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My most EPIC thread, ignore at your own peril!!

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posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by mee30

My most EPIC thread, ignore at your own peril!!

Your OP was full of sh!t...

I hope this finds its way to the market.

Thanks for the 411...

edit on 20-1-2013 by facelift because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:46 AM
we have the technology and innovation to solve almost all the world's problems, but greed and hate get in the way. there have been so many practical solutions to waste problems (both human waste and general trash), but big oil cannot profit from it.

i used to believe that a strict capitalist society was the best, but it simply isn't true. innovative techniques that are cheap and effective get bought up and buried.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:13 AM
So how will the government or corporations pay people for their excrement, now that
every home in America has a toilet more or less? Is this a gain for the American people
or will everyone now constantly yammer on about nothing, and make all the noise
they want while completely ignoring the bare facts?

Case and point:

Tax you on excrement

Durr. Oh my god. The environment. How can we forget about the environment? Durr.
edit on 20-1-2013 by streetfightingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by DaRAGE

Ok I may have missed some things... But yes I am complaining about $22,000 dollars. I could get something like a 20k watt solar setup for $22,000.

You missed 35% of the efficiency, it would be a big deal here in the uk but if you live in a hot country I can see why it wouldn't bother you as much and then yes, perhaps solar would be the way to go but there are other benefits like the 24/7 operation unlike solar which can be hit and miss... I checked on a 20kw system though and found this...

21.600 KW Grid Intertie Solar System

It is 50,000, and remember you will only get that 21.6 KW on the very best circumstances, which will be never... And half the day you will get nothing at all, it also requires a lot of space as it is 96 panels!

I was trying to find a video about the bloombox at some university, it was providing 15% of the universities power. It took up the space of about 3 car parking spaces... The solar didn't touch that 15% figure and they had it on every roof of their 5 massive buildings...

Really the 2 technologies are not even comparable...

So excuse me if i'm not wowed by a $22,000 750 watt unit.

You're missing the point though, prices come down! I do not have 15,000 quid to spend on this either mate, but I do know that it is in the price range for middle income families and the proof of that is in the uptake... They are putting them in new builds too and as they get more popular they get cheaper and then finally we can get them too... Btw you can get even smaller units for caravans etc, they are about 2-5 thousand...

I don't want you wowed by this particular unit but rather by the tech and the very near future, it should be exciting but if you don't see it that's cool.

It sounds good. But price means everything. How long would it take me to run out of $22,000 for paying electricity?

Again you are ignoring the heating costs you will be saving just out of the waste product... But the electricity production is over 2 times the efficiency of a power plant, maybe 3 times... How long it takes to get your money back depends on how you use it I suppose, everyone will be different... say you have an electric car, how much will it save you then? Oh and remember there are incentives to take these on, in america I believe it is a 30% tax break! Not too shabby... Also how much do you save on electricity at the moment? Say you got this and it took you the life of the product to get just your money back? Well that is fantastic right? You got supper cheap electricity and free heating/hot water for about 10 years!

And honestly. Who would pay that much for a TV? Not me? I'm not filthy Rich. As MOST people aren't.

Yes but you don't seem to see that it just goes like that... New tech is always expensive because they are only making small numbers to begin with, then the price comes down rapidly... I remember when a dvd player was 500 quid! That is laughable now... ! paid a 1000 for my TV, it is only 42" and 50hz does 1080i etc (does have an electronic swivel stand though lol)... Today I could get this telly for about 300 quid... It's only about 4 years old...

People spoke like you are now about solar when it first came out...

I actually did some calculation the other day. Worked out that one of those new 5 inch 1920 * 1080 screens for a Smart phone cost about $50. You put 100 screens together and you have yourself a 50 inch screen 19200 * 10800 resolution TV screen for $5000. Add in some plastic and computer chips to run it, you know, the normal stuff in todays TV's. And you have maybe another MAX $2000. So a $7000 50 inch TV screen at 19200 x 10800 resolution. Blows a stupid 4k telly out of the water. Want the TV bigger... The higher the resolution will be and of course the cost. But should be able to play anything at any resolution for the next 10 years.

I'm not quite sure it works like that though lol, but maybe?

I am not against solar in any way shape of form, I think it has it's applications and when it gets cheaper too why not stick it on your roof as well as have a fuel cell coupled to your methane waste tank... My main point here is that practically free energy is on it's way, sooner than we think.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

I loved mad max but watched them when I was like 12 or something, nearly 20 years ago, lol... That is interesting though, and what is even more surprising is that a couple hundred years ago they used to light the street lights from the sewage/methane! Just draw it straight up into the lamps!

Oh be we are soooo advanced today, lol...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by facelift

At least you didn't say I was...

They are on the market right now... Somewhere down the thread I posted a video of a company that makes a 500kw power station for you, It is really cool and the feces can last like 5 years before being replaced! Pretty sweet... And at the end of the 5 years you have awesome manure! Bonus!

