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Conspiracy in Sandy Hook???

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posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:45 PM
I see a number of threads comparing the media coverage of the Columbine shootings to tragedy in Sandy Hook. These comparisons seem to be one of the underpinnings of the various hoax theories.

The big difference between Columbine and Sandy Hook is Columbine went on for well over two hours. Sandy Hook was over by the time anyone responded. Consequently, there is a dramatic difference in the media footage. During Columbine the media was showing the event as it happened...for hours. At Sandy Hook, by the time the media finally showed up authorities had already secured the crime scene and they had no access to anything. This explains all of the wildly differing news stories...all just speculation and conjecture trying to get the 'scoop' on each other.

In short, I don’t see any makings of a hoax comparing Sandy Hook to Columbine. However, I will say this; I do believe Sandy Hook happened, and there are some things I find very frustrating about Sandy Hook, but I believe there is a different explanation for them.

Frustration: The shooter is dead. There is no one to try in a court of law. Consequently, there is absolutely no possibility damaging a trial by releasing evidence. There is absolutely no excuse for not releasing more information of what happened at Sandy Hook to the public. This would include...exact firearms used, exactly how many rounds were fired and by what firearm, exact details of which victims were killed by which round and how many times they were shot, exact locations of victims inside the facility where the crimes took place...and exact details of what, if any, official actions had been taken by the mother. In fact, I would even argue that the release of some of this information would actually help the families heal and move on. As it is now they can only wonder.

Explanation: If there is a conspiracy surrounding Sandy Hook, it would be this; the reason none of this information has been released is because authorities want crazy speculation to run rampant. They want the public, in the absence of real data, to endlessly stir the pot in order to further an agenda. They want everyone to be whipped up into an emotional frenzy about virtually any subject you can imagine...including guns. They want people to post threads on youtoob, ATS and countless other places about conspiracies and the like. They want to add fuel to the gun/anti-gun debate fire. In short...they want to make people look like bunch of KOOKS!! And, by the looks of it, their plan is working!

Remember; information is power. Those with the information...have the power.

P.S. By witholding all this information authorities are able to demonize elements of this tragedy that may not have any merit. Without factual information no informed debate can take place. And just how they want things to be!

edit on 1/19/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: spelling

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Flyingclaydisk

Star and flagged, I agree!!
All of the people who have been murdered cannot be harmed anymore and the wimp who did the atrocity is thankfully dead, so who is to be hurt by an infodump??
If it may hurt the families, they do not have to look or read it.
But there are too many conflicting happenings in the story to believe some of what we are told.
I think we are being setup for a revolution, the ptb need to do something to thin our numbers before the balloon drops.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Flyingclaydisk

During Columbine the media was showing the event as it happened...for hours. At Sandy Hook, by the time the media finally showed up authorities had already secured the crime scene and they had no access to anything.

It's nice to know even government intel can learn from their mistakes.
Oops! Did I say that out loud?

If the authorities had already secured the crime scene by the time the media arrived, then how did they get that footage of those other men in the woods? Police helicopter?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 06:58 PM
Your absolutely right.

The sloppy way this was perpetrated was intentionally carried out to scare us.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by 1/2 Nephilim

I think this tragedy enabled the government to create two major divides.
1. anti-gun crowd v. gun owners
2. alternative media readers v. MSM followers

Just killing two birds with one stone. Divide and conquor is the name of the game.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:08 PM
What about those tearless parents? If my kid just died...i wouldnt want to talk to ANYONE, let alone on camera. Sandy Hoax is as it is..a hoax.

Since when do Americans care about kids? U.S are dropping bombs on Arabs kids on a weekly basis...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Yep, I agree. What gets me is all the talk of civil war..

To speak of a revolution is one thing, its understandable even though the majority of people have no idea who they would be revolting against. Civil war though would be as you said, the anti-gun crowd v. gun owners, pretty obvious who would win that one. Its like TPTB are pinning citizens against one another to conserve they're own ammo.
edit on 19-1-2013 by 1/2 Nephilim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by rabzdguy

This isn't about 'care' and 'kids', it's all about agenda. The government and authorities should be absolutely ashamed of themselves! They're using this tragedy, and the kids who perished in it, to further an agenda which has little to do with the root cause. Shameful, absolutely shameful!!

