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Pa. kindergartner suspended for bubble gun remark, and other stupid 'zero tolerance' stories

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+28 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:09 PM

MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. (AP) — A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten. Her family has hired an attorney to fight the punishment, which initially was 10 days but was reduced to two. Attorney Robin Ficker says Mount Carmel Area School District officials labeled the girl a "terrorist threat" for the bubble gun remark, made Jan. 10 as both girls waited for a school bus.

Yeah, 5 year old terrorists now.
Thank you Comrade Obama and your liberal left for this beyond ridiculous crap going on in schools. This 'zero tolerance' crap has gone WAY too far.

Other stories similiar to this is of a child eating a slice of pizza into the shape of a gun, then pointing it at someone else, then gets suspended

SMYRNA, Tenn. - For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the "silent table" for allegedly waving around a slice of pizza some say resembled a gun.

Or how about the deaf child Hunter, not being allowed to sign his name because the sign is holding your fingers up like an imaginary gun:

GRAND ISLAND, Neb. (CBS St. Louis) — A Nebraska school district asked a deaf preschooler to change his sign language name because they believe the hand motion he used looked like he was shooting a gun. The family of 3-year-old Hunter Spanjer said that their deaf son’s sign gesture violates the Grand Island Public Schools weapons policy. “He’s deaf, and his name sign, they say, is a violation of their weapons policy,” Brian Spanjer,Hunter’s father, told Nebraska based news channel KOLN.

Again, thank you Comrade Obama and your liberal left for demonizing firearms, the same TOOLS, (yes its a TOOL folks) that secured our freedom as a nation.
All of you who fall for this outright propaganda should be ASHAMED of yourselves!!!

edit on 1/19/2013 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:19 PM
This is just the next phase of indoctrination. These kids will soon grow up to fear guns because of the severe punishment they received in their formative years from the mere mention of them. They don't even need to be the subject of the punishment - just witness to the example made of the one kid in their class like this little girl.

Then how easy would it be to confiscate guns when most of today's gun owners are elderly and no one under 30 even owns one?

It. Is. By. Design.

Educate your kids on how to use guns, people. We have to counter this obvious attack NOW.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:23 PM
I agree but I find it so funny you are blaming Obama (who I also do not like BTW)

-These Policies came with the Bush Administration. No GI Joe Toys in school even (as they have "guns")

Some of you people act like it was such a great "free" nation with no stupid rules until Obama came along- Like the "Obama Phone" which really was the Ronald Reagen Phone- Obama has strengthened the stupidity but didnt start it.
Thank Comrade Bush for most of this.

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN
I agree but I find it so funny you are blaming Obama (who I also do not like BTW)

-These Policies came with the Bush Administration. No GI Joe Toys in school even (as they have "guns")

Some of you people act like it was such a great "free" nation with no stupid rules until Obama came along- Like the "Obama Phone" which really was the Ronald Reagen Phone- Obama has strengthened the stupidity but didnt start it.
Thank Comrade Bush for most of this.

You know what, dude, you are not incorrect, but Bush and Reagan are not president right now. Obama is. And he has the ability to reverse any bad policies of prior administrations. BUT HE HAS NOT. So it IS Obama's fault today. He rightfully deserves the blame.

edit on 19-1-2013 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN
I agree but I find it so funny you are blaming Obama (who I also do not like BTW)

-These Policies came with the Bush Administration. No GI Joe Toys in school even (as they have "guns")

Some of you people act like it was such a great "free" nation with no stupid rules until Obama came along- Like the "Obama Phone" which really was the Ronald Reagen Phone- Obama has strengthened the stupidity but didnt start it.
Thank Comrade Bush for most of this.

You know what, dude, you are not incorrect, but Bush and Reagan are not president right now. Obama is. And he has the ability to reverse any bad policies of prior administrations. BUT HE HAS NOT. So it IS Obama's fault today. He rightfully deserves the blame.

Stop trying to deflect criticism for your hero.

edit on 19-1-2013 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

Hmmmm- I can agree with that but I see so much blamed on Obama which started with Bush that it seems to allow Bush's Policies a free pass.

