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5 injured after firearms go off at Ohio, N.C., Indiana gun shows (and so it continues)

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posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:24 AM
While I do not like guns, I don't own a gun, I don't think I am or ANYONE is worthy to tell you, that you can not posses one. I have family who make their living on guns, and family that enjoy shooting guns on the range, I am nobody to them........ to tell them to stop!!!

Guns scare me, that doesn't mean everyone should be afraid of guns! I think we maybe should look into all the meds we are giving our children here, instead of into the gun problem!

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by WhoDat09

Yeah. Sounds good. Until you realize the problem with that is you'll be going to Obama's doctor, and he'll say you can't have a gun. The doctor will tell you that you must be crazy if you have some paranoid fear of attack. We all know that crazy people shouldn't have guns. So now you're on the crazy list. No gun. Sorry. BIG BOOT STOMPING ON YOUR NECK FOREVER!!

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by XXX777

LOL well maybe my hubby and I should go get a gun before then!

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:34 AM
This is why they have the security checks and the entrance of guns shows and likely the injuries were minor from pellets that bounced off the ceiling or some part of the building. at this security checkpoint they check and make sure all weapons are unloaded and ZIP tie them in a way they can not be loaded.

One in a million times you could have a AD from a damaged gun when its checked but the guys that are doing the check have the weapon pointed in a safe direction.

These security entrances were put in place after a AD years ago that killed someone at a dealers table.

There are more ADs in the parking lots as people check there weapons or as CCW holders reload there weapons for carry but you seldom hear about these as rarely in anyone hit.

I even saw a show in Texas that had a area for CCW holders to unload and reload there weapons with a safe crumb rubber filled drum backstop just in case there was a AD.
there were two ADs into the drum that weekend,
Both Glocks and one of them was by a off duty police officer no less.(his department supplied the drum)

Without the security check point this could have been a lot worse.

And i worry about the anti gun people going to gun shows with ammo and loading guns so that there would be accidental shootings.

I know that the tree huggers play games like dumping pollution in water ways to get companies in trouble.i know of a case about 12 years ago where they dumped green florescent dye in a stream in northern calif(alleghany calif)to try to get a mine shut down and another where they dumped the same green florescent dye and gasoline in a run off pond just out side a oil refinery in Texas.
The problem that got them caught in Texas was they used the wrong brand of gasoline and it had the wrong additives and came from a refinery miles away.
in the mine case they did not find any pollution from the mine.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Yep way to convenient. They are just going to keep it up till they get their way They hope. The writing is on the wall folks time to wake up sleepy heads... Load more mags...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Speaking from my personal experience in Oz anyone who wants a gun is definitely a bit off, cant speak for the US but when you hear posts from people talking about purchasing their 18th gun I tend to think the majority of gun owners are what I would call gun nuts.

You didnt answer my question.

Do you think the criminally insane or mentally unstable people should have the right to bear arms?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by sonnny1

Speaking from my personal experience in Oz anyone who wants a gun is definitely a bit off, cant speak for the US but when you hear posts from people talking about purchasing their 18th gun I tend to think the majority of gun owners are what I would call gun nuts.

You didnt answer my question.

Do you think the criminally insane or mentally unstable people should have the right to bear arms?

Like I said, your biased.

Now for the Mentally Unstable or Criminally Insane? Nope. Not a chance.

Since you are NOT an American.........

The Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights by the framers of our Constitution to provide citizens a means of defending themselves against a tyrannical government.

The purpose of the Left’s attack on our Second Amendment rights is not to make us safe from criminals or the criminally insane, for at the same time these political opportunists attack our right to keep and bear arms, they defend the right of the criminally insane to wander free among us. They place a higher priority on disarming the populous than on protecting it or its children. They promote and pass “feel-good laws,” and ignore the inevitable consequences. They create “gun-free” zones that become shooting galleries for lunatics, then politicize the result, while ignoring their culpability

The purpose of the Left’s attack on our Second Amendment rights is to place us at the mercy of a self-proclaimed “political elite” who will, once we’re unable to defend ourselves, impose their will upon us “for our own good.”

If the gun-grabbers spent as much time and effort devising a method for determining how we can identify and treat the dangerously mentally ill, as they devote to devising the means for depriving sane, responsible, law-abiding citizens of their means of self-defense, we would all be demonstrably safer because the criminally insane will always find the means to commit mayhem regardless of the availability of firearms.

Guns protection from government conspiracy

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by ANNED

And i worry about the anti gun people going to gun shows with ammo and loading guns so that there would be accidental shootings.

I know that the tree huggers play games like dumping pollution in water ways to get companies in trouble.i know of a case about 12 years ago where they dumped green florescent dye in a stream in northern calif(alleghany calif)to try to get a mine shut down and another where they dumped the same green florescent dye and gasoline in a run off pond just out side a oil refinery in Texas.
The problem that got them caught in Texas was they used the wrong brand of gasoline and it had the wrong additives and came from a refinery miles away.
in the mine case they did not find any pollution from the mine.

man you forgot PeTA one of the groups most known for creating fakeries to prove their point. they probably cause more animal suffering than anyone else.

but your concern is EXTREMELY VALID. we may see people trying to become MARTYRS to the cause of banning guns. those hard core believers that guns are evil and need to be gotten rid of. is it even possible that some of the things that have already happened were martyrs for the cause. you don't need religion to be a FANATIC (tho some people would like to think so), but anyone who believes enough in ANY CAUSE can be a fanatic that is willing to give their life as long as they think it will promote and/or add to their cause. if given say tv coverage a fanatic to the cause of banning guns would even shout phrases like "you will take this gun from my cold dead hands" or some other slogan that is commonly heard from people that believe in guns, as they are gunned down. how can we even tell what a person really believes in, in a situation like that? like people have said if the jihadists were smart they would blow up mecca, say that others did it and they would have most Islamic people joining the cause of jihad.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
reply to post by sonnny1

Speaking from my personal experience in Oz anyone who wants a gun is definitely a bit off, cant speak for the US but when you hear posts from people talking about purchasing their 18th gun I tend to think the majority of gun owners are what I would call gun nuts.