The hypocrisy is stunning isn't it?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by 1/2 Nephilim

You know it, friend!
Things are heating up quick and psy-ops is active.
Like the poster above you stated, I haven't seen a real tear either. I'd like to know why the grieving father was talking about his deceased daughter in the present tense at first. I'd like to know the gender of the bus driver who dropped off the kids in front of "Uncle Gene's" house. I'd like to know if this person was fired for not taking the kids directly to the fire house. This gender morphing bus driver should also be fired for allowing these kids to enter a stranger's home.
The whole thing stinks to high hell and where's Adam Lanza's father and brother? If I were them, I'd have at least have made a public statement offering condolences to the victims' families.
edit on 19-1-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

There are so many holes in the official story and we really don't know much more than we did the day after it happened. Its still in the forefront of everyones mind because of the way its been turned into gun control debates. I've been trying to pay attention to other things going on that aren't being talked because I truly think this is a mental sleight of hand trick being played on everyone.

I authored a thread 2 days after the tragedy saying pretty much the same thing, not trying to draw attention to it (hadn't been touched in a month) but it seems much more relevant today than it did then.. This was my OP:

Originally posted by 1/2 Nephilim
The CT shooting is all anyone is talking about. The MSM, all over FB, twitter, every online social media site I look at is ate up with this topic. Its like this brought the world to a stand still.

I know there were alot of 2012 threads but cmon folks. This is ATS, a place where most of you aren't suppose to "fall for it". There are no facts to the story anymore. The conspiracy is to keep you busy looking for the facts and talking to your friends/families about "Why would he do such a thing?". That is why if you look at the vast majority of my posts yesterday you see me calling this shooting false-flag, the timing is to perfect, its to keep you to busy worrying about this than any other headlines.

ATS members are falling for it hook, line and sinker! Click Recent Posts and see how many of the topics pertain to the shooting. Turn the MSM off guys, say a prayer for the families when you go to sleep but STOP obsessing over these details all day, you will never hear any. You will be out of the loop though when you snap out of it and realize there is much more going on than a school shooting.

See what I mean?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by 1/2 Nephilim

I know exactly what you mean. At least your thread wasn't closed.
Children for the past few decades have been taught absolutely NO critical thinking skills. Just hear (don't confuse this with "listen"), absorb, and regurgitate.
You can see that this tactic has worked just fine. Sad indeed.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:43 PM
Excellent post and I think you're correct. This is a conspiracy in itself - mountains of disinformation followed by no retractions. Either from the police sources or the media, it doesn't matter. The MSM may as well be official government spokesmen as all they do is read the press releases. Their idea of investigating is interviewing neighbors.

It sure has the entire country bogged down in the great 2nd Amendment hysteria of 2013. What is this keeping us from doing and looking at in the meanwhile? Benghazi, LIBOR, Fast and Furious all getting swept under the rug but you darn sure better get your tax return correct.

This may be the ultimate unsolvable crime once they tear down the school.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 11:50 PM
I have heard no such talk of any civil war...I have only been hearing REVOLUTION...who the revolt would be to be determined at such a time that it would actually occur. The previous revolution we had here in America, started almost a decade prior to the camels proverbial back actually being broke and caused large enough numbers to follow a cause to make it a possibility.

Anyway, I agree OP, in a sense...there is just not enough information to come up with any logical conclusion on this subject...and the inconsistencies could very well have been done to see just how gullible the public still is...Who knows?

I also agree with the poster speaking about this being a sleight of hand ploy. I have been wondering for some time...what happened to the nose to nose stand Iran, China and the U.S.A. were doing back in October-December? -- Perhaps the Aaron Swartz papers that were about to be released would have actually showed something so thoroughly significant that America would turn on their leaders...or worse, somehow wise up and learn to work together and give up our caveman like issues... -- Perhaps they are expecting a very large event to take place and are trying to misdirect us to keep coming back to Sandy Hook...If you come up with anything, please let me know.

I see so much bickering about this Sandy Hook issue...both sides asking for proof from the other, when there is absolutely none to offer, since EVERYTHING at the moment, is simply speculation...Stop bickering about things we can't prove, that goes to both the "debunkers" and the conspiracy supporters...Step back, research, and when something solid comes up...DISCUSS it...the arguing and bickering between crowds is shutting the threads down and making the mods run around shutting things down...probably face-palming until they're bruised on their foreheads...
edit on 19-1-2013 by Gltichy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 12:03 AM
OK, here's some new info:
dated 1-17-13
"....investigators have found it difficult to track down people who knew Lanza and could have insight into what provoked his murderous rampage, one law enforcement source said."

