person who solves the riddle of cause.

Positivity is the fruit we must take from the negative events in our lives. It is the riddle of motion, flying in sun and storm. Take purpose from that which has taken it from you, and give purpose to that which has given it to you.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

The lie of ascension does everything that has any value to mankind a great injustice.

An interesting choice of words. Anything that has value to mankind, can be purchased. In my eyes, if it can be bought, then it is not valuable. If it can be replaced with a trip to Walmart or Ebay, then it is not worth enough. It's those things that you can only keep in your heart or mind that are affected by ascension. Mankind doesn't care for such things, because they aren't as distinct as the fleshly stimuli.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358
Maybe all this "ascension" talk has been a sick fantasy or a dream. Whenever I now visit these sites, all I see is stupidity, hate, ugliness and anger. But, one thing is obvious, it is getting worse and the threads are getting even darker day to day, not just here, but all of the conspiracy sites.

What are we to make of this madness? Is all of society spiritually descending instead of ascending? Is all hope lost?

Relax dude. It's probably lull before the spiritual storm!!

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 12:10 PM
It would be a waste of time on the blessed ones who have fallen willingly if there was nothing in the making. And everything falling apart now is probably part of the lesson to never allow the old mistakes again.

I know even one soul home is an extremely valuable thing and wonderful thing.

I think I will use Florence + The Machine as an example today.
It's always darkest before the dawn

So many soulsisters and soulbrothers around.
edit on 22-1-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by radkrish
First of all there is no ascension process or any up gradation work going on. Any spiritual development happens from within and its a life-long process. More than half of society is distracted for centuries. Only individuals can ascend.

It is a bit unspecific when looking at what is going on in the world. You can have a wave of spirits that are close to the point that are put down on the same place to make a bigger change than the individual change. Some get that change not based long time being spiritual but get their change instantly. Some where already advanced enought and came back.

If you think about synchronicity then it would not be impossible that a full room of people can wake up at the same time since they have been prepared to wake up at the same time with one person doing one act. Do not say that just because something have not happened do not mean extreme change cannot happen. But if it happens it is because of what has been and have been planed for a long time.

Synchronicity is fun. It is a cool partytrick that "god" (nonspecified view) uses to show how reality can be. I love playing with god. It is nice.
edit on 22-1-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by LittleByLittle

Whatever you're smoking, I want some of it!

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358
I have visited and been a member of many of these "conspiracy" forums for years now. I once believed that the world was moving, slowly but surely, toward a new higher spiritual reality. I am now very sorry to say that I no longer believe that to be true. Maybe all this "ascension" talk has been a sick fantasy or a dream. Whenever I now visit these sites, all I see is stupidity, hate, ugliness and anger.

So, I ask myself, is it the people that visit these sites or is this a cross section of society in general? Are these sites just manipulated by trolls to be the point where little real truth emerges? I don't know really. But, one thing is obvious, it is getting worse and the threads are getting even darker day to day, not just here, but all of the conspiracy sites.

What are we to make of this madness? Is all of society spiritually descending instead of ascending? Is all hope lost

Maybe there is a separation taking place. Maybe most of society is descending into chaos, hate and madness, but a much smaller percentage of society is moving in the opposite direction at the same time. So, what we see is a spiritual separation taking place where a portion of humanity is descending into "Hell" while a portion is at the same time ascending towards "Heaven". I use these terms as concepts. Not what the Christian bible believes them to be.

So, in conclusion, the only hope I now see for a better world is for society to divide into two realities, because most of the humans here are just not ready for such an ascension. Don't believe me? Just take a look at the posts on this one forum. It is beyond sad and disgusting. I no longer see any possibility or hope of a complete spiritual ascension. The only hope now is for a small few to finish their time here and to return Home. The rest must return and live this reality again. And again, and again...

It makes me sad to even write this, but it's the truth.


edit on 20-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)
Hi, I can't help but agree with everything you say. As for the fact that all you see is stupidity, hate, ugliness, and anger. I'm afraid that's a very real reflection of the human race at the moment. I'm from England and I work in London a great deal. Everyday I encounter ignorance and anger. People seem to be stressed out to the point of exploding with the slightest provocation. No one speaks to each other, and are just immersed in the quagmire of tweets and facebook updates. Detached from each other more and more each day.

edit on 22-1-2013 by fifththeorem because: sorry just a nubby mistake

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Honestly OP I think society as a whole is moving forward, as our ability to share causes, hopes and dreams grow we slowly shuffle forward.

What does bother me though is the "pick your reality" mindset out in the world today. Is Sandy Hook to horrible to handle? Well just slice and dice the evidence till you find something that supports your worldview, you will even find a wiki and hundreds of supporters to reinforce your worldview.

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