-Also, anyone who is pointing Blame rightfully where it belongs does not make Obama a "hero"- I hate both parties and voted Libertarian (I dont particularly agree with them either) as a protest vote- The parties are two sides of the same coin and both need blame for...everything.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:36 PM
Wow this is getting more and more ludicrous by the minute. If I was the parents of the deaf child, I would be outraged that the school is trying to get him to change the way their child signs his name. That's like telling someone that they spell their name wrong and need to change the way it is spelled. Actually if I was the parents of any of these children I would be suing the pants off each of these schools and making it as public as possible so that other parents (and their children) learn to fight for what is right. These are all clear violations of the 1st amendment.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN
I agree but I find it so funny you are blaming Obama (who I also do not like BTW)

-These Policies came with the Bush Administration. No GI Joe Toys in school even (as they have "guns")

Some of you people act like it was such a great "free" nation with no stupid rules until Obama came along- Like the "Obama Phone" which really was the Ronald Reagen Phone- Obama has strengthened the stupidity but didnt start it.
Thank Comrade Bush for most of this.

You know what, dude, you are not incorrect, but Bush and Reagan are not president right now. Obama is. And he has the ability to reverse any bad policies of prior administrations. BUT HE HAS NOT. So it IS Obama's fault today. He rightfully deserves the blame.

(Gives a Cigar and a bag of premium carrots)

Thank You!

It's about time someone says this and I'm so tired of having to ALWAYS include the obligatory "and Bush did..." or "Of course, it's not ALL Obama because..." lest anyone not qualifying all that be termed a political hack, shill or worse.Indeed.... Past Presidents helped make it. We all know this....past Presidents are just that though, Past. Blaming them as if it some how excuses bad behavior for a current one is how Obama gets away with everything.

When everyone is to one is to blame in the end ...and everything is open to interpretation. Rules are negotiable and laws are just gentle guidelines. After all, no one's to blame ...because everyone is.
It's quite a road we're on, isn't it?

To the OP Topic: I say we, as parents, fight and resist these EVERY opportunity that comes up until one thing happens. Teachers agree to be held TO the same 0 tolerance and ZERO care for explanation on misconduct of any kind which they hold our children to. Equal rules for everyone and I'd good with it. However, teachers (or school admin..or both) all too often see themselves as 'above' all that and busting the crap out of the kids on EVERYTHING is about 'but if ONE did it...they'd all do it!'. That logic made sense in grade school..BETWEEN children. It's pathetic to hear from grown adults.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:36 PM
This kinda crap actually started in the 90s, thats the earliest that i recall hearing about it anyway.
I graduated from a small East Tx school in 88 and it was normal for kids to drive to school with rifles/shotguns in the gun racks of their pickups and showing them off in the parking lots before and after school.
Never had a shooting their either, although we did have a kid that threatened to blow up the school once a month, he liked me though, so hed tell me where the bomb was going to be every month lol

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:54 PM

We are probably going to agree 95% of the time. Bush did a great disservice to this country with the Patriot Act resulting from the whole 9/11 theatre where anyone with the ability to reason knows exactly what happened.

But, Obama is at the wheel right now in his second term. It is HIS ship and HE is responsible. He did nothing but blame Bush for everything, but did nothing himself. He just inherited his own mess.

A took the 'hero' comment out - I mistakenly assumed that you were pro-Obama. Kind of a knee-jerk reaction these days.

edit on 19-1-2013 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN
I agree but I find it so funny you are blaming Obama (who I also do not like BTW)

-These Policies came with the Bush Administration. No GI Joe Toys in school even (as they have "guns")

Obama had no problem RESIGNING these. Especially since they are being used to curtail our rights......

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:08 PM
Indoctrination is exactly what is going on here. the socialist movement has waited until world war 2 and those involved had died and become a distant memory to make their move. TPTB have used TIME instead of force to bring about the agenda.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:10 PM

No problem- Yes, Obama is a tyrant- hands down. I also understand the reaction.

Heres the things though, Our STATE Governments do not have to go along with Federal law and even with these ridiculous "Firearm/assault weapon" laws, my State is going to skirt the law .

We also have "right to light" as a Law which means Michigan can make and sell Incandescent Light Bulbs (again, skirting a Federal Ban) along with several other federal laws we ignore.

-That said, our schools are becoming Prisons and our Governor seems to be fine with this- Kids cannot even have candy on their Birthday or at "Holiday" parties and kids have been suspended for making "gun" gestures with their fingers.