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

We do not have a strict capitalist society mate... The problem is not capitalism, it is government... They work right along side all these big evil companies, hell they even bail them out with your money! They write laws that protect them by making it near on impossible for you to start a company... This is not capitalism mate, no where near it...

But look, why not have a go yourself? I am going to make a small biomass digester out of a water butt, when it is full I will buy another and repeat, once I get a usable amount of gas I will look into investing in a small fuel cell, just a have a play around with it and see what it can do... You can even cook with the gas directly if you wished. It is safe and odorless, you can even burn it indoors no problem.

I will make a thread when I get going and try to get some help off here...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by streetfightingman

Again man forget the corporations and government, why worry about them? Leave them to it and get on and do it your self... The info is there freely available on the internet to make this yourself... It is really simple and easy... Just mix your waste 1:1 with water and leave... You can use any organic matter, even you pets poop... Pretty awesome right?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 12:47 PM
Could you imagine being constipated and needing to get somewhere quick with no fuel in your car???

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:34 PM
Well it seems the thread has died unfortunately but maybe someone will get to see this... This is the proof that what I talked about will work... It does work... This is a biogas digester that is running through a fuel cell and generating 1.5MW of electricity, it is running at 45-50% efficiency... They are using the heat but they didn't say what for, I'm guessing to heat the digestion chambers though which would increase the production of biogas...

This is incredible in my opinion and so good to see... Like the guy says in the video, it is such a waste to just throw something away when it can provide for us! Just don't let the energy companies take control, build your own, there are many simple designs to use.

Good luck.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:36 PM
Zero point energy ?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:07 PM
Great thread...and I do believe (it) portrays our future.

However, I am not in any way, shape or form, interested in using biogas (or anything else for that matter) that is made from poop---to cook! Ewwwwwwwww! I would not be able to eat...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Dutcheagle

Well in effect it is just solar energy, the sun grows the plants and then bacteria breaks it down releasing methane... We are just taking advantage of this natural cycle as indeed we should of and could of a long long time ago...

Zero point energy is in reference to quantum mechanics right?

Either way you look at it we have a bright future ahead if we use this tech for ourselves! In this respect so called third world countries are way ahead of us...

Though after doing a little digging I found a map of the uk which plotted all the sites utilizing waste for energy, there were a lot! And that didn't include the water treatment plants! For which there were quite a few as well... Now I wonder why they are not shouting about it from the roof tops... Hmmmm, maybe if people knew they would either do it themselves or feel (rightly so) that they should get paid for their poop or at least have it removed for free!

edit on 20-1-2013 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Habit4ming
Great thread...and I do believe (it) portrays our future.

However, I am not in any way, shape or form, interested in using biogas (or anything else for that matter) that is made from poop---to cook! Ewwwwwwwww! I would not be able to eat...


I'm not sure you will want too hear this but you more than likely are already... There are feed in tariffs for biogas so...

It is completely safe and free of odor, plus you can and should scrub the gas anyway...

If the thought of this makes you nauseous then what about the water cycle?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by mee30

Indeed i totally agree with you on that zero point energy means that every 1cubic centimeter of space has enough energy in itself to run your house for most likely a month.I will try to find the papers on how to make a home made zero point power supplier.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Dutcheagle

Ahhh yes I remember, though I wasn't aware there were actual papers on how to do it... Are these papers based on theory rather that actual tests?

There is the other tech that was supposed to change everything too, it was mimicking photosynthesis, it sounded really cool but not sure there is any kind of working model yet...

Then there is the japanese lot that have created thermoelectric generating pipes, which I believe will be awesome in a fuel cell... So instead of converting the waste heat into hot water and heating you could turn it into more electricity, you could even switch between them... Like when no heating or hot water is required it produces electricity but if you need heat it diverts the amount it needs.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:35 PM
Al Gore is gonna blow a gasket when he sees this

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by winofiend

What the hell is it with Japanese and poop?

If you can't turn it into a tasty hamburger, why not run your car off it?

Long road trips can be a pain, literally, since bathrooms are usually very hard to find in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately (or unfortunately), a Chinese company has developed

edit on 20-1-2013 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by Dutcheagle

Ahhh yes I remember, though I wasn't aware there were actual papers on how to do it... Are these papers based on theory rather that actual tests?

There is the other tech that was supposed to change everything too, it was mimicking photosynthesis, it sounded really cool but not sure there is any kind of working model yet...

Then there is the japanese lot that have created thermoelectric generating pipes, which I believe will be awesome in a fuel cell... So instead of converting the waste heat into hot water and heating you could turn it into more electricity, you could even switch between them... Like when no heating or hot water is required it produces electricity but if you need heat it diverts the amount it needs.

Well yes a friend of mine is a proffesor hes a very clever man that gave me a scheme how to make it he is currently using it in is home.But i seem to have lost the paper so i will mail him tomorow ( its midnight now ) and ask him to send me a copy.But i am sure more people are currently using it i have seen it work with my own eyes and it is amazing believe it or not but this will be the future.
edit on 20-1-2013 by Dutcheagle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Signals

Shhhhh, don't tell him... What he doesn't know won't hurt him

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