reply to post by skepticconwatcher
You are right on all counts. They are the most patriotic, and duty bound people. The real defenders of the country. Its sword and its shield. Its
candle of vigilant light in the darkness.
That said.
The other side of the coin is that people are not sure about anything the government does anymore. They feel something is afoot and honestly it sort
of is. 9/11 was used as a vehicle to pass legislation that was entirely unconstitutional.
I am not a 9/11 freak. I say regardless of the story being correct or not, PATRIOT ACT was not written shortly after the attack. It was written LONG
before the attack took place. The lives of Americans bought the roadway to illegal and fundamentally flawed legislature and a whole series of
perversions to the country.
I am not saying NOTHING had to be done. I am saying that it should have been decided on with logic and reason, not as it was done.
Then we were sold on a costly war against an enemy that really was the sort of deterrent we needed in the ME.
Saddam didn't like insurgents and radical Islamist. He would have kept them in check in his territory. We instead gave them every thing from reason to
draw support against us as well as a training grounds in which to make hardened fighters for the cause of what ever enemy of our country there is.
I am not one to say all lives are precious and no war is ever necessary. I understand that we need to keep a steady number of hardened and well
trained combat forces. I understand that that is only possible by ACTUALLY fighting someone.
That said, we chose the wrong enemy IMO. The choice was made by profiteers, not strategic minds.
The country pays the price, they get the benefits.
That was 2 major lies with dire consequences that the American public watched on in horror. We have learned of the MASSIVE propaganda effort being
coordinated by retired military acting as "specialists" before the war appearing on FOX and such that made the case for the war. We saw them as direct
messengers to a lie and a FALSE threat.
We have our doubts about 9/11 having been told to us as it really happened. Really at this point it is mute. The truth will eventually come out, but
that is neither here or there.
That is not even mentioning Libya and Syria, as well as Egypt where we condoned the use of the largest mercenary force ever assembled that got its
feet off the ground in Iraq and moved into Turkey a little more experienced.
We then saw the third major lie and final stroke to the governments credibility with the American people. The financial collapse. People REALLY
organized and successfully pressured DC to NOT bail out the banks.
What did the government do after listening to them.....?....they went ahead in the next couple weeks and did it Anyways..
That IMO was the last straw for MANY people. Then they tried to elect someone to represent them.
Dr. Ron Paul. While he was made out to be a fringe player, he only was made out to be so because what he was saying was EXACTLY what the people were
saying to themselves. HE basically WAS the American voice, and it was completely disqualified from the get go even though he best represented the
country. Both sides of the isle.
So the people are seeing now more unconstitutional behavior and opportunism by the elected. This Sandy Hook tragedy was just awful, but instead of
respect for the people the agenda driven mad men saw an opportunity to pass legislation that has been waiting for a very long time. Since really
before Kennedy.
The US is to be disarmed. Say what you will, but that is on the books, and just waiting in one form or the other, like PATRIOT ACT was....
PL87-297 Arms Control and Disarmament Act /State Department Publication No.7277
so really can you blame them?
I mean I understand where you are coming from but you are better off trying to understand where they are coming from. If not you make them into rabid
liberal morons and you risk becoming a dumb-ass conservative freak all out of spite IMO.
We need to meet half way. Our countries unity is really at stake because the way I see it, we are risking the Union itself. State sovereignty is going
to try and assert itself and the federal government is full of fools who will follow Ego and Gaul over reason and tact.
That will provoke the morons on the left and make them foam at the mouth and THAT will provoke the hard line conservatives to draw blood. (all
figuratively of coarse)......
In the end we will become a very divided country, if not plant the seeds for an outright fractured continent by the time our grand kids receive it.
that is all I have to say really.
have a good day Sir /Maam.
edit on 18-1-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)