You didnt answer my question.

Do you think the criminally insane or mentally unstable people should have the right to bear arms?

Not many people want criminals or insane mentally unstable people to bear arms dude. Just like felons loose their right to arms and voting due to their actions.

Anyway, Aussie guy, In America It is a Man Thing ... some just don't understand or get it. Watch a few videos,

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by infolurker

Yea man. People own that stuff in America. Private citizens with MACHINE GUNS. Do you see that stuff? Do you see how freakin' huge those weapons are?!!!

Nice videos, dude.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by XXX777
reply to post by infolurker

Yea man. People own that stuff in America. Private citizens with MACHINE GUNS. Do you see that stuff? Do you see how freakin' huge those weapons are?!!!

Nice videos, dude.

Yes a few people in the US do own machine guns but they go through background checks that are as stringent as the ones given for top secret clearances and some even have top secret clearances because they work for the government doing weapons testing or development.

And it cost big money just to own a full auto weapons as even the cheapest legal full auto cost $10,000 and the ammo is expensive to feed them. a .50 bmg may go for $25.000+ and the ammo costs around $2.00 a round.
The only shootings by these legal full auto owners that i have ever heard of are real morons thieves that tried to break into these people homes.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

I missed the part in the 2nd where it says that certain people are excluded from gun ownership, can you point it out?
Hang on............ its not there???? It just says "Shall not be infringed?? Nothing about if your a criminal or a couple sandwiches short of a picnic, just "shall not be infringed"

So all you 2nd Amendment warriors, is the 2nd outdated or is it OK for nutcases to walk around with guns?

All of you are hypocrites, you all talk a big game "It says shall not be infringed, who has the right to decide if I want a gun?" "What part of shall not be infringed do you not understand?" not one person on this whole forum that Ive seen has said guns should be available to crims yet you all bang on about your rights by the constitution.
The same rights you all have should be available to any psycho who wants a gun SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, If you dont support a clinically depressed, unstable man with a history of killing puppies right to a firearm your unpatriotic and hate America, most likely a terrorist but definately a troll!!!!!!



Lets face it, not 1 sane person could support the 2nd the way it is, what you support is guns being readily available to you whatever the cost.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

A "right" may remain a "right" as long as it does not "infringe" upon any rights of others.

In America, there is freedom of religion. You can worship as you please. But if your worship interferes with my rights, then you lose your right.

A saying. Your right to swing your fist, ends at the tip of my nose.

Anyone can own a weapon, but if their actions determine that they will infringe upon the rights of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, then they forfeit that right.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 06:31 AM
Wow. Back when, I had a friend who ran a really large gun show in Mississippi and Alabama. Chuck more than once caught anti-gunners coming in with ammo in their pockets, loading firearms on tables to cause an incident.

So, yeah, it's not a big stretch.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 06:54 AM
Seems like way too many "coincidences" for one day at gun shows. These cannot be accidental as any gun brought in to the show must be unloaded. Even private sales coming in the door get their guns checked whether it's in a case or not. So the shotgun that went off must have been loaded after it came in - either that or someone paid off the guards to let someone through without checking.

I've been to dozens of shows and always felt safe.
This whole thing smells fishy to me although I will concede there may be many people coming to shows now who know nothing about firearms.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam
Wow. Back when, I had a friend who ran a really large gun show in Mississippi and Alabama. Chuck more than once caught anti-gunners coming in with ammo in their pockets, loading firearms on tables to cause an incident.

So, yeah, it's not a big stretch.

That's interesting - I hadn't thought of it from that angle. That seems more plausible - there are always crazies on both sides of the fence, so I could see left extremists sabotaging events like these. The OP seemed to intimate that this is a plan conspired by Obama himself, which is ridiculous.

But if I had to bet, I'd stick with Occam's razor and say these were nothing but accidents - what with the frenzy to gobble up guns before they get taken away, seems things like this might be more apt to happen...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Screwed

The shooting prompted police to ban any private gun sales


anyone know what the problem and then the reaction was???

Come on man, the tactics being used are beyond rediculous at this point.

It's like you keep throwing matches down in a forest, and when someone says "Look a fire!" you go "No there's not and if there is you lit it to get me to stop throwing matches all over the ground."

and expecting to be taken seriously when another fire lights and you just throw your arms up and say "See!"

There is no way it's just a combination of a lot of guns and a lot of stupid people... can't happen.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by nightstalker78

omg I am a littlle concerned because I have a warehouse lingerie outlet sale to go to soon..

hope one of the g-strings doesn't choke all of us bargain hunters

Well now, that depends on who's wearing it at the time 8^D

*runs for cover*

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 11:19 AM
Perhaps all that's needed is a better designed room for those checking in guns and job done, no need to attack any amendments etc ... so perhaps a small change or two to the rules on how they secure guns at events and job done...but thats after the settle any current lawsuits etc

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

A "right" may remain a "right" as long as it does not "infringe" upon any rights of others.

In America, there is freedom of religion. You can worship as you please. But if your worship interferes with my rights, then you lose your right.

A saying. Your right to swing your fist, ends at the tip of my nose.

Anyone can own a weapon, but if their actions determine that they will infringe upon the rights of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, then they forfeit that right.

Thanks. Im done explaining it to ignorant people.

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