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Could Ghosts Be Imprints In Time?

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posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:46 AM
Searched every way I could for a similar thread, came up with nothing, so if it exists my apologies.

Now there are some instances to counter my question, such as people actually interacting with ghosts/spirits, whatever you want to call them, as well as being attacked or what not, but could at least some encounters be imprints in time?

What makes me ask this, is many years ago as a youth (I'm 28 now) I learned that sound waves stay in the air forever. For example if you had an amplifier that was powerful enough you could go to where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address and hear him actually giving it.

I've thought since I first learned of that, that what if the same thing is possible with our own image? It wouldn't even have to be some major event to cause it, but what if there was some glitch (for lack of a better term) within this plane that caused an imprint of your image/likeness to be copied and from time to time something we haven't discovered causes that image to appear from time to time. That could explain why ghosts are often times seen in the same spot and always conveying the same image.

Not trying to derail my own thread, but as far as the interactions with ghosts, I do believe in the afterlife, whether it be as religion teaches it or not, I believe there is existence after we pass and believe some people just can't let go for whatever reason after passing. As far as the negative spirits are concerned, I believe those to be evil spirits, whether it's demons or just mean/evil people who still want to mess with the living I'm not sure, but do believe there is both good and bad in the afterlife.

One of the most frightening tales I've heard of was from the show The Haunting (really good show btw), and this woman was giving an account about how she had this roommate who was very friendly and outgoing and pretty soon a little boy started appearing to him. He became a recluse and eventually started going farther and farther into a downward spiral until she finally had to move out because she became scared just being around him. She knew this "boy" was causing this but he kept insisting that he wasn't and that it was his job to help the child.

Well the day she told him she was moving out, she went to leave the apartment and as she turned around one last time to get a last look at the apartment the boy appeared to her and instantly turned into a grey, black-eyed creature (possibly demon?) with twisted limbs and the most terrifying gaze. She claims she never heard from her friend again and that he disappeared.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 02:23 AM
When you say "imprints" are you talking about residual hauntings? Where they say the environment plays back images that occurred in the past?

If so, I question the idea. How come we don't hear reports of residual (non-intelligent) hauntings where ghosts of currently living people appear. Residual imprints sound reasonable but they really don't make sense to me.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 02:28 AM
I would very much like your source as to where you "learned" that sound waves stay in the air forever. There is no way that you would be able to go back and listen to Lincoln give his speech at Gettysburg even with the worlds largest amplifier. The sound energy has traveled, been stretched out, absorbed, and converted into heat energy. What that original sound was is no longer in the air.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by MadhatterTheGreat
Now there are some instances to counter my question, such as people actually interacting with ghosts/spirits,

People aren't "actually" interacting with ghosts/spirits, they only claim to do so.

whatever you want to call them, as well as being attacked or what not, but could at least some encounters be imprints in time?

No, because you are talking about details in a context that doesn't exist in itself.

What makes me ask this, is many years ago as a youth (I'm 28 now) I learned that sound waves stay in the air forever.

You learnt wrong. This was not in physics class, was it?

For example if you had an amplifier that was powerful enough you could go to where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address and hear him actually giving it.

Nope, that is incorrect.

I've thought since I first learned of that, that what if the same thing is possible with our own image?

Again you are assuming things on already incorrect things.
You should reverse and learn about "sound waves". Speculating is quite pointless in itself, but it gets quite ridiculous if your starting point is incorrect - too. Don't you think?

It wouldn't even have to be some major event to cause it, but what if there was some glitch (for lack of a better term) within this plane that caused an imprint of your image/likeness to be copied and from time to time something we haven't discovered causes that image to appear from time to time.

some glitch? this plane? imprint of your image/likeness? copied? time to time? something?

Why not: "The great pink horse that rules us all stores the chosen ones' spirits and leaves them on earth as to remind the rest of the powers of the pink horse." ?

That could explain why ghosts are often times seen in the same spot and always conveying the same image.

No, it couldn't.

But as far as the interactions with ghosts, I do believe in the afterlife,

What you believe or not isn't important to reality.

whether it be as religion teaches it or not, I believe there is existence after we pass and believe some people just can't let go for whatever reason after passing.

So, can't actually say that this thing exists or why. You just "believe" that it's because of "religion or not", and "believe" "some people" can't let go for "whatever reason".

As far as the negative spirits are concerned,

Negative spirits? Tell me more!

I believe those to be evil spirits, whether it's demons or just mean/evil people who still want to mess with the living I'm not sure, but do believe there is both good and bad in the afterlife.

Oh... so.. believe in evil spirits, and they are.. well, demons, or mean.. or... evil... not sure.. but believe.. good and bad.

So all in all.. I'd suggest you to learn more about the world as we know it. Maybe "mysterious" things will become less mysterious, you'd need less "believing" and more "knowing", and then you'd have a good starting point in how to approach these "ghosts".

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:02 AM
The imprint made me think of how some talk of the phenomena like it's being ran over and over...perhaps under certain conditions scene's can be captured like on magnetic tape of a cassette. Certain electro-magnetic fields during whatever create the residual, and certain conditions play the imprint sounds fringe but not exactly outside the realm of plausibility in science. I think setting up experiments to capture a scene and experiments to play it back; could open up a whole can of worms for research if it could be pulled off.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness
The imprint made me think of how some talk of the phenomena like it's being ran over and over...perhaps under certain conditions scene's can be captured like on magnetic tape of a cassette. Certain electro-magnetic fields during whatever create the residual, and certain conditions play the imprint sounds fringe but not exactly outside the realm of plausibility in science. I think setting up experiments to capture a scene and experiments to play it back; could open up a whole can of worms for research if it could be pulled off.

I think that is exactly what happens - you know when you read stories about several witnesses who have seen Roman soldiers walking through walls, seeing the battle on Normandy beaches etc etc. These appear to be 'people' just going about their business in their own time and somehow it leaks into our time/space - somehow. So maybe that can also see us ?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

You mean at the end why they don't see and react to us? If so then yeah, why interact with us if it's just a scene captured by some phenomena we aren't aware of? The TV doesn't change or interact with us; so why would the scene being played from the phenomena change?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness
reply to post by HelenConway

You mean at the end why they don't see and react to us? If so then yeah, why interact with us if it's just a scene captured by some phenomena we aren't aware of? The TV doesn't change or interact with us; so why would the scene being played from the phenomena change?

I don't exactly mean that. They are in their world going about their business such as marching or fighting or just walking. They can interact if they see us .

That is why they do not interact with things such as walls or walk at the floor level of their time, so they often appear to be floating.

BUT I believe there are many scenerios - so maybe they can see us , some of them and we would be like ghosts.

Maybe they are NOT dead but alive in their timeline.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Hmm I have not personally witnessed any of this phenomena...but when I was younger over 20 years ago I did a lot of thinking about the experience of deja vu. I had it for a full day; and it was frustrating that I could not get the next event's out of my mouth before they started occurring. It shook my foundations of reality a bit, because it seemed as if we had already ran the script of our lives previously.

I pictured a string of me through time looking much like a time lapse photo. I figured that somehow there are gaps in this chain; and we leap ahead for an instant over the gap, yet still in the present frame that is a gap and witness the one slightly ahead...and I left it at that.

A bit over 10 years later, I was in town visiting my mother. I was laying on the couch and I had a very quick flash of three things. She says my name, and either A. I could respond and she would walk in and say what are you doing? B. I could pretend I was asleep and she would walk in and ask if I was playing opossum or C. not respond she walk in and say why didn't you answer? It was a quick flash that took less than a second. As soon as the flash ended she said my name; I quickly decided B, close my eyes and pretend I was asleep...sure enough, she walked in and said are you playing opossum.

I have not experienced any more full days of deja vu thank goodness, nor the quick flash of three played out choices before hand.

I am not sure why your post brought back these experiences other than' running on a script of some sort; if we think of our movement across our whole life as a time lapse photo, there will be many many points where this energy over laps and possibly collects, perhaps this is the differentiation of intelligent residual, and those that just script regardless of anything or anyone around them? Walls; perhaps a wall wasn't there at the time of the script, floating perhaps there was once a structure there t one point no longer there to walk on?

