Fair play to your observation and computer use ,i have not got a clue even how to post and paste pictures yet,dam i need a computer course,sorry for
the useless reply
edit on 20-1-2013 by lostgold because: and like a typical human when told not to do something, i had to see if the red
button was real
I have definitely noticed it, but I don't understand why it keeps switching back and forth between fonts. At first I thought maybe
"Sometimer's" was getting me, so I asked one of my daughters to have a look see and she assured me what I was seeing was indeed happening (whew!)
and not a trick of my mind. I kind of like the newer font, but I wish that they would stick with one or the other instead of all the switching.
I *think* it has something to due with the formatting of titles. I remember once a member had strikethrough font in their title, and the coding of
that spread to all the other titles.