I am sure they want us to believe Lanza was a total loner, but that is not true. So his friends are running, or they are being deliberately shielded by a higher power.

"...investigators couldn't share information about whether the gunman was being treated by a mental health professional, whether he was taking any medications or what his school records may or may not show about his mental state."

All the whack shooters have been treated by shrinks beforehand, and the shrinks are never identified. Despite there never being a motive, and the shrink being in the best position to tell us what his motivations were. Why are they protecting the shrink? Because he is doing the MK-Ultra mind-controlling.

A journalist for the Jewish Daily Forward has reported that the mother of one of the slain children asked Gov. Dannel P. Malloy to view her son's body. Veronique Pozner wanted Malloy to see what the bullets did to Noah, who was barely 6, the youngest Newtown victim.
In the casket, Noah's eyes were closed, his long lashes resting on his cheeks, Naomi Zeveloff reported in the Forward. The bottom half of his face was covered by a cloth. "There was no mouth left," Veronique Pozner told the newspaper. "His jaw was blown away."
In Noah's right hand she placed a clear stone with a white angel inside. She wanted to place one in his left hand, too, but that hand was gone. ... Noah was shot 11 times.

Rather bizarrely, the article then goes on to compare Pozner's death to that of young civil rights martyr Emmett Till. Given this level of manipulation, I have to wonder if these graphic details aren't being deliberately released to counter all those ''no one got killed" theories. And I don't mean to be mordant, but don't you think the mortician would attempt to reattach the lost body parts? I guess we're not supposed to question the victims, but dammit, I'm seeing conspiracy again.


A wealthy benefactor, a founder of Datto, Inc., has given the Tech Club that Adam Lanza was a member of a contribution of $50K:
Passionate about technology from the time he was in third grade, the 2003 graduate was steered to the school's Technology Club as a freshman. The club, he said, offered him and some of those who now work for him a chance to be different and stand out, in a manner acceptable to the powers that be.
Datto’s team of passionate individuals is dedicated to Datto’s mission of providing the world’s best backup and disaster recovery solutions...

You mean like when someone takes a hammer to your hard drive? I wonder if the Tech Club had to give up exclusive rights to all those videos Lanza helped to make during his time at the Club in exchange for the 'contribution.'


edit on 20-1-2013 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 12:15 AM
Is the official story really that "full of holes?"

Take away the crisis actor charges which are utter nonsense and what are you left with? A few discrepancies in the initial reporting with a great deal of confirmation bias regarding what is accepted MSM reporting and what's not..

I mean, someone making an issue out of the gender of the bus driver at Rosen's house? If that's a significant example of alleged evidence, the believers don't have much to stand on.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 12:45 AM
No matter what actually happened, Sandy Hook has been one big mind game, that is for sure.

Look at it this way. A week after reelection, and before his reinauguration even, Gun Control is the number one subject of America, and Obama is "working on it" just as he told Brady years ago he would do.

The timing of that is not coincidental, maybe?

Conspiracy: I do believe it went down the way they say it did, that is the overwhelming forced consensus but on the other hand my instincts have been sounding alarms and saying otherwise ever since the very first reports, interviews, media coverage, otherwise calm scene at the school... Apparently I'm not alone in that. Can I help this? Maybe if I buried my head in the sand, or saw something beyond hearsay and elaborate media performances.

I have never agreed with the focused attention on individuals involved like Rosen, Rodia, smiling parents, or the Batman connections. But they are all pieces of this, still, and they made the decision to enter the public spotlight and will be subjected to scrutiny, this cannot be avoided.
Mods do a good job on ATS, but let's face it: Sandy Hook conspiracies are now mainstream.

reply to post by Gltichy
What bothers me the most is like you said, it's all speculation. So naturally, people take sides and cling onto some belief of what happened.

But really, none of us know a thing and in my opinion it can only do justice to any and all victims to ask questions where answers are missing.

The public should see every detail of this, because they have been subjected to it day in and day out.
Their grasp on the nation's attention is astounding. The ability to divide us, terrifying.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

And tear it down they will. They will say the memories are just too terrible and haunting to leave it stand. With it, another piece of this terrible puzzle will be removed from the public eye forever.