As stated I personally have not experienced any of this phenomena; so I am using logic and rationality to reach the best possible conclusion I can arrive at...if I have arrived any where or just filled this space with conjecture; only the more experienced of this phenomena can say. Because I honestly don't know, I have been curious of the ghost/paranormal phenomena for many years but never any in depth study of it.

I have smelled perfume in a house I lived in alone; just a cloud of it in mid air, at various places in the house randomly, it smelled like cheap alcohol ridden perfume old ladies wear. I paid little attention to it; until my sister was visiting and said, I thought you didn't have a girl friend. I said I don't. she said oh. I said why? She said when I walked into the kitchen I smelled perfume. Whether that's an actual paranormal experience I can't say. When I quit renting the house and moved on; I have not ran across the phenomena again.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:58 AM
I believe what the experiences of deja-vu and other sorts of acid-trip phenomenon are essentially are lapses in our intellect.... which is a falsely constructed set of beliefs about who we are and where we are.

The Matrix does a pretty good job of allegorizing it.

We're slaves to a false being... a "Computer" being, if you will. A dead thing.

Until we see a glimpse of this computer being, we won't know any reality beyond our own forehead.

I'm not sure how someone may go about finding this out willingly. Mostly it happens by mistake, I believe.

It all starts with some guy saying something cryptic to you, and you going "Hey man... you're nuts!"

And then you end up here. Then you end up joining a death cult or a life cult or some sort of cult.

Then you give up and resign yourself to death in Hell.

And then reality unravels and you see the people upstairs.

Then The Lord of Death appears like thunder out of a storm cloud.

"Woops, did I just see something I shouldn't? Sure feels like it."

Perhaps eventually, God Himself might take a shining to you....

But that's for God to decide. You just stumble and fall most of the way.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by PnezakYahakotima

Interesting how irrational can seem rational based on experience

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by PnezakYahakotima
I believe what the experiences of deja-vu and other sorts of acid-trip phenomenon are essentially are lapses in our intellect.... which is a falsely constructed set of beliefs about who we are and where we are.

The Matrix does a pretty good job of allegorizing it.

We're slaves to a false being... a "Computer" being, if you will. A dead thing.

Until we see a glimpse of this computer being, we won't know any reality beyond our own forehead.

I'm not sure how someone may go about finding this out willingly. Mostly it happens by mistake, I believe.

It all starts with some guy saying something cryptic to you, and you going "Hey man... you're nuts!"

And then you end up here. Then you end up joining a death cult or a life cult or some sort of cult.

Then you give up and resign yourself to death in Hell.

And then reality unravels and you see the people upstairs.

Then The Lord of Death appears like thunder out of a storm cloud.

"Woops, did I just see something I shouldn't? Sure feels like it."

Perhaps eventually, God Himself might take a shining to you....

But that's for God to decide. You just stumble and fall most of the way.

are you saying here that people on drugs hallucinate ?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by SkipIntro

They do occur in the living. I hAve witnessed it a couple of times and my hubby says I do it a lot-he will see me at my desk and talk to me but I will be in the bathroom. He will act surprised and be like..."I just saw you over there"I hAve never seen myself like that though. I think time space imprinting makes as much sense as anything.
edit on 20-1-2013 by hadriana because: autocorrect turned as into an axe

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness
reply to post by HelenConway

Hmm I have not personally witnessed any of this phenomena...but when I was younger over 20 years ago I did a lot of thinking about the experience of deja vu. I had it for a full day; and it was frustrating that I could not get the next event's out of my mouth before they started occurring. It shook my foundations of reality a bit, because it seemed as if we had already ran the script of our lives previously.

I pictured a string of me through time looking much like a time lapse photo. I figured that somehow there are gaps in this chain; and we leap ahead for an instant over the gap, yet still in the present frame that is a gap and witness the one slightly ahead...and I left it at that.

A bit over 10 years later, I was in town visiting my mother. I was laying on the couch and I had a very quick flash of three things. She says my name, and either A. I could respond and she would walk in and say what are you doing? B. I could pretend I was asleep and she would walk in and ask if I was playing opossum or C. not respond she walk in and say why didn't you answer? It was a quick flash that took less than a second. As soon as the flash ended she said my name; I quickly decided B, close my eyes and pretend I was asleep...sure enough, she walked in and said are you playing opossum.

I have not experienced any more full days of deja vu thank goodness, nor the quick flash of three played out choices before hand.

I am not sure why your post brought back these experiences other than' running on a script of some sort; if we think of our movement across our whole life as a time lapse photo, there will be many many points where this energy over laps and possibly collects, perhaps this is the differentiation of intelligent residual, and those that just script regardless of anything or anyone around them? Walls; perhaps a wall wasn't there at the time of the script, floating perhaps there was once a structure there t one point no longer there to walk on?

I guess we all have different experiences, but I though deja vu was a bit different - more a moment of ' oh' 'this is feeling familiar'.

I do not think all 'ghosts' are time slips, some I believe, especially in areas of high amounts granite are like holograms, just a tape playing, others I think are spirits who are conscious and are in another dimension most of the time and are 'visiting', others are energy fragments from deceased souls/ people.

It is quite a complicated subject really. However, like you say, maybe sitting in your home, being enveloped with wafts of perfume is actually you having an olfactory timeslip ?

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:18 AM
The soul is 'clothed' in many layers...not all of these 'layers' are divested at passing (as they are unnecessary for the locale they go to)...and, during traumatic events, these 'layers' can remain at the places where the event occured...

But, not all hauntings are a result of this phenomena.


posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

I didn't mean exactly a time slip, but as you are moving around you leave energy trails, skin cells, dna, all sorts of fun. Most haunting I have heard of get called a residual haunting. Leaving energy en-mass at spots by your heavily traveled trails; this might lead to the experiencing of this phenomena of interaction? Like you leave energy or an imprint. Perhaps the actual residual that runs like script is not due to the people in the script; but the viewer of the scene's energy imprint?

The reason I say this is because if it manifested; from those in the scene, then it would have to be an energy projection captured from the materials in the area. But if not it arises from; being in the right place at the right time, like the spot of the camera that takes the photo...simply because without a mirror you cannot see yourself or those behind you if walking in line in a group, meaning the residual has to either be a projection of the environment phenomena or a projection from the viewers energy left in the exact spot they viewed the scene from.

I hope that makes sense; for a little more clarity, if the scene manifested from someone in the group wouldn't it be logical to assume; the view wouldn't be the whole scene, but just from that individuals point of view?

If I had experience of haunting or ghosts etc. perhaps then I could form a better theory for the phenomena. Time shifts do exist but you have to be moving at or near the speed of light to accomplish it, according to what I know of science. So do other dimensions and parallel universe theories are gaining more ground everyday current research points out that it is more likely than not. Fun stuff.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness
reply to post by HelenConway

I didn't mean exactly a time slip, but as you are moving around you leave energy trails, skin cells, dna, all sorts of fun. Most haunting I have heard of get called a residual haunting. Leaving energy en-mass at spots by your heavily traveled trails; this might lead to the experiencing of this phenomena of interaction? Like you leave energy or an imprint. Perhaps the actual residual that runs like script is not due to the people in the script; but the viewer of the scene's energy imprint?

The reason I say this is because if it manifested; from those in the scene, then it would have to be an energy projection captured from the materials in the area. But if not it arises from; being in the right place at the right time, like the spot of the camera that takes the photo...simply because without a mirror you cannot see yourself or those behind you if walking in line in a group, meaning the residual has to either be a projection of the environment phenomena or a projection from the viewers energy left in the exact spot they viewed the scene from.

I hope that makes sense; for a little more clarity, if the scene manifested from someone in the group wouldn't it be logical to assume; the view wouldn't be the whole scene, but just from that individuals point of view?

If I had experience of haunting or ghosts etc. perhaps then I could form a better theory for the phenomena. Time shifts do exist but you have to be moving at or near the speed of light to accomplish it, according to what I know of science. So do other dimensions and parallel universe theories are gaining more ground everyday current research points out that it is more likely than not. Fun stuff.

Yes I understand - that is what I thought you meant. However - I am still not convinced that the smells / visions etc are not timeslips. I do not think our present understanding of physics can explain this anyway - where is Professor Cox when you need him !

I believe if it is a time slip - they may be able to see us, as we can see them. I am still convinced that many 'ghosts' are of this phenomena.

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