reply to post by QMask
QMask said:
"Hi LipstickMystic,
Thank you for your very optimistic post.
I enjoyed reading your post, and it made me think about similar claims that I have heard in the past.
Personally, I have not really seen or experienced the things that you are talking about in your post. Things like: "miraculous healings, amazing
manifestations, or other experiences most people rate as impossible".
If these "miracles" do in fact happen, I often wonder if they come from a "good" source, or a "bad" source.
From your post, I get the impression that you believe these "miracles" come from a "good" source."
Hi, QMask!
These types of events become pretty normal when you're not busy going around thinking you're an evil rotten sinner who isn't allowed to use your OWN
intelligence and energy to create really cool events.
It's not coming from a "source" at all. Just the spiritual energy we all have inside of us, which can also collaborate with energies from the Earth
(who is immensely good and loving, in case you're wondering!) or with the loving power of the Universe (not "god;" that being as worshipped in Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity fits the textbook definition of a clinical psychopath, and it is one of many "archons" or negative interdimensional beings
who throw humanity off track --- mostly by getting them to stop USING and PLAYING with the incredible energy of their own spirit.)
I come at things from a performing arts background, and I find that creative people who are used to playing, improvising, and creating seem to make
the jump into having ongoing mystical and/or psychic experiences most readily. It really helps to learn to shape, mold, and create energy, using tools
like emotion, visualization, and improvisation. Too often popular metaphysical "schools" of thought like the Eastern traditions of yoga or the
self-hating Judeo/Christian philosophies move people AWAY from joyfully and dynamically entering into wonderful experiences with energy.
Just my two cents!
I write a lot more about using the natural "tech" that we already have inside us to experience amazing things at my website.
edit on 29-1-2013 by LipstickMystic because: (no reason given)