And as each new draconian law is enacted they will follow shortly behind with a re-construction of the story which suits their liking, which serves as a means to their shameful end game. But, the damage has been done. They will point to all the “kooks” and fear mongers they have created and say…

“See? Look at all the madness which has befallen the people in the wake of this terrible tragedy. You need us to protect you from yourself. We were right all along. You are not responsible enough to govern yourselves and your own actions. No, we must intervene; it is obvious we must intrude further into your obviously deluded minds. It’s for the common good…it is for the children.”

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, they will say. Worry not about things you are clearly not capable of understanding (i.e. Benghazi, LIBOR, F&F, etc.), as they yank the chains to belch smoke and fire, striking fear into the masses. The whole time their loyal following of MSM will be doting on their every word, championing their cause and furthering their agenda.

Yes, indeed you do ‘get it’. If there is a conspiracy surrounding the Sandy Hook tragedy, this would be it.

BTW...thank you for the compliment!

edit on 1/20/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: bbcode syntax

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Sek82

Very well stated.

I feel that they're soon going to be promoting the phrase "Never forget" with Sandy Hook just like they did with 9/11. Every year on the anniversary of the massacre, we'll be bombarded with images and sad videos from the tragedy and the MSM will tell us what has changed in the year since "Sandy Hook happened to America."
Remember, never forget. After 10 years of celebrating the anniversary, the next generation will be convinced of the official story and not question things that are were and are still done to prevent another Sandy Hook.
Indoctrination through media propaganda.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Indoctrination through media propaganda.

That and more. The media historically has always been left leaning, but back in the days of old 'freedom' was left of center. Today it's the exact opposite yet the media lap dogs still lean left, and the reason for this is money. Money, laziness and apathy. In order to maintain this lifestyle more and more tax dollars need to be diverted to support these programs, and in order to maintain popular support more and more people need to be pointed towards them. This maintains the support base at the expense of individual freedoms. Now 'freedom' exists right of center, but the media hasn't followed.

No, their handlers have the media under complete control. The little guy is no longer the independent one, but the dependent one. It is a complete paradigm transformation. The media feeds the machine, which in turn rewards the media with millions upon millions of loyal viewers who languish on the couch, eating their government cheese, watching their programs and buying their sponsors products with their assistance checks. How better to create an army of machines believing everthing they see and hear. If it wasn't so horrifying, I'd say it is sheer brilliance. At the end of the day though it's not sustainable...not here, not anywhere.

There are those who have their eyes open to all of this...and those who refuse to see. They see only the evil that the infernal box in the living room tells them is evil.

And we wonder why...

edit on 1/20/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: syntax

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Sek82

reply to post by Gltichy
What bothers me the most is like you said, it's all speculation. So naturally, people take sides and cling onto some belief of what happened.

But really, none of us know a thing and in my opinion it can only do justice to any and all victims to ask questions where answers are missing.

The public should see every detail of this, because they have been subjected to it day in and day out.
Their grasp on the nation's attention is astounding. The ability to divide us, terrifying.

Sadly, this is true...however, I still have faith in my countrymen and women to rise above the superficial and understand the whole of our situation...we are coming to a fork in the road...and we will collectively have to make a very tough decision they say, a storm is coming.

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by Sek82

Very well stated.

I feel that they're soon going to be promoting the phrase "Never forget" with Sandy Hook just like they did with 9/11. Every year on the anniversary of the massacre, we'll be bombarded with images and sad videos from the tragedy and the MSM will tell us what has changed in the year since "Sandy Hook happened to America."
Remember, never forget. After 10 years of celebrating the anniversary, the next generation will be convinced of the official story and not question things that are were and are still done to prevent another Sandy Hook.
Indoctrination through media propaganda.

In order to do this, there has to be footage of any type to actually show and remind us...which there is a significant lack of at this time. Not talking about gruesome gore pictures, but there are little to no pictures of any type of urgency at all...which is why the entire situation has become speculative and fishy...amongst a slew of other reasons.

Regardless of the Sandy Hook issues...I really think it is starting to get people to wake up to the lies we're being fed in other situations. I have quite a few friends who are MSM nuts, believe it all without a doubting and asking questions. Gotta say, at least there is something good coming from all the bs involved. So, perhaps it will help everyone to start asking tougher questions...maybe start standing back up after sitting for such a long, long time...One can hope, right?

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