It is such a changed time from when I went to school- Hell, Opening day of 'deer season" (both gun and Bow) were excused absences to Hunters in my old school district (still are) and like someone mentioned it was not unheard of for our parking lot to contain vehicles with hunting rifles- I also grew up in a very small town. For the past 10 or so years the same school has banned Halloween Costumes with even plastic weapons (like Ninja Swords)
-It really is a shame what the kids today are going through.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:15 PM
here's her sister assaulting a police officer with automatic bubble fire.

notice her controlling the recoil by burst firing and almost scoring multiple direct hits.

thankfully, the powers that be, have dismantled this terrorist bubble cell.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:16 PM
I hate "toy guns" there is no such thing it is just a gun that doesn't fire bullets. When you tell kids to shoot each other cops and robber style you are giving the impression that guns are not dangerous. They should stop making them but when "toy guns" we're popular kids got proper education regarding them for the most part. Now you have kids confused over guns and being punished for playing with toys their parents bought them. This will scare kids and will keep them from getting proper education regarding them.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by randomname

Ya know, when I watched that, I knew that when the cop got his panties in a bunch over the bubbles, the girl was going to end up getting cuffed. He had already decided.

Children playing with bubbles = perfectly safe and fun.
Cops getting 'detergent' in their eyes from same bubbles = assault.

Welcome to bizarro world, folks. Everything is illegal if a cop says it is.

Time for a do-over. Put these kinds of people in gulags and rebuild this country to what it should have become instead of this communist-infiltrated sh*thole with weak-minded people running things. Yeah I said it.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:05 PM
Posted in the "tardy" thread, so I decided to include it here, as well...

I agree that our educators are out of control!

My former boss was a FFL and his 10 year old son was suspended for mentioning to another student that his dad had guns at home! The school even sent deputies to my boss's home, to "confirm" that the weapons were "legal"....My boss's wife told them to take a flying leap! And, referred them to her husband...

Ridiculousness abounds throughout, where civil servants are concerned!

What DO we do about it??? Indeed.....

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
Then how easy would it be to confiscate guns when most of today's gun owners are elderly and no one under 30 even owns one?

Man I thought that was what SH was for. So they need this too? But wont this take longer? These kids have to grow up before they're scared enough to hand over guns.

Man, next they'll be looking for a way to make a time machine to go back in time and kill the founding fathers. They won't stop till they have all your guns.

I didn't know obama also created legislation to hassle kids in school who play pretend. What an evil man.

- also

Typical idiot school. Don't fear the bogey man taking your stuff, fear what these cretins who are supposed to be educating your children, are teaching them.

I mean, I know idiots when I see them in real life, they sometimes get jobs in schools. Often. They are the sort of people who don't have a clue about common sense, and rule their own world with strict regulation up the jacksie. Some I would say suffer from it. Like OCD.

No pecking on the cheek, sexual assault. Call the police.
No panadol. Drug user. Call the police.
No pretend guns. Terrorist. Call the police.
Cowboys and Indians. Racist. Call the media.. wait, no the media...

Stupid people teaching your kids. Not much you can do about legislating against it, or having a go at the end result such as this.

I am amazed these morons - pulling a kid out into the principals office for childish behaviour, and treating it as a representation of a severe global problem - manage to secure any sort of job. Should be a pre-requisite. "Are you slow?" and if the answer takes longer than 5 seconds, you're out.

edit on 19-1-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:20 PM

I'm not sure the President actually does anything besides distract from the people away from the cameras making the real choices.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:22 PM
It could be part of the conditioning process to instill fear of authority so they grow up not daring to step out of line of even the tiniest little thing or thought. Add to that the conditioning of being suscribed types of medication to control their disruptive behavior, as to the many reported incidents being made on ATS, then you will have a recipe for producing weak humans of soul and mind ideal for agreeing to bad agendas proposed by dishonest government.

Those teaching educators are a prime example of such an outcome for todays young child, a template of narrow and non critical thinking helped by the MSM propaganda and the future human will beome a blissful ignorant drone.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by randomname

That made me really angry. It's not even 10am and I want to break a window. And it's sunday.

Ohhhh.. I hate that guy so much.

I don't believe what is happening... ALL of this is why they don't need a ruse to take your weapons. They don't need anything. They'll just swan in and take what they want and if you try anything, you'll get attitude, arrogance, and attacked.

All of this "It's a plot to ra ra ra" baloney is sheer madness. They don't need squat to take anything.

They're already walking all over you at every possible point.

I never in my life would have thought I'd see the day where blowing bubbles in school, making a pizza gun (bananas anyone?) or blowing bubbles at a protest, would result in an outright overuse and abuse of legal powers.


they don't need to pull the rug out from under you. They've got you in a